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What are the Differences between Lust vs. Love?

What Makes Lust Different From Love?

1 Answer

What is Lust?

• It is a temporary emotion. It is not an everlasting feeling.
• It can turn you into a bad and selfless individual. It can make you think of your needs alone disregarding what the other person thinks and feels.
• Lusting on someone means satisfying yourself physically. Once you’re done using that person, then you can go and leave for you are not emotionally attached to that individual.
• Commitment and discipline are never shown in this emotion. That’s the reason why this feeling is often found in couples who are just having a fling.
• It is an attraction towards someone who is physically attractive. You can lust on someone for several reasons. It may be because of that person’s body, lips, hips etc. However, this emotion prevents you from looking into the individual’s personality for you only care about his or her looks and how you can get that person for your own.
• It is a feeling that is born out of physical desires. It is something that you address to your favorite movie star or to some stranger in a bar whom you have just met.

What is Love?

• Love can make you a better person. It can make you do things that can point your life into the right and brighter path.
• Friendship, serenity, peace and joy result from true love. Only genuine love can bring out all of these things from a person.
• Love stops you from hurting somebody emotionally and even physically.
• When you love someone, you want that person to be comfortable, to improve and grow.
• It is a feeling that inspires someone to be committed and disciplined.
• It is a genuine and sincere emotion.
• It is a feeling that stays in the mind and soul of an individual.
What is Lust?

• It is a temporary emotion. It is not an everlasting feeling.
• It can turn you into a bad and selfless individual. It can make you think of your needs alone disregarding what the other person thinks and feels.
• Lusting on someone means satisfying yourself physically. Once you’re done using that person, then you can go and leave for you are not emotionally attached to that individual.
• Commitment and discipline are never shown in this emotion. That’s the reason why this feeling is often found in couples who are just having a fling.
• It is an attraction towards someone who is physically attractive. You can lust on someone for several reasons. It may be because of that person’s body, lips, hips etc. However, this emotion prevents you from looking into the individual’s personality for you only care about his or her looks and how you can get that person for your own.
• It is a feeling that is born out of physical desires. It is something that you address to your favorite movie star or to some stranger in a bar whom you have just met.

What is Love?

• Love can make you a better person. It can make you do things that can point your life into the right and brighter path.
• Friendship, serenity, peace and joy result from true love. Only genuine love can bring out all of these things from a person.
• Love stops you from hurting somebody emotionally and even physically.
• When you love someone, you want that person to be comfortable, to improve and grow.
• It is a feeling that inspires someone to be committed and disciplined.
• It is a genuine and sincere emotion.
• It is a feeling that stays in the mind and soul of an individual.

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