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What are the Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal?

The Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal

1 Answer

People who are addicted to nicotine use often find the idea of quitting very hard. This is because nicotine withdrawal is not easy and it is accompanied by a number of physical and psychological symptoms that comes with the processes of removing nicotine within the system.

Physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are bearable and people always can do recreations to wander their minds away from the symptoms they are experiencing. The first physical symptom a person will experience is craving. It happens after a few hours up to 72 hours after the last intake of nicotine. Craving is easy to overcome since it will only take a few minutes for it to subside. What a person can do is either take a nap or do activities to distract self from craving.

Irritability is a common symptom of nicotine withdrawal. This is because they are often feeling fatigued and stressed out. Other may experience insomnia while others tend to sleep a lot. Flu-like symptoms also appear which is commonly known as the “smoker’s flu.” Other physical symptoms include dry mouth, sore throat, constipation, nausea, and vomiting. Physical symptoms are easy to manage because medications are readily available to combat these symptoms.

The hardest part of nicotine withdrawal is the psychological symptoms. Mood swings and irritability accompanied by cravings are the hardest part. It can affect work, social life, and family relations. Anxiety and depression is very common and oftentimes these symptoms are very hard to manage. Unlike physical symptoms, psychological symptoms of nicotine withdrawal tend to stay for a couple of months or more making it very hard to manage.

Letting go of nicotine is very hard and people who are undergoing the process need the constant support of family and friends. Others also seek the help of psychologists to help them combat the psychological symptoms.

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