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What makes up the Differences between a Fellowship and a Grant?

What exactly is different between a Fellowship and a Grant?

1 Answer

In a Fellowship and a grant, the only beneficiary is the student but how are these two different from each other? They differ in the reason the money is given to a student needing financial assistance to support the student’s education. Both are not requiring the student to pay back the financial assistance in the same way a loan is paid. A fellowship is given to a student who has finished his or her undergraduate studies and at the same time working on a project while pursuing graduate study. Grants on the other hand are given to students who have completed undergraduate and graduate studies and are recipients of particular achievements.

Sometimes the differences between a grant and a fellowship are hardly noticeable. Both of them award money to students needing assistance to continue school and do not need to be paid in a manner a loan is paid. A fellowship is granted to students who have completed undergraduate and grants are given to students who successfully completed undergraduate and graduate studies but there are instances when an undergraduate is eligible for a fellowship. These two differ mainly on the reason the student is receiving the money.

Normally, a fellowship is given to a student who successfully completed undergraduate study and is currently working on a project and at the same time has to finish higher education. The project the student is working on is primarily the reason behind the awarding of fellowship. There are a lot of kinds of fellowships given usually in the field of biochemistry and creative writing.

A grant however is granted to students who are done with their undergraduate and graduate studies and that they are recognized for their scholastic achievements. Grants are coming from federal programs as assistance in recognition of the student’s achievements outside of the academic study. These two financial assistance are very similar in a way that they give assistance and support to deserving people.

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