How to Tell You're Being Used By a Women

Don't let yourself get used by a girl.

Are you in a relationship with an extremely hot woman? If you are, then you have to be careful. This type of woman can be such a spoiled brat and might just be using you to pay for her expenses. Here are 7 ways for you to know if a woman loves you for who you are or for what you can give her. 

1.) If she just calls you whenever she needs something and if she is still having sex with her ex boyfriend, then you should get the hint and know where to you stand. Break up with this ruthless woman immediately.

2.) Most women know when a guy is really into her. They use this to their advantage. They do everything to tease the man for her to get cash or answer to her wishes from their victim. Thus, know better and don’t fall for her trap.

3.) Pay attention to what she says during your conservations. If she states that she is in favor of manipulating others to have her way even if they are her close friends or family members, then you already know what kind of a woman she is. If she tells you she lies to her close friends, then you should be vary wary, because it's only a matter of time she'll start lying to you.

4.) Carefully watch the way she acts around other guys. You should be able to determine whether she is intentionally flirting with them or not. If she is really flirting with them despite your presence, then you now know that this woman can never be faithful to you alone.

5.) Don’t always pay for the bill when you’re out on a date. Try telling her that you left your wallet in the apartment and ask her to pay for the meal just for this instance. If she does pay the bill, but has a very sad expression on her face, then that’s another signal for you.

6.) Try not to give her presents if you always provide that stuff on your dates. This is another way of knowing if she loves you for your heart or for your gifts alone.

7.) Does she look excited and happy to see you whenever you spend time together? If she doesn’t, then there’s no doubt that this woman is not in love with you, man. She is just using you and that is the whole truth to this story.

Additional Tip:

  • Break up with your partner as soon as you have confirmed her true feelings towards you. Walk out of the relationship with your pride and dignity intact. No one deserves to be used. Always keep that in mind when you go on dates again.


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