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Difference between a high volume and low volume footbed?

What is the difference between a high volume and low volume footbed?  Difference between a high volume and medium volume insole?

1 Answer

High Volume footbeds will have more cushioning (under the ball of your foot) and overall take up more room in your shoe/boot. Low Volume footbeds will have less cushioning and take up less space in your shoe.

For instance, here's the footbed thickness of Sole Insole footbeds:
- Sole footbeds High Volume insoles have a 3.2mm cushioning layer (thickness)
- Sole footbeds Medium Volume insoles have a 1.6mm cushioning layer (thickness)
- Sole footbeds Low Volume insoles are under 1mm cushioning layer (thickness)

"Insoles can change footwear volume, which is the internal space of the shoe. For hiking boots, a low or narrow foot may benefit from a high-volume insole while a wide or high-volume foot is better served by a low-volume insole. For casual shoes and cycling shoes, low-volume insoles are often the best choice."

Tip: The thickness of your socks will also have a big influence on footwear fit.

By footwear type:
- Is it a high-volume active style like a hiking boot, ski boot or running shoe?
- Is it a low-volume active style like a cycling shoe, in-line skate boot or ski skate boot?

In general, a high-volume insole best suits a high-volume boot; a low-volume insole is needed for a low-volume shoe. However, you may want a High Volume footbed if you want or need more padding underneath the ball of your foot.

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