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Will I be Eligible for Unemployment Benefits if I Quit my Job?

Do I still get Unemployment Benefits if I were to Quit my Job?

1 Answer

If one gets paid for being out of work then I would choose not to break my back over an arduous job. Now, that may be true in my parallel universe. It’s not really a practical choice though. Think twice if not a hundred times.

Choosing to leave your job doesn’t automatically qualify you to benefit from unemployment. Not to mention you will not obtain the same monetary return as that of your regular wage but just some significant fraction of it. To be legally eligible for unemployment benefits, you can’t just reason out that the job that you have is not the one you’ve always wanted, that you’re not happy and comfortable with your working hours, that you don’t have good working relationships with your office mates, that your salary is not so promising, and the list of unacceptable reasons goes on.

For you to be approved for unemployment benefits there has to be a good and lawful reason behind it. Qualifications also do vary depending on the state or country you are located. It may be hard to identify and enumerate all those; however, the following scenarios will assure one’s entitlement:
1. Employer reduced the amount of the employee’s wage
2. Employer reduced the employee’s working hours
3. Employee has health related condition which is a hindrance to performing the job
4. Work environment doesn’t guarantee safety and security

The basic rule for your application to be approved is that you are unemployed and it was not your fault. It also means that you consider applying for another job whenever there is an opportunity. It’s important that before you quit your job, you properly communicate to your employer the very reason why you are leaving. Previous employer does not necessarily decide whether or not your application gets denied or not. There are cases that the employer will contest on your application even if you feel that you are a qualifier.

When disputes arise, all arguments will be discussed in a hearing. If you can sense your employer’s claim lacks all the strong points then you can represent yourself during hearings. If the employer is a little hard to deal with, you should get a lawyer to defend your right for such benefits.

Most of time, what’s being debated during trials or hearings is if indeed the employee resigned or was fired. There are employers who find ways for you to quit and never benefit. They tend to create the factors so you will get discouraged. In case you are fired and your employer requires you to sign an agreement, make sure to read and understand what’s being stated. Your signature alone may be used against you and will back up their claim for your ineligibility. So think before you quit!

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