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What are the Common Causes of Itchy Legs While Walking?

What are the reasons why my legs itch while walking?

1 Answer

Walking and exercise are a daily part of our lives. Some people have created routine exercise and walking to keep themselves fit and healthy. Sometimes, walking can cause discomfort to some people especially if they experience skin rashes and itchiness on the leg area and all over the skin.

Itchiness on the leg especially during walking and many other strenuous exercises is caused by several factors. One of these is the type of clothing material the person is wearing. There are clothing materials that causes itchiness while there are people who are plainly allergic to one particular type of clothing. Cotton is the best type of clothing material to use since it is comfortable and oftentimes non-itchy. During exercise routines, people who have skin allergy are advised to wear lose clothing material. There are also hypo-allergenic type of clothing that can be found very useful. Certain chemicals, detergent, and dyes can be very irritating to the user. It would also be best to use mild detergent in washing the clothes to avoid itchiness and skin rash.

Food plays a big factor too. Commonly, food is the culprit for allergic reactions. The exercise-induced anaphylaxis is caused by food, and when the person walks or exercises, rashes and itchiness occur. This can be very serious since the cause is internal. A lot of cases have been recorded wherein patients experience difficulty in breathing, nausea, vomiting, and headache. If such symptoms occur together with itchy legs, it would be best to seek medical help immediately.

Cholinergic urticaria is another cause of such symptom. Cholinergic urticaria happens when the person experiences itchiness when his or her body temperature elevates. The body reacts to the increased body temperature causing the itchiness as well as bumps on the skin. Luckily, this condition can be easily managed by exercising early in the morning or in the evening. A humid weather also increases the incidence of cholinergic urticaria that is why it is always best to keep self very comfortable and avoid heat and humidity. Use comfortable clothing and always have water handy.

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