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Which is More Expensive for the US: The Air Conditioning in Afghanistan and Iraq or the NASA Program?

Which one is More Expensive for the United States: The Air Conditioning in Afghanistan and Iraq or the NASA Program?

1 Answer

• The American government is willing to give out more or less 20.2 billion USD on an annual basis just for the air conditioning of its military units in Afghanistan and Iraq.
• This amount is way bigger than its allotted budget for the country’s NASA program.
• Believe it or not, the program only gets to receive 19 billion USD on an annual basis.
• Well, the cost of air conditioning in the countries mentioned above can actually be justified. It’s a fact that Afghanistan and Iraq are not the coldest places in the world. The summer season in these countries can have a temperature of about 125 degrees Fahrenheit.
• Moreover, the air conditioning units in far away locations operate on fuel and not on electricity. This leads US to transport lots of fuel to those locations and create a bigger hole in its pocket.

Additional Facts:

• The US government assigned 33,000 American troops to Afghanistan in the year 2010. Each soldier cost 1 million USD. Thus, you can only imagine the number of dollar bills that were being released during that time.
• In 1966, NASA received the biggest budget from the US government ever since it started its operation. It got 4.4 percent of the federal budget of the country. However, the amount of money being given to this agency has never gone beyond that percentage after that year. The agency may have received a bigger budget for its operation from 1991 to 1993 but that was it. Ever since 1975, NASA has constantly taken only 1 perfect of the federal budget of the United States.
• Moreover, even the Pentagon has a limited budget of only 15 billion US dollars to keep its military operations running. This amount only covers the electricity being used in their facility.

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