How to Cuddle with Another Person

Everyone should know how to cuddle.

Almost everyone knows how to cuddle with another person. However, if you have been brought up by extremely conservative parents or guardians, then you have just found the right article that will teach you the basics of cuddling someone.

1.) Place one or both of your arms on the other person’s shoulder. This is the simplest cuddling position that you can do if you’re someone who has an above average height. This gesture would also give the recipient of your cuddle a sense of protection and comfort. As for your hand, you may or may not place it on the person’s upper arm.

If someone does this gesture towards you, then simply place your head on his or her shoulder and encircle his or her waist with your arms.

2.) Cuddling someone is also similar to placing one’s arms on the other person’s waist.

Return the favor to someone who cuddles you this way by doing the same action too or by following step no.1.

3.) Lay your head on the other person’s lap or chest. Softly stroke the hair of the person who lays his or her head on your lap. Do step no. 1 if that person sought the comfort of your chest instead.

4.) Step no.3 can be done on the other person’s shoulder as well. As a response to this gesture, you can gently place your head on top of the other person too. If you want to do this with your special someone, then you can have his arm around your shoulder and you can move closer to his neck. You are free to do anything with your hands.

5.) You can also use your hands to show your affection to someone. You can have his or her hand placed under yours, have your fingers intertwined or simply shake the hand of the other person.

Basic Cuddling Bed Positions 

1.) Spoon – Resemble the position of the spoon by hugging your partner from behind as you sleep at night.

2.) Star Gazer – Imagine lying under a sky filled with stars. If you’re the guy, then lie facing the ceiling and lend your chest to your partner as her pillow.

3.) Shoulder Roll – Put your partner’s lower arm on your shoulders and your upper arm on her waist while you face her on the bed.

4.) Superman – Put your lower arm below the pillow above you while you follow the spoon position.

The Right Time to Cuddle With a Girl

1.) Whenever a girl runs out of energy from work or from her school, that’s the best time for you to cuddle with her. You can do step no.3 and step no. 4 in the first section above in this kind of situation.

2.) Step no.4 can also be done when you’re both watching a horror film.

3.) The star gazer cuddling position is actually applicable after sex. Just stay awake and let your partner’s head rest on either your arm or on your chest for you to satisfy her.



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