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What is the difference between Advil vs. Tylenol?

Why do you take Advil over Tylenol?

1 Answer

What is Advil?

• It is popularly known as Ibuprofen.
• It is a medicine that can alleviate you of the pain in your joints, muscles, back, tooth, head, fever, arthritis, minor aches and menstrual pain.
• It lessens redness, swelling and inflammation as well.
• It reduces the amount of prostaglandins (fatty acid) in your body.
• To lessen discomfort and irritation in your stomach, make sure that you eat a lot of food before you take Advil. This should be done by kids as well.
• This medicine is certainly more effective than Tylenol.
• If you are younger than 12 years old, then you must consume Advil for kids.
• If you are more than 12 years of age, then you must consume 1-2 tablets every four hours as recommended by your doctor and you mustn’t take more than six tablets within one day.

What is Tylenol?

• It is popularly known as Acetaminophen.
• It lessens pains, aches and reduces high fever.
• Unfortunately, it is not a cure for inflammation for it deals with your nerve cells alone.
• You are allowed to take this medicine without consuming any food beforehand.
• It would never irritate your stomach for it has milder effect on the human body.
• On the other hand, never take too much of Tylenol if don’t want something bad to happen to your liver.
• If you are pregnant, then you are recommended to take Tylenol instead of Advil. However, only consume this medicine if it is prescribed by your doctor.
• If you are more than 12 years of age, then you must consume 1-2 tablets of Tylenol every four hours as recommended by your doctor and you mustn’t take more than eight tablets within one day.
• If you are experiencing insomnia or extreme anxiety, then you should take less tablets.

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