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How do the 6 friends photos at the top of Facebook Timeline get choosen?

Why do certain friends seem to show up as one of the the six photos in the small friends list photo box at the top of Facebook Timeline? Are these the 6 friends people who have visited your profile recently or have been online recently? What is the reason for only seeing certain friends pictures in this friends box?

487 Answers

SOOO surprised nobody has noticed this! You guys should not focus on the 6 friends list/ 8 friends list! You should instead pay attention to the whole "mutual friends list". You know when go to your friends timeline profile and see the whole list of your mutual friends. A month ago the list was updating three times a day. This is what i noticed. First list: People I have stalked and interacted the most with under a longer period of time. This list was consistent with my keesh list. Second list: People I have stalked and interacted the most with during the past few days and week. Third list: HERE the interesting part comes, this list was very different from the two others. For example, my dummy accounts ranking jumped HIGH. It even made my top 10 friends I think. It had been in the bottom in the two other lists. The rankings of the people I have stalked but who I know are not interested in me also fell drastically.

Facebook have now again changed the algotrim so only the two lists are frequently updating, not the third one which showed who are stalking you. So I am 100% that I am right in this case.

You should all pay attention to the "mutal friends" list and compare it to your keesh list. If people are much higher than their ranking on their keesh list it is possible they are stalking you. :)

Oh I should also mention that I chose one of my best friends list as a testlist. We have 180 friends in common and she is also friends with my closest friends and the people I stalk. She is also friends with the dummy account.
omg!! Seems like you got something there!!! I just checked your theory and it seems to be EXACTLY the same for me for each row you mention above! I checked with 10 friends with, most of whom I have more than 50 mutual friends with. Each one of the 1st 3 rows seemed to be exactly as you described above for me too for all the 10 friends I checked! (only my dummy account is not friends with any of my friends so I can't test that) woah! what the hell? –  randomname  Sep 9th, 2012 at 12:57 AM

You may be on to something, facebook pro, but you have to have many mutual friends with the stalker in order to get any info. What do you think about the friends list order (main list of all friends)? Do you think that people who stalk you, whom you rarely interact with, will show up higher in your friends list? I'm starting to think so. For the person I "stalk", who is somewhat a celebrity and has over 1,000 friends (while I have around 100), I often show up in his top 20 rows of friends, and he is usually in my top 10 rows of friends. He is my #1 friend on my chat bar ("ordered friends") and keesh list. But why am I so high on his friends list? I shouldn't be if it has to do with only his interactions with me. He doesn't like or comment on any of my photos, shares or updates. I occasionally like his status updates, but he has other friends who like and post comments a lot more often, and they are not as high on his friends list. I'm assuming that he's high on my friends list because I look at his profile and photos quite often. He shows up in my 8 friends box at least once a week, but I've never shown up in his (I log in with my dummy account to check, because I'm paranoid I'll start showing up there!)
When you like or comment on someone's status/photo, etc, within a few hours or a day, you will see an updated friends list in which they have temporarily moved up to within your top 5 rows of your friends list, every time you refresh. This lasts for a few days to a week. The more you like/comment their status(as well as other interactions I believe), the more they are likely to stay.

You can try this by liking/commenting on a bunch of friend's statuses, and checking back the next day to see them moved up to your top 5 rows on your FL. –  nameless  Sep 9th, 2012 at 8:20 AM

on 2011 around november i noticed one of my senior spy cousin K is showing up in timeline 6 box again and again and she got the big picture in the yearly added friend list. it crossed my mind. she is lot older than me and it seemed pathetic that she is actually spying. so there i started the experiment to be sure. she was also under the mutual 3. then after 1 month a friend G added me and he replaced her position. and there was every reason G could stalk, actually he added me to stalk. but in the same K was frequently showing. But around feb 2012 facebook changed the equation for family member, it started to show all family member under mutual 3, and 6 box. and yearly friend box suddenly disappered months ago. so i got no way to find K is still stalking. and G was disappeared from under 3 arround march 2012, cause another guy H came into my ac, and i bliv we both stalk eachother. thats why he is still under mutual 3, frequently on top 6, on chat room top 4.
My point is, there is many guy may stalk me, but why only H is everywhere for such a long time!!?, cause i didnt responded to other stalkers and i am interested in H too. there is many one-sided stalker comes to my mutual 3, but goes away within 2-3 months, cause may be i didnt responded. but H is everywhere in my ac!!
and the 8 box thing is, it showed 2 stalkers ( or 2 close mutual stalker) around march and april in my ac, those lower 2 wasnt change their position. but after sometime fb changed top 8 box. i bliv it doesnt show any stalker anymore. i show only those stalkers who came to your ac for 1-2 times and went away.
and friend list top is totally bullshit count. i believe it never shows mutual interaction or top stalkers. it shows random friends with your family on top rows.
And view source code, presenceprivacy data helped me to get some stalkers for 1-2 day, then the code changed, it didnt consist of any id number anymore.
From my experiences... I've noticed the top 5 rows of your friends list, mostly consists of who you interact via likes and comments the most. Read my other reply(to portlandia) above. –  nameless  Sep 9th, 2012 at 8:21 AM

You may be on to something, facebook pro, but you have to have many mutual friends with the stalker in order to get any info. What do you think about the friends list order (main list of all friends)? Do you think that people who stalk you, whom you rarely interact with, will show up higher in your friends list? I'm starting to think so. For the person I "stalk", who is somewhat a celebrity and has over 1,000 friends (while I have around 100), I often show up in his top 20 rows of friends, and he is usually in my top 10 rows of friends. He is my #1 friend on my chat bar ("ordered friends") and keesh list. But why am I so high on his friends list? I shouldn't be if it has to do with only his interactions with me. He doesn't like or comment on any of my photos, shares or updates. I occasionally like his status updates, but he has other friends who like and post comments a lot more often, and they are not as high on his friends list. I'm assuming that he's high on my friends list because I look at his profile and photos quite often. He shows up in my 8 friends box at least once a week, but I've never shown up in his (I log in with my dummy account to check, because I'm paranoid I'll start showing up there!)

Answer: Yeah that is true, if you want to know for example if your crush i stalking you you need to have a big "friends in common" with someone's list to get something out of it.

And I do not think your own friendlist has anything to do who is stalking you. As someone mentioned before if you like anyones status etc. you will make it in their top 10 and vice versa. You can stalk people as much as you like and not show up in their top ten, UNLESS you have interaction with them o fb. I know this because I stalk a few people a lot, but never like anything and so on and I have never been high up on their friendlist, neither have them been high on on mine. My dummyaccount has also never been high up in my friendlist, it is actually always at the very bottom.

Once I stalked a guy A LOT during a day, and twoo weeks later when fb updated the friendslists he got in my top 10 or 15 but only for a day, then he sank to his normal position, which is quite low. This has only happened to him I think.
Has anybody analyzed how the rotating set of 3 "mutual friends" names under friend finder come about? I mean you have a certain set of people there but WHAT triggers these 3 names to show there and the next set of people when you refresh? Does it indicate that these people have logged in FB? Are online in chat? Have viewed your post/profile ? Would be interesting to understand this... –  confused  Sep 10th, 2012 at 4:11 PM
@confused this list is very confusing for me too! There are a couple of good comments about it on page 5 towards the end, cause I had asked the same thing last week. I don't think the log-in or chat assumptions stand, because I've had the same people on that list for months. It rotates among 9-10 people overall. For me it is the people I mutually interact with the most/closest friends and the people who I suspect stalk me-while I do NOT stalk them. I do not get the people I stalk on this list (I do get the ones I stalk on the 6 list occasionally though). Anyway.

What I also realized recently about this 3-mutual friend-list is that of the 10 people among whom it rotates, the 9 are ALWAYS there (for months) and the 10th changes every day. Still the 10th is not a random friends. The 10th is not always there, but comes from a short list of 2-3 friends (let's say friends A,B and C)

To sum up, in that mutual friend thing on the friend finder, I ALWAYS get 9 people showing up and on day 1 I get the 9 people and friend A, day 2 > 9 people and friend B, day 3> 9 people and friend C etc.

I suspect friends A, B and C are my "stalkers by the way. "A" has a crush on me and "B" ADMITTED that he was "stalking" me, cause he says he's bored and stalks many of his friends' profiles lol! Now C remains a mystery. It's a girl who appears on my 6-friends list too, but we have no interaction whatsoever and I can't think of a reason why she could be stalking me. Anyway! Enough again! If anyone else has any ideas, please share! –  randomname  Sep 10th, 2012 at 6:16 PM

So a while back in high school my friend and I stole a yard flamingo and made it our pet. Recently i updated my timeline photo with this flamingo smoking a cigarette. Within the next two days everyone who had some significance with this flamingo showed up in my 8 friends box. The guy whom i had stolen the flamingo with also showed up for repeated days. He did not like or comment on the photo. Also I have not interacted with him in over a year.

That's interesting A Dude. I will also have people telling me (in person) that they liked a photo I shared on facebook, even though they never liked or commented about it on facebook, and their photo showed up in my 8 friends box at around the time I shared the photo.

Does anyone know why certain people can show up in your 6 friends box over and over again, and you can comment and like stuff on their page, but they rarely show up in your 8 friends box? Does it have to be a mutual interaction--like, do they need to look at my profile or comment/like something of mine from time to time?
A-ha! Yesterday I started stalking the page of a guy I used to work with who I keep seeing pop up in my 6 box a lot recently, although the last time I ever recall that he liked or commented on anything on facebook was like months ago. I thought he might be checking out my page, as another previous co-worked mentioned that he asked about me the other day. Well, what do you know...I show up in his 8 friends box today! (I logged in with my dummy account to see). I suspect he might be checking out my profile tonight, because he's popping up A LOT in my 6 box tonight, and I just shared some new photos. Interesting.... –  portlandia  Sep 11th, 2012 at 5:25 AM

People, i don´t know how the hell anyone didnt done a real study for revealing the algorithm behind facebook. A simple experiment could be done for helping solve that... 3 or 4 friends could do accounts and add each other and add the same friends, and stalking exactly the same choosen people for days INCLUDING EACH OTHER BUT ONLY ONE BY TURN FOR A MOUNTH (cause if the friends apears on the lists we dont know if it was for mutual stalking). For it work, the following instructions have to be respect: that always be the same number of visits and the same people, and never interacting with anyone, only the visits) and compare the results with each other. If the friend who are stalking the other friend in his turn apears on any of the 4 lists (6 in the box, 8 of the other box and the top of mutual lists and the top friends list) the mystery over, because we will know the person who are stalking... If the people that they are stalking apears in the same order of friends list or mutual list, them we assume that they show the people who we are stalking too. Im pretty sure that it could solve unless partially the algorithm and help the mankind, hahahahaha. But it have false positives too, cause it could work only for people who stalker without any kind of other interactions... and if u stalk the person too, we not be able to assume that if the person shows for mutual stalking...
Has anyone been looking at the keesh list recently? there is this person who is rather high on my keesh list and i have been (for a few months) trying to make her go lower down on the list, so basically i just stopped looking at her profile, we have no interactions, msgs whatsoever. But her number keeps increasing (negatively) so shes still pretty high on the list. anyone have a similar experience? i admit i had been stalking her quite a lot a few months back, but the past couple of months i went cold turkey, her number has been fluctuating up and down during the period i stopped looking at her profile and today she just went up some more. –  Jake_hol  Sep 11th, 2012 at 4:47 AM

Hi, I've been following this question for a few months now and keeping an eye on my keesh list to see if I find anything strange. Theres this girl I was friends with on facebook who I know had a thing for me for a few years, well she deactivated her account and created a new one. I am aware of the new account, but I have not interacted with it at all. I noticed that her new account shows up VERY consistently in the top 5 under "Find Friends" (we have 8 mutual friends), and just yesterday I clicked to check my keesh list and she showed up. Now I am pretty sure that I haven't clicked on her name at all or viewed her profile etc. so this is a very interesting development.
Your observation is very interesting! I have to add mine. My best friend, who is also the one I interacted with the most and constantly showed under the mutual friends in friends finder, deactivated his account. The interesting thing is that since then he stopped showing up under the mutual friends thing, BUT he did NOT get replaced by anyone else! Now when I go to the Friends Finder and refresh, I occasionally get a list of TWO friends instead of 3. Apparently the missing name is where his name should be. The rest of the rotating friends remain exactly the same as I have described above. I find this a little weird. I also wonder if anything similar has happened to anyone else. This list is not random at all guys. Each name has a reason to be there apparently. –  randomname  Sep 11th, 2012 at 8:42 PM
AS A FOLLOW uP TO THIS: There were 3 names with the SAME EXACT number as her on my keesh list that i KNOW i never looked at, and am not friends with. Two of them were friends of this girl I have a few pictures with, but I have had NO CONTACT with these people.

Now today they have all disappeared from my keesh list, very strange. –  APEFACE  Sep 12th, 2012 at 5:01 PM
I deleted a guy from my friends who kept on turning up in the 3 of mutual friends, and he is still showing up in those three, though this was over a week ago. I think fb takes a while to refresh that list, to me it's all the less meaningfull. –  marie  Sep 14th, 2012 at 8:46 AM

hi, nonick here, i had to get an account to answer more... i observe and interesting thing on the friends list: The people u recent add apears next to the last of the list, and the certain people that u chat too. I see that both in my profile and the girls that i add too... anyone check that too?
and the people i had no interactions and no profil visits apears on the last too... I think the algorithm mix the things! Certain people u recent interaction apears on the top. I think the profile visits is hide on some of that kind of mix things.
By the way, the box with 8 people tends to represent the 50 first people of the top friends list. Anyone saw that too?? We have to work together to solve the mistery.... –  jose  Sep 11th, 2012 at 9:44 PM
When you say friends list above, do you mean the 6, the 8, the 3, or the big overall list. If you're talking about the big overall list (the "all friends" list) then this happens to me too. I just noticed that 2 people I added very recently appear close to the very bottom of my all friends list. I can't think of a special meaning of this thing to be honest though. –  randomname  Sep 11th, 2012 at 9:50 PM
Ok the overall list of me is as follows:
1st 5 rows: The people I've interacted most overall, as well as recently. (mutual interaction).
Followed by a few rows of people I have some kind of interaction, bur not much, and right after that a couple of rows of people I do not interact with, but I suspect stalk me.
After that I get the random ones that I do not interact with and towards the very end some of the recently added friends. –  randomname  Sep 11th, 2012 at 9:56 PM
yes , confirmed by observation here... the 8 people that apears are always show up in the top of the friends list... but im not sure its all the 8 that apears... if not, maybe the stalker could be show?? –  jose  Sep 11th, 2012 at 10:02 PM
i say the big overall list, if they apears on the top of 50 first names, they will show in the 8 box... nice! –  jose  Sep 11th, 2012 at 10:08 PM
by the way, i stalked recent a girl, and i showed on the last of her list... we had very little interactions, but we had some inbox msgs.... She apears on the top of my list, maybe the stalked person shows up on the top of friends list with the others that u had recent interactions... and the stalker on the last of the list. U see that too? –  jose  Sep 11th, 2012 at 10:15 PM
i will suport that theory, i will stalk some girls to check that, and i wont have any kind of interactions with them.... –  jose  Sep 11th, 2012 at 10:30 PM
I recently stalked a random girl as an experiment. She was the most random friend I have. She's gone up on my all friends list, but not within the 1st 5 rows. She's among the 1st 50 friends though. I can't see where I am on her list, cause she still has a wall and not timeline (???)She also started appearing on my 6 friends list occasionally.

ALL the friends on the 8 list are towards the very top of my all friends list.

Also, I made a 2nd dummy account a while back and stalked my real account. The dummy has not showed up on my 6 or 8 friends list and I just noticed that he is towards the bottom of my all friends list.

The 1st dummy account I had made before that is constantly on all the above lists though. Mystery. Maybe has something to do with the IP address being the same or something.

Finally, I noticed that the 6 friends thing has changed recently. I still get the usual 25 people, but I've noticed that whenever I look at someones profile for a while (not stalking, just checking the profile or a few photos or something) they soon appear on the 6 friends list, and after a day they disappear again.

I also noticed that whenever I update my status or add new photos and stuff (which I do not do so often) the people from the 6 list I suspect stalk me, appear on the 6 list A LOT more. Almost in every refresh for a while right after.

My 2 cents. With all the experiences shared in this discussion, the mystery can be pretty much kinda solved, but for now I'm still confused. Everyone's experiences seem to be quite similar though,. –  randomname  Sep 11th, 2012 at 10:49 PM
ok, I want to share with u my new theory that could explain all of the distribution of the friends list... it´s complex, long but still that it´s interesting.
Facebook play with social interaction. For that, the algorithm is based in pure mathematics, divided in positive and negative points. BUT THE REFERENCIAL IS NOT U, BUT THE OTHERS. If they apears on the top, it is benefic to them, if they apears on the bottom is bad for them. Positive points includes : number of visits, likes, chat, coments that u made. If u do that kind of things, its positive to them, and they tend to apears on the top. If u do that kind of things and otherwhise is made too, it is benefic to the 2 parts, and u apears on the top of u friends list too. If u do that, and they not , they apears on the top of u friends list, but u will apears on the bottom. Even if u chat with them, but u visits they profile much more than they do for u, then u apears too on the bottom. I dont know how each action counts to points, but it is like war-cable... i suport that theory because i have an anoying cousin that i pretty sure he is my stalker and i dont respond of his thousands inbox msgs and he is in 2 place of the last of the list, because i almost never enters in his profile. The sad part is that with the girl I like , cause im apears on final of her list, assuming that I stalk her, but her not, acumulating many negative points for me and many positive points to her!! And when u add a people, both of u apears on the bottom of the list, cause u dont have any interactions yet, and is negative for both. By the way, the list is transitory, cause that, the last people u interact acumulating so positive points that put them on the top and they will down if u dont interact anymore.... What u guys think of this theory?? It may a LOT of sense to me. –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 12:25 AM
It's not the top 50 friends on the friends list that shows up in your top 8 for everyone. It varies for everyone, depending on how many friends you have.

I have 190+ people for example, and my top 8 takes people from my first 13 rows only.

What's important to know that it takes your first TWO sets of friend groups. Your top 5, which is universal for everyone, and is the first group. And then the 2nd group of friends, which again, the size depends on how many friends you have. You just have to go down and keep refreshing to see how many rows consist of your 2nd group of top friends. They won't mix in with the 3rd group.. –  nameless  Sep 12th, 2012 at 7:13 AM

Re: the 8 friends always being from the top 50 friends...I don't think that's always the case because I showed up on the 8 friends of a guy I stalked for a day or 2 (see my reply to myself above), and I am not in his top 50 friends. But why do some people show up in your top friends anyway...especially if you rarely interact with them or view their page--and haven't done so recently? Some of the algorithm for the friends order must have to do with how often the other person looks at your page. And there are some people I interact with at least weekly who are near the bottom of my friends list.

Also--I noticed that the guy I stalk (who's a celebrity) who used to show up in my 8 box A LOT has not appeared recently, although he's still far #1 on my keesh list. Maybe they changed the algorithm again. I am still around the same place in his friends list that I've been for weeks--row 20 (he has over 1000 friends).
see my reply above... for the algorithm theory! What do y think?? –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 12:38 AM

Portlandia, u are in top 20 on celebrity's friends list, and where does he appear in ur friends list?

jose, I totally agree with you. My crush is top in keeshlist, appears always in my 6, 8 boxes, friend finder , he is in the 3 list, , always in my top 5. But I appear at the very bottom in his friends list. Everything else is favorable to me except his friends list in where I am at the bottom . So its clear, I am stalking him a lot but he doesnt even look at my profile.

But a strange thing is , in my top 5 , there is also a another guy whose profile I almost never visit, but I know he is stalking me. But he is not high in my keesh list, but sometimes in my 6/8 boxes.. so confusing.
I think it makes a lot of sense... i will stop to stalk the girl, it is nice to know if u are special or just some another guy. :-(, hahaha . For her I tried to understanding that crazy thing.
He is not high in u list, because he stalk u, but u dont stalk him. So he accumulates many negative points and down on the list, not high. –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 1:06 AM
just a second... im confused the friends list with the keesh list. Im not english, haha, what is exactly the keesh list? Everything i explained is for the 8 box and the friends list... i will google, haha –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 1:08 AM
I am normally around row 20 of my Celebrity Crush's list (although I have crept up as high as row 14). He is normally in my top 5 rows, although if I haven't visited his profile in a couple of days, he usually creeps down to about row 10 or 12. Last night I posted a comment on his wall, and I he "liked" my comment, but I stayed in the same position on his friends list--although he appeared over and over in my 6 box last night, like 60% of the time. Meanwhile, there were others last night where the same scenario occurred (post comment, they like comment) and those people did not appear over and over in my 6 box. Maybe he visited my profile after I commented?

Meanwhile, the other guy, who I used to work with, whose profile and photos I purposely looked at to see what would happen...I WAS in his 8 friends box after that. The only interaction I've had with him was a private msg more than a year ago. And I am near the bottom of his friends list, and he is still near the bottom of mine.

There are a couple of people I have little to do with in weeks and probably only commented on one or two of their shares...and they are still in the top 5 rows of friends most of the time!! –  portlandia  Sep 12th, 2012 at 3:06 AM

Jose, if that's the case, when i see the person being low on my keesh list, high on my friends list, and i see myself low on his friends list, can i draw the conclusion that s/he is a stalker?

also, how does the 3-friend mutual friend finder fit into this theory though?
in my theory, if u are low on his friends list, it means that u stalk or he never visits u profile. But if he are on the top list, it means that u recent interact with him by some form or cause u visits his profile a lot. Make sense? –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 1:23 AM
ok, an update here people. I just add 2 girls now, my bestfriend gf and a random girl. The random girl apears on the the last row, and my bf gf apears on the middle, i could explain that because she start with more positive points than negative, because my interaction with my bestfriend is very good and the random girl i dont have any friends in comon.... something like that. –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 1:40 AM
If you are low on their friends list, it means they don't interact with you much. I don't know if this particular itneraction, includes page and photo views, but comments and likes weigh heavily, and are the main catalysts for bringing friends up to the top of the friends list. –  nameless  Sep 12th, 2012 at 7:16 AM
I'm agree with Nameless –  Stranger  Sep 12th, 2012 at 12:09 PM

Two things we all have to confirm

1) Where do you appear in ur crush's friends list and where does he/she appears in ur friends list. If he/she appears on ur top 5/10 and you appear at the bottom of his friends list, I am sure he/she doesnt stalk you and only u are stalking him/her.

Also, is there ANY case that u stalk a person's profile a LOT and he/she appears at the bottom of your list.

I have read this entire thread again and again and many confirmed that they appear at the bottom of the crush's friends list. ( and they are stalking their crush profile) . It doesnt matter where they appear in your friends list. ( or as far as I know) . They appear in ur list based on your interactions with your other friends. so we dont have to take that in consideration.

Just check where you are in ur crush's list. that will tell everything I guess.
If you have any actual interaction with your crush, rather than just checking out their page all the time, you might appear somewhere other than at the bottom of their friends list. But seriously there are random people who appear near the top of my friends list...and I don't stalk or interact with them! –  portlandia  Sep 12th, 2012 at 5:31 AM
You don't click on their photos or read their statuses via ticker on the right side? –  nameless  Sep 12th, 2012 at 7:18 AM

this is exciting, i gotta make an account for the folks at the bottom of my friends list are the very people who stalk me the most, given that we have no interaction and I have never visited their profiles?

I checked the one who i suspect is stalking me (he showed up in the 3-friend mutual friend finder recently), and I found i'm in his top 3 rows of friends! lol and this is the first time i visited his page and he is not high on my friends list...

however i'm still confused about one thing, i recently added a person whose profile i checked out the most over the past week. we had public interaction and exchanged msgs, i even tagged her in my photo and she commented on it. however, she's not high on my list (near bottom). i just went to check her friends list. guess what, i'm always in the top 5 rows on her list. How does that happen? She is stalking me more??

lets just wait and see fb will ever change the algorithm again, if so, then we are down right on this again.
No. They are the least people you've interacted with(mainly in terms of likes, comments, and tags in events), and perhaps how much they interact with your profile, may weigh in as well. –  nameless  Sep 12th, 2012 at 7:20 AM

teehee, the first thing, you are another one to prove that u are high on ur stalker's friends list whom you never visited( who is at the bottom of your friends list) . Yes there is a possibility that he is stalking you.

And it is not necessarily all your friends at the bottom of your list is ur stalker. Even if there is no mutual interactions, they also stay at your bottom of the list. Thats why I said dont look for them in ur profile. It again depends on ur interactions with your other friends.

And ur second thing, yes, you are in her top 3 rows, because of her less interactions with her other friends. And she is not high in ur friends list because of your high interactions with your other friends. Can you confirm this
High interactions plus the much more visits than her friend do... i think. It´s multifatorial, it all depends the somatory of positive/negative points, its mathematics, its a logical algorithm, not randomic.... I think we made progress here people, hahahaha. –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 2:04 AM
if teehee confirm too, we can assume that hypothesis can really work –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 2:05 AM
I was busy checking my relative position on a lot of my friends, haha...

For those who are high on my friends list (top 10 rows), half of them I haven't interacted over the past few months, but i've been friends with them for a long time; those I do have interacted recently through comments, msgs and likes, I can see why they are up there. but there are also folks I've no idea why they are that high on my list. i've been friends with them for long but i rarely go to their profiles. The one I do check out a lot recently (e.g. the girl i mentioned) however, is not high on the list at all.

Actually I added another guy two weeks ago (a week earlier than that girl) whose profile i purposely don't visit at all, but we msged each other a lot recently (he msges me more than i do). I know he's checked out my pictures by commenting on some of them. He is also around the same position as the girl on my list, near the bottom, and I just checked his profile I'm around middle of his list. It could be that he interacts with other people more than with me, hmm..

i found many people have disabled the friends list view. Maybe I should be the same thing for my own privacy concerns –  teehee  Sep 12th, 2012 at 2:39 AM

Also, if a friend appears again and again in 6 box, 8 box and u never interact with them is because they visited ur profile recently. ( not necessarily stalking). If they still appear for weeks and months and u never visit them, its mean they are stalking you. And check their friends list, u must be on their top friends list.
hmm, i'm not sure if they've visited my profile, but I'm pretty sure they were online then, cause i can see their new comments and likes from the side ticker.

I still have my crushes appearing in my top 6. I stalked them before. after fb switched to timeline i stopped doing so, just because. They all went down on my keesh list over the past few months. However they are forever in my 3-friend mutual friends finder box as well as the top 6.

I just went to check my position on theirs. I was in the middle-ish, higher than their position on mine, in the lower quarter. (guess that's because i don't view them very often). could it be they view me more than i do? and that's why they keep showing up in the 3-friend box, i dunno. –  teehee  Sep 12th, 2012 at 2:54 AM
we have to check that all things in the next days... my ex -gf apeared on the bottom of my bestfriend list... i think she stalks him to obtain some information of me, cause i dont have her on my friends list... –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 3:19 AM
Also, i check the profile of people who i never interact and who i never visits the profile and i know they dont too... both of us got a botyom position. –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 3:26 AM
I checked bottom 5 rows of mine. My position on theirs on much higher, sometimes in the top 10, I have little or no interaction with them since we became friends and I rarely view their profiles, only once or twice in life time. AND I have my bogus account at the very bottom. Conclusion drawn. –  teehee  Sep 12th, 2012 at 3:34 AM
another strange thing... a guy that was next to me in the position of the girls list, sudently got the top position. Very strange, cause they didnt interact.... i can´t explain now that. –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 3:36 AM
maybe if when u got the bottom position, and the girl visits u profile, u got so many positive points that got the top position... –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 3:40 AM
yes, i can confirm that, if u dont interact with a person but visits the profile, they will show up in u top friends list... and the people u dont interact but dont visit too probaly they are the people who recent visit u profile but they dont are the stalkers... –  jose  Sep 12th, 2012 at 4:33 AM
@fb user: No, nobody has confirmed this. It could just mean they were recently logged on FB. –  nameless  Sep 12th, 2012 at 7:22 AM
Before timeline, my crush used to be on my top 3 of my friends list, you know on the left, always. I stalked him a LOOOOT. I guess he stalk me back, because I was on his too. With timeline, I didn't change my behavior, we even exchanged privates messages. Then I decided to not look at his profile for a time, and he disappeared from my 8 boxes, but not the 6. We shared mutual friends, and he was first when I looked at the mutual friends list . I did a fake account, and my real account was number one the mutual friends list. So just because he was in the middle of my friends list in timeline, like I was on his , means that he wasn't interested in my profile anymore? I unfriend him since july. (sorry for the mistakes) –  Stranger  Sep 12th, 2012 at 9:05 AM

I bet you guys, the ones that appear in your 6 boxes on your profiles are your stalkers. I met this few months ago and exchanged few messages over facebook and we went out two times. I wasn't really interested in her but she really liked me and wanted to get in to a relationship with me. Unfortunately it didn't work out for us and she moved interstate. That was 3 months ago and she still keeps appearing in my 6 friends box. Shes mostly there (not always). And I'm really sure she has been looking at my profile too often! On the contrary, I don't look at her profile at all! Which means I'm her crush and she's on my 6 friends box.

One more case. I had a huge crush on this girl few years ago and kind of went going to her profile once a week at least. I did that for a year and it didn't work out for me. She didn't end up going out w me but I met her few months ago recently and told her about my huge crush on her! She felt really awkward in a nice way. I haven't checked her facebook for a long time now (months!!) but she keeps appearing on my 6 friends box. I bet she's been looking at my profile, photos, etc. Unfortunately, I've recently started going out w someone or else would've asked this girl out again. But I'm sure she's been checking my facebook. I've also noticed her facebook activities soon after I do mine. E.g. If I changed a photo/added something on my wall. She would do the same in a matter of 15-20 minutes later.

Although amongst 6 friends box there are a mix of family members, people I interact w on daily basis too. So its a smart mix generated by facebook to keep us coming back!
No, they aren't necessarily your stalkers. If you guys both mutually interacted with each other at some point(including profile views), they will show up in your top 6. –  nameless  Sep 12th, 2012 at 7:24 AM
Im not too certain about the friends list and how it shows stalkers. for my list, there are a few girls who are high on my list (first row, second row) and i have no interest in them whatsoever. i dont stalk their profiles, i have been tagged in 1 or 2 photos with them but other than that, i have made no interactions with them. what gives? therefore how i can be certain that when i view someone else's friends list, the people high on her friends lists are those SHE stalks? –  Jake_hol  Sep 12th, 2012 at 7:44 AM
I think they are first and foremost, the people she interacts with the most, with some chance of mutual interaction.

Yeah, I also have 2-3 people on my main set of top 5 friend rows, that I don't interact with a whole lot, but they are somehow in my top 5 anyway...

Also, my old crush is very high on my keesh list(-6 right now), and she's been on my top 5 rows for months now. I admit, I do kind of er stalk her profile, but not constantly. I don't view her photos anymore, and I've commented or liked a status once a month on average for a few months now.I have her on aquaintance list, so it minimizes me having direct interaction with her, and I'm trying to move on now. On her friends list, I notice that I'm about 2/3rds all the way down her list. She hasn't directly interacted with me(in terms of liking or commenting on my profile) since Feb. Last known interaction she had with me was when I wished her happy bday in july, and we exchanged a few conversations on my post on her wall. –  nameless  Sep 12th, 2012 at 7:50 AM

I have a theory regarding interacting with other people's profiles. As many of you may have noticed, when you like or comment someone's status, within a few hours to a few days, you may see them rise all the way to the top 5 rows of your friends list(if they aren't there already). They will usually stay there for a day or for several days to a week, or even a few weeks. Then, if they are people you don't interact often with, they will retreat to your second set of friend rows for a couple of days, or right back to their original positions.

However, I feel as if there might be some mutual interaction, from their part, to have them temporarily move up to your top 5 rows in the first place. For the past week, I've been liking and commenting more than a dozen people that I don't usually interact with on a regular basis, and I see them fill up my top 5 rows, until I see 1-2 people out of the 15 left that usually stay on my top 5. I've also been having several sets of top 5 rows on my friends list asas well(thus different sets of top 8). I think at least 3 different ones I can count on the top of my head.

1. I liked a muscians profile status(he has +4000 friends, and reguarly gets maybe a dozen likes or comments on his profile), and within a few hours he rose up to my second set of friends (which is row 6 to 13). I was fascinated to why he didn't rise up to the top 5 rows, while a vast majority of people I DID like/comment their statuses, did. A couple days ago, again I tested, and I liked another status update.. Within a few hours, I noticed he finally went up to my top 5 rows!
2. I added my mom on fb about 3 weeks ago, and I immediately shared a funny photo on her profile. I showed it to her a few days later(she doesn't always check everyday), but I noticed on my friends list, she still stayed all the way down on my friends list. 2 weeks later, I liked one of her photos, and I tagged myself in a family photo she uploaded a long time ago. But still, she didn't rise up to my top 5 rows, or even my second set of friends rows(for me, its rows 6-13, <--second set of top friends is different for everyone btw.. Depends how large your friends list is)! I don't know if she ever visited my profile, but this really is a strange scenario.

These (at least two) different cases makes me suspect that, when you interact with someone on fb(mainly commenting and photos), they will bump all the way to your top 5 rows, but only after they've interacted with you somehow(either commenting or liking your commenting your status on their status/photo, or viewing your profile).
oh and

scenario 3. I've liked/commented on people's status, but they didn't raise to my top 5 rows on my FL, but they did raise on my second set of top friends(rows 6-13). Perhaps this could mean that they at least read my comment via notification? –  nameless  Sep 12th, 2012 at 7:54 AM
I think one sure way to confirm this is to make a second/fake account and like/comment the secon/fake account's page and see what happens, while not visiting or interacting with the first page at all. –  nameless  Sep 12th, 2012 at 6:08 PM

Being in the bottom of your crush friend page list does NOT mean he/she is not visiting you.

I visit my crush's page about once a week and last wee i liked one of his posts and later sent him a message which he replied, and today I cheked his friends list. I'm on the very bottom, second to last row. Next I checked my list from someone else's point of view and he is on the very bottom of my list. He actually went down after our exchange.

There you have it.
believe it or not, I think comments, likes and views are valued more than msg exchange on friends list, especially if you initiated it first. I can also confirm that some of my other friends who comment and like regularly on my posts and pictures but i rarely visit their profile, I am high on their list (within top 10) but they are not on mine at all.

I also realized that fb has two sets of friends list at least, one is fairly recent and the other is older. the recent one won't appear anymore after a few refreshes. If you happen to come across the newer list, you will notice all we have discussed is totally valid. –  teehee  Sep 12th, 2012 at 1:50 PM

AB once in a week is not even stalking I guess :) I consider that as a normal visit to a friends page. Again, I am not worried about top 5 on my friends list. It could be a mixture of people visiting our page more, the people who we stalk and family and other people who we have long time interaction and so on. What I am looking for is whats our position in our crush's friends list. Here , most of us want our crush to stalk us. :) so if we are in the bottom of their friends list, I think they are not stalking us. They might visit us sometime but not stalking us.

For me, every other things like, 6 /8 box/ high on my keesh list/ always on my top 5/ always on 3 of mutual friend finder/ always on my chat list however I resize/ always on my mobile top6, all these made me think that he also stalked me, till I started noticing that I am at the very bottom of his list. I realized that all the above things are due to me stalking him a lot. He doesnt update much. But whenever he posts some pics , i mostly like his pictures and comment sometimes. He commented only onon my picture once in March ( and thats when I started stalking him severly.. :)). I know he likes me but not sure whether he is stalking me like I stalk him like crazy. I post lot of my pics and whenever I post something he mostly appears at the top 6 often the whole day. So he must be looking at my pics. But My question is , in spite of all the above favorable things for me, why I am all the way at his bottom ( like in his last row.. :( while he is always in my top 5

I believe a lot has to do with the cookies fb follows, fb tracks all of your cookies (of course, I know we all know that) but that linked with the specific ip it shows you your history combined with their history. So in my opinion our 'information' is distorted from the outset. Thàt combined with the fact if someone is equally frequent online as you are or much less or much more, also: distorted view. I can log into my bosses fb profile, he is quite a celebrity (not huge but has over 5000 friends, the top amount). So I have the privilige of checking out my own profile aswell as the one of my crush through my bosses fb profile. (and they are not friends and I only log into my bosses profile to check things like this out) What I see is that I'm still number one in his friend list whén I'm online on the same computer I use to log into my own profile. So when you have a dummy account, do not use it on the same computer and preferably not on the same ip adress and then maybe you have a shot at knowing how your profile looks in interaction with others. To me it sounds logical that when you have a dummy account and you use it to stalk yourself to check out the result, all you get is that you have the same ip adress combined with a set of cookies: so naturaly fb code is going to conclude, hey, they are top friends! (it could be your brother with an actual account but on the same computer, that would explain why it's not mutual from the very beginning but it would be after a while) Like where I work I've got about 50 collegues, all working on the same ip, and sure enough, they are all quite high on my friends list although I couldn't be bothered to ever visit their profile or they would mine)
What I find is that going to a friends profile and go to his or her friends, you can see who they interact with most.
If you come up on the first set of rows, that can be a sign you check out each others profiles, but in my opinion could even well be, that the two of you are online at the same moment. (ànd maybe check each other out)

Just now verified couple of my suspected stalkers friends list and It was totally shocking to see myself at their top 5 rows. They are at the bottom of my friends list. We never had any interactions in fb, no likes, comments etc..and . I never visited their profiles.

Now, I am going to hide my friends list. it will be embarrassing if anyone else see my friends list with my crush on my top 5 always.. Now, I know why I am at the bottom of friends list. So frustrating now.
i found many my friends have already hidden their friend list, especially some of the folks at the bottom of my list. They might have found this out already.

what do you think the middle position mean on the list? neutral or very little interaction? –  teehee  Sep 12th, 2012 at 11:28 PM
I really doubt most people know this, teehee. –  nameless  Sep 13th, 2012 at 3:20 AM
yeah . this is very strange thing. 1 guy was next to the me in the bottom list of the girl i stalk, and sudently he comes to the top list and down to the bottom list again... strange thing. And the same thing hapens to a girl on my friends list, he downs to the bottom and apears again on the top list... i trying to explain that. –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 5:14 PM

nameless and portlandia, my answers to ur questions above.
If you have any actual interaction with your crush, rather than just checking out their page all the time, you might appear somewhere other than at the bottom of their friends list. But seriously there are random people who appear near the top of my friends list...and I don't stalk or interact with them! – portlandia

I actually like most of his pictures and commented his pics couple of times. But he commented only once on my pic in March. I was expecting atleast to be in the middle of his friends list somewhere but not at the bottom row.

You don't click on their photos or read their statuses via ticker on the right side? - nameless
nameless, I always click on his pictures and he doesnt update much in his wall post. so nothing to read.

Now, I strongly started thinking he must have put me in the acquaintance list. lol.. But I am not sure whether acquaintance listed people can get his updates because I always get his update. Also, there is a little girl who was sitting beside me in the last row suddenly went to his top 5. Not sure how that happened.

Can anyone please let me know how to set up the ticker on the right side ? I am unable to resize the chat list too.
Clicking and reading someone's status via ticker or clicking on someone's photo, counts as an interaction. It's likely that they will affect your friend's keesh list scores also. –  nameless  Sep 13th, 2012 at 3:29 AM
and another stranger thing happened. the girl i stalk put a msg to the guy who was next to me in the botom list and he dont change his position..... only her in his list, cause she was next to the tops... –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 5:22 PM
and for curiosity, when u do a group, the last persons showed in the top of the group, are always the last that interactions by some form. I think fb do a similar form for other things... –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 5:25 PM

fb user - You can resize the chat list by just making the browser window smaller. The friends shown basically mimics the keesh list or the "ordered friends" list in the html code.

I am starting to think that the 6 and 8 box have a lot to do with whom you have listed as "close friends" more than anything else. And the friend-finder 3 rotate people at the top of your chat/ordered friends list.

Has anyone noticed that occasionally fb gets all funky and weird people will show up in your 8 box and at the top of the friends list for a couple of minutes and then go back to normal? I think for a brief it will show people you recently interacted with.
I don't have anybody listed in my "close friends" list. I only have 3 in acquaintances, one of them being the #1 person on my keesh list that I'm trying to move on from.

It's not a glitch. You just have more than one set of top 8/top 5 rows from friend list. I have 2-3 at least. The sets have friends from top 5 rows that you interacted with as early as week ago, to almost a month ago. –  nameless  Sep 13th, 2012 at 3:27 AM
can anyone tell me what is exactly the keesh list? –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 5:18 PM
Go here for the thread on the Keesh list: –  Answers  Sep 13th, 2012 at 5:33 PM
Listen, i put my profile to "see how" my stalk girl see. She was in the 8 box and ghess what?? Her picture was replaced by the picture of her male best friends!! I tried the same thing on the others 7 people showed in 8 box and they picture ever replaced by a significant people in their lives. I tried with my aunt and she see his son, this is very interesting. My theory is when u see how the profile apears from certain person, the image of they is replaced for the people they are stalking or stalked (i think stalked) a lot!! But u never no if u can be this person, because U image is never showed, that means if u are the 1 person that are stalking, they will show the 2 person that are stalking. I will try to view my brother profile, because it showed my anoying cousin , and i think he is stalking my brother. If the image of my cousin could replaced by someother , like my image, i assume that could be possible to know if they are stalking u.... but u need to see in others account, cause in u account u never know. –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 5:49 PM
my another cousin see his picture replaced by his sister, a girl see his ex... wtf?? So suspected the stalker/stalking is here!! –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 5:57 PM
MYSTERIOUS SOLVED, HAHAHA. i got my fake account and saw my picture in 8 box of a friend of mine... with my profile, i saw the picture of the girl i stalk  LOLLLLL –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 6:43 PM
so, for now, for the 8 people who are showing in the box, U CAN know the person who are stalking them!! AWESOME!! –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 6:52 PM
and possibly if u saw the picture of the person u are stalking in the others profile, it is a clearn sign that U is the stalked person in that profile... u can check with fake account if they have that information open!! –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 6:55 PM
* u are, i mean –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 6:55 PM
I just checked out the girl's profile that i added days ago. We have no mutual friends whatsoever. but in her 8 box, the bottom right person doesn't change position at all, i assume that's me? given that i'm so high on her list while she is low on mine, who's the stalker here? –  teehee  Sep 13th, 2012 at 7:11 PM
the irony is i cant see if she is stalking me, cause i obviously cant see her picture on her box. It only server for third people.... cause her picture is a "guide".
If the picture u the people u are stalking changes for u picture, u are stalked. If the picture dont change, its only had interaction , if the picture changes for a 3 person, they show the stalker people of that person... its is complex, again! –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 7:27 PM
dont listen this last post.... i confused everything, cause i tried another things... my brain is work fast now, hahahahahahaa –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 7:29 PM
i think she could be stalking me too, cause in her 8 box didnt show me, but showed my 2 friend in the order of mutual friends (the first is her). I cant confirm, cause with my fake account i cant see her friends lists... so anoying! –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 7:44 PM
and he is in the bottom of her friends list... so the 8 box list have exceptions... –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 7:46 PM
it is not the first time i see him in her box. in the past was very comon to see him there. Im pretty sure she havent any interactions with him and she havent any interest in him. But he is my friend and apears in the 2 place in the 1 row of mutual friends. That lists leaves on consideration, the order of interactions. She is the 1 place. She and me cant apears on her 8 box profile, so the next person close is him. Cause that, i think she stalks me too, not so high as i do, but she visits my profile a lot.... i think this is true. –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 8:48 PM
in addition, my friend showed in the 1st place of mutual friends when i see her profile, cause that i assume she is stalking too... –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 8:52 PM
another thing i observed, when the box of 8 people changes is because u done a interaction, and the box have a logic changed. They will change the people by other people who have good relation with the 1 people or by the initials of the name (same initials) or anything else. And the girl i stalk did a interaction, and the guy was showed in the 1 place of 1 row and the guy i mentioned before that she did a interaction and he stayed next to my position was showed now in the top rows... –  jose  Sep 13th, 2012 at 10:26 PM
Actually, there is a way to tell if you're on a friend's top 8. Usually when a friend is on your top 8, their image will be replaced by a mutual friend of yours, or someone random from your friend list.

But the way you can tell if you're on someone's top 8 list at a moment in time when you are visiting their profile, is to check if the #8th slot (bottom right corner), who is replaced by a mutual friend you know(or if no mutual friend, some random person from their list), and the friend on the 8th slot position stays static when you refresh, while the other 7 randomly switch places. –  nameless  Sep 14th, 2012 at 2:35 AM
Usually when a friend is on your top 8, their image will be replaced by a mutual friend of yours, or someone random from your friend list, if they are viewing your profile. The same can be applied when you're viewing the top 8 of a friend's profile.

Also check if you are in the top rows of your friends as well. It's usually the first 2 set of top friends on your friends list that will randomly cycle in and out people on to the top 8 list. First set of top friends is the first 5 rows, and the second set covers a whole lot more rows, but is dependant on how large your friend list. F.e., I have 190 friends. First set of my top friends covers rows 1-5. The end set of top friends covers rows 6-13. Then the 3rd set covers 14-21, etc. But yeah, the size of the 2nd, 3rd, and so on top friend sets, I believe depends on how many friends you have total. –  nameless  Sep 14th, 2012 at 2:40 AM
awesome... it really works!! Im didnt made that to the girl because she already moved, but it works for my brother... the 8 place is always never changed, meaning u are there!! –  jose  Sep 14th, 2012 at 2:48 AM
but im pretty sure that was me in the 8 place, cause my friend was there.... it not means they are stalking u, but they had a interaction, i guess... if they dont had any interaction, means that they visited u profile! –  jose  Sep 14th, 2012 at 2:52 AM
well, now im confusing... i saw the picture of my friend in another friend, refresh and the picture dont change, but when i saw with my fake profile it was not me, but another guy that i never seen... what is the meaning of this?? –  jose  Sep 14th, 2012 at 2:56 AM
maybe this is a way to see the stalker of the person... cause today i stalked my brother a lot for the tests, and my picture apeared in his 8 box.... but i had msg interaction too. –  jose  Sep 14th, 2012 at 2:59 AM
did it again with another friend and apeared again other person, not me... –  jose  Sep 14th, 2012 at 3:02 AM
other thing that i observed now... if u put the option "see how" in u profile, when the image of u friend that is in 8 box is replaced by u another friend.... when u visit the another friend profile, the friend will be there in the other 8 box too!!
i think this is the stalking relation... –  jose  Sep 14th, 2012 at 3:27 AM
No, I don't think you can ever tell.To me it seems like FB just randomly cycles in and out people from your top 8 on a daily basis, from your first two set of friends(again, the first set being your top 5 rows of friends--which is universal for everyone, and the 2nd set depends on how many friends in your friendlist you have total you have I think.. My second set covers rows 6-13 on my friends list). –  nameless  Sep 14th, 2012 at 11:25 PM
I will tell you something interesting though.

My ex crush(who is #1 on my keesh list) stayed on the 8th position for one of my top 8 sets, even after refreshing over a dozen times--on MY profile. This has happened to me a few times in the past couple of months also. And before a big update in late april-earlymayish, my old crush stayed on my 7th spot of my top 8 for a month--no matter how many times I refreshed(while the other 7 changed positons after refreshing). Occasionally my #2 keesh friend would stay stuck on the #8th spot for a day two also. But then starting in early may, this was gone.. But I think some reminants still remain.

^^Back then I interacted a lot with my crush(in terms of page and photo views, and occasional commenting on profile--like once a month). I stll look at her page from time to time. Not sure what it means, but I'm trying to stop completely and get her keesh value lower. –  nameless  Sep 14th, 2012 at 11:37 PM

Anyone has any idea about mobile stalking/viewing ? How much impact would it create ?

I've read almost everything that's been said here.I did my own little experiment,choosing a random friend as the subject of my experiment and here are the results

8 friends box: Displays the people with whom I have had some sort of public interaction recently,such as liking a post/photo or commenting on something.Proflie views do not seem to be a key factor to which friends are displayed there.( I have tested that by visiting subject's profile regularly,without liking anything or commenting on anything .He never appeared in that box.)

6 friends box: The way I see it,here's a mix of peple we view and people who view us,without necessarily interacting publicly.This means that either we visit their page or they visit ours,clicking on our links when they pop up in the newsfeed and vice versa etc. People who stay there for long seem to be the people we interact more,even in a "stealthy" way.It seems that what counts the most in this selection is mutual interaction,that's why sometimes we see people popping up and after a few hours or the following day disappearing from this box. (The friend I was viewing appeared in this box and stayed there for 24 hours.The following day,he disappeared and since he hasn't been displayed again.I can confirm that he never visits my page because he hardly ever uses fb for almost a year now)

Friends List: I think this is the last thing one should pay attention to if they want to find out who their "stalkers" are.Being low on someone's list doesn't mean he/she doesn't visit you. It means that there are people with who he/she interacts more on Fb than he/she does with you.In this case,public interaction (likes and comments and not just profile views) seems to be highly weighed. ( My experiment's subject never made it to the top rows although I was visiting his page.Neither did I make it to his top rows.Obviously,profile wiews as such are not enough to climb up a friend's list neither is your position on one's list indicative of him/her visiting you or not. The people filling the top rows are just the people you usually interact publicly.)

Mutual Friends List (when clicking the "Find Friends" option) : As some have mentioned before,I think here's the key to solving the "mystery".These 9-10 friends appearing recurrently indicate most likely our top 10 friends.In different words,the people Fb has estimated as our closest friends. People appearing there are usually listed family members/relationships and friends we interact with relentlessly. I'm inclined to believe that if you see 1-2 people that you do not give a damn about what they do on fb,and thus you rarely or never visit their pages,click on their links and photos or whatever and there's no sign of interaction on their part,these people are the ones who do "watch" you but try to keep it secret for their own reasons.AKA the so-called stalkers.

To find out friends rank I think dragging the chat bar is enough.Drag it down and then slowly up again.You will see friends popping up one at the time and probably the order they pop up reflects their rank (1st person to appear is friend #1,2nd is friend #2 etc)

I must add that fb's estimation of who our closest friends are is clearly dependent on our interaction (in any possible way) over a long period of time. This could explain the persistence of some friends' appearance,especially in the 6 friends box and in the "Mutual Friends" list.

that's all :). I'm sorry for the lengthy post,and for expression mistakes (if any) :) i'm not a native speaker :)
i am absolutely agree with u. All these case matches with me. I hate secret stalkers. –  belogical  Sep 14th, 2012 at 4:53 PM
but i read many comments here concerning friend list row number, but it doesnt goes with me at all. My top rows r d ppl who liked my things or i liked/commented their things recently. My chain stalkers (2-3 person i suspect, who doesnt interact publicly a lot with me) are in the middle rows of my friend list. dont understand what it makes! –  belogical  Sep 14th, 2012 at 5:02 PM
just ask ourselves, do we often visit people at the bottom of our lists? For me, if it was not for the purpose of the testing here, I would probably have never ever looked at their pages. And even including this, 1 or 2 times is maximum clicks for me in life time. –  teehee  Sep 14th, 2012 at 7:15 PM
I'm agree with your post, people on the top of my friends list, are people I interact more publicly. I'm on the top of their friends list too. They don't necessarily look at my profile. They like/comment , through the feed, like I do. Yesterday I liked pictures of people at the bottom, and today, they are at the top of my list. –  Stranger  Sep 14th, 2012 at 7:50 PM
And like I said before, when I used to stalk my crush all the time, I wasn't at the top of his friends list, but on the middle. –  Stranger  Sep 14th, 2012 at 7:57 PM
And he was on the middle of mine, what does that mean... –  Stranger  Sep 14th, 2012 at 8:10 PM
it means that u both are stalking each other in the same proportion, if u both dont interact in public... –  jose  Sep 14th, 2012 at 8:31 PM
No we don't. In the same proportion? My Goood, i'm a huge stalker. Good for me. –  Stranger  Sep 14th, 2012 at 8:44 PM
well, a logical explanation could be that perhaps he has clicked on your posts if he has seen something interesting.Most of us click on items posted by random friends sometimes if something catches our eye.We just look at the post without commenting or clicking "like". This doesn't mean that we stalk these people,it's just their post or photo that got our attention at a specific moment. So,maybe he clicks on your posts sometimes :) unless you know for sure that he's stalking,this could be the reason why he was listed in the middle :) –  lila  Sep 14th, 2012 at 8:56 PM
excuse me,i meant YOU were listed in the middle on his list :) –  lila  Sep 14th, 2012 at 8:59 PM
@stranger....when u used to stalk him, did he appeared in top 3 mutual friends or in chat room ordered top friends??
and just for information, i used to stalk myself from a fake ac, my fake ac always in top 3 mutual frnd, but recently i put myself acquintances in my fake ac, now my fake ac appears in bottom rows of my frnd list. bt still my fake ac is under top 3 mutual frnd list. –  belogical  Sep 14th, 2012 at 9:01 PM
what u ppl think abt close frnd suggestion?? are these d ppl i stalk or stalked?? –  belogical  Sep 14th, 2012 at 9:38 PM
@lila... Yeah, it could be a logical explanation . But personally, I stalked him badly, more than him, perhaps,probably I don't know . That's the problem, lol . I wonder why do we had the same position.

@ belogical.... Yeah, he was in the top 3 mutual friends,1st in the chat room ordered top friends, number 3 in the " dragging the chat bar".Number 1 was/is my sister, and number 2 a good friend of mine. –  Stranger  Sep 14th, 2012 at 10:01 PM
you don't have to drag the chat bar down or up.

Right now for some reason, I can't even do that anymore--and the live ticker hasn't showed on my fb for days

Anyway, just right click on an empty blank spot while logged on fb, and then click view page source(what it says may vary by browser your'e using(. Then press ctrl + F and type in "orderedfriendlist" in the box and press enter. It will show you the code, followed by fb friend's facebook profile #s in a certain order. These #s are the same as the friend chatbox order. –  nameless  Sep 14th, 2012 at 11:43 PM
@stranger---i used to stalk a person, who is also got place in mutual frnds, chat order no.4 and frequently on 6 box..................i guess mutual frnd show both the persons stalks who u and u stalks d person.
bt what do anyway when we have to know abt d ppl in our life, who cares if they suspect us as stalkers, and fb provides no evidence ;)....cause if places both interaction in same place...hard to figure out –  belogical  Sep 15th, 2012 at 4:45 PM
When it comes to the top 6, the most fascinating thing for me, is how often a person shows after refreshing. Usually I refresh 10 times in a row.

Every now and then, I get someone like my ex crush for instance, that shows up in the top 6, 3-4 times in a row. And there are really rare times, like 5 minutes, when she showed up 6 times in a row. Not sure what means, but I know it can't be random. I've been her fb friend since last Dec, and I also saw her online for the first time last night on fb chat, and on for 10 minutes(she usually has chat turned off). I didn't talk to her of course though. Don't wanna dwell on it. –  nameless  Sep 16th, 2012 at 2:59 AM

The ones in the chatbox are the ones that have a cellphone on their chatbox, your messages will go directly to their cellphone. They are the ones that have installed fb on their smartphone, aaaaaaaah people are so dumb. And the reason why you see that "one person" everywhere (chatbox, mutual friends, friendfinder blablabla) are because YOU are stalkiiiing them. TRUST ME. I have had plenty of dummy accounts and stalked myself A LOT with them and they rarely show up anywhere. FB would not make it that obvious if people are stalking you. You just want to see that one person everywhere and when you do, you automatically think that they have been stalking you even though it is you that has been stalking them. And your friendlist has NOTHING to do with who are stalking or who you have been stalking, it is mostly based on interaction.
profile visits counts on the many interaction factors ( I dont know exactly how they atribute the points to that, maybe is less than public interaction)... and I see many people who I clearly don't stalk in my chat box and mutual friends too, so it is not that simple... –  jose  Sep 15th, 2012 at 4:14 PM
FB wouldn't make the algorithm so obvious.... cause if u open u profile in front of others, they could know the people u are stalking!! –  jose  Sep 15th, 2012 at 4:15 PM
The ones in the chatbox are the ones that have a cellphone on their chatbox, your messages will go directly to their cellphone. They are the ones that have installed fb on their smartphone, aaaaaaaah people are so dumb"
REALLYYYYY, I myself have facebook on my phone, and I didn't notice that! I'm too dumb for that, you're right...

Are you working for facebook? Because you seems to know everything... Tell us more, we are tooo dumb to understand. –  Stranger  Sep 15th, 2012 at 4:24 PM
faceboopro don't know nothing, bro.... –  jose  Sep 15th, 2012 at 4:38 PM
@Jose... apparently not my friend. We're just talking about Hypothetical ideas... –  Stranger  Sep 15th, 2012 at 7:13 PM
bah, u understand wrong. I only made that comentary only because facebookpro was arrogant , be sure I dont want to be u friend... –  jose  Sep 15th, 2012 at 7:22 PM
Lol I Clearly understand, I'm not there for making friends.... I should write "my friend". Is it good for you? Do you understand nooow? –  Stranger  Sep 15th, 2012 at 7:58 PM
i have the fb app for my phone and fb messenger on my pc. In the chat list, I have a few friends that I know do not have fb on their smartphone and one that doesn't even have a smartphone.

Also, on my mutual friends thing, I get some people that I have never stalkes or have barely interacted with in any way. –  randomname  Sep 15th, 2012 at 9:38 PM
There could be some truth to this. I think FB gathers data like internet ads. They track when was the last time you viewed them and how often interact with them on a regular basis, and then they remind you that they exist more than more than most of your friends through like page ads, etc, so you can stalk them more. They get payed for page views, likes, comments, etc after all. –  nameless  Sep 16th, 2012 at 3:02 AM
"Are you working for facebook? Because you seems to know everything... Tell us more, we are tooo dumb to understand. – Stranger 1 day ago"

Dude, pretty much the previous 5 pages already covered everything that is talked about on this page. Nobody here has really brought up nothing new. I'm sure some of you have already looked at the previous comments before this page... I lost count on how many times I've repeated myself for the past 2 pages. –  nameless  Sep 16th, 2012 at 6:39 PM
Yep, nobody knows for sure, and I think i'm gonna give up. –  Stranger  Sep 16th, 2012 at 9:27 PM
nobody here has really brought up *anything new.

BTW.. I've noticed two things.

1. the friend ticker on the right side, doesn't show anymore for me. Been ticker free for like a week now. Anyone else notice(if its affecting you)?

2. The girl I'm trying to move on(#1 on my keesh list btw) is stuck at #8th position in one of my top 8 friends sets, no matter how many times I refresh, running for the 3rd day now. I have several different top 8 friend sets that are cycled everyday btw. –  nameless  Sep 17th, 2012 at 9:36 AM

hahahah loooooooooool people are getting aggressive here I'm just writing for fuuun take it easy! :DDDD Yes of course some stalking methods are taking into consideration, just not that much. If people are online you can see them on fb chat on the left side, otherwise it's only people who have installed fb on their phone.

Just sayin that your own stalking of people will show a lot more on your fb than if people are stalking you.
The chat list is made up of anyone in your close friends list, plus any relatives you have listed. If you have no one in your close friends list, it defaults to your ordered friends list, which will weigh relatives higher, as well as those you stalk or interact with the most.

On another note, I was excited today to see that I appeared in my crushes' 8 friends box and in his top 5 rows of friends (and he's a celebrity). That had never happened before. He liked my status today, whereas most of our interactions have been when I've only commented on his status updates, and he's liked my comments back. But today he actually liked one of my updates, so that made me really happy to know that he read my stuff (and maybe he's read other updates, even if he hasn't "liked" them before.) –  portlandia  Sep 19th, 2012 at 5:28 AM
I have had people in my close friends list but removed them all already some time ago. So it seems that the chat list doesn't update too often - they still appear there even though they are not in the top of my keesh list anymore (assume that equals the ordered friends list). I have deliberately not visited these people's profiles, liked or commented any of their posts and they have gone down on the keesh list. So I wonder why they still keep appearing on my chat list and 6 friends box ? I would rather not see 2 of these people (my crush and another woman) on my 6 box as i can clearly see them having private chats on FB. When I keep refreshing my profile page, their pictures keep circulating in the 6 box when they are chatting (3-4 times in a row each). So I can clearly see that they are communicating in turns. The other one shows in the chat list but not online (suspect she has made herself visible only to the other person), the other one shows a mobile status in chat list. It may be that they are also interacting via mobile IM as that can be connected to your FB accounts in Windows phones which we use. Nevertheless - annoying. I want them out :) –  confused  Sep 19th, 2012 at 2:19 PM
I don't get it.. How do you see/know 100% that they're "clearly chatting privately online," at a given time based off of the top 6 box?

And if you don't want to see them in the top 6 box, put them in the acquaintances list. –  nameless  Sep 19th, 2012 at 8:20 PM
Better yet, take them off your friends list. –  nameless  Sep 19th, 2012 at 8:21 PM
I know that they are chatting privately for several reasons. Of course I cannot be 100% sure but maybe 99% :)
1) I checked with one of my friends who kept appearing multiple times in a row after each refresh - he had been chatting on FB with a friend
2) These two people (assistant and manager) I refer to are working for the same company as I am (and I have had already earlier suspicions they have something going on.)
3) they tend to appear in the 6 friend box at the same time. When people keep showing up in the 6 friend list repeatedly, that is a sign they are logged in FB, looking at posts or having some activity there
4) I can also quite easily verify that they have recently logged in FB by looking at the friends list once people keep appearing again and again on the 6 friends box. The ones who are online, usually move to the first or second row of each set of 5 rows of friends.
5) They don't post, comment or like anything even though they are on FB (they very rarely do) so the obvious is that they are chatting.
So these are my observations of certain things that happen when people are on FB. I am not willing to remove any of my friends for this - my comment was not to be taken so seriously ;) –  confused  Sep 20th, 2012 at 6:17 PM
I think you're over analyzing this a bit too much.. People in Top 5 friend rows will randomly change positions within those 15 slots for every page view/refresh.

I've tested this for 3 months now. I've chatted/exchanged messages with several people in real time, including as recently as yesterday and the day before, and haven't seen them appear 3-4 times in a row on the top 6 box.

Also, people on your top 5 rows is mainly dependent on who YOU interact with. When you comment or like someone and they weren't in the top 5 rows previously, they will likely be bumped up there for a few days. I've noticed this for months now, and I can confirm that it's not necessairly mutual, because a friend of mine passed away on monday, and I wrote on his wall the next day, and he showed up one set of my top 5 lists in my friends list. –  nameless  Sep 20th, 2012 at 10:25 PM
I am not over analyzing this - this is a fact. And what comes to the persons chatting and appearing in the 6 friends box 3-4 times in a row - I meant that this happens at the very same time they are chatting - not a day after or days after. And you can hardly analyze this yourself if you are the other party in the chatting but it is very obvious if you're looking at it as a third party. These 2 persons happen to be in the top of my keesh list so they appear in my 6 friends box a lot.

And what comes to the friends list and how people move around there. Yes - the friends list is all about who you interact with but nevertheless, their individual placement within the set of 5 rows a friends is much dependent on them being online/active on FB. I agree - every time you refresh, they move to another position but you can clearly see a pattern in this movement by following one person - it not all that random. If the person has been online/is online, when you open up the friends list he usually appears in the first row (many times even as the first person on the first row). All of the above I can also verify as I can follow up on our company Lync/messanger online status of our employees. And the activity there backs up all my assumptions on what goes on in FB. –  confused  Sep 22nd, 2012 at 10:03 PM

yes.. mutual profile visits also brings the person to our top 5 rows. I visited a friend of mine couple of time this week for testing purpose and he didnt go to my top 5 those days I visited and today I think he might have visited me . All of a sudden he is in top 5 now and I am in his top 5. We were in the middle rows earlier.

PS: I visited several other friends for my testing purpose and they are not in my top 5 yet..

I am still at the last row in my crush's profile while he stays at my top 5 all the time. I avoid any interactions with him carefully for last 15 days ( from sep 5) . Lets see whats going to happen. He is my no2 in keesh.
not sure if anyone has noticed, but on the page source, there are now a bunch of 'whitelisted_friend_ids' that i'm pretty sure weren't there before. the names of these friends are listed right above it too... –  tiff  Sep 20th, 2012 at 4:18 AM
Nice find. Not sure what it means, but within the code it does say, "Close Friends\" before listing the friends in some sort of order. I notice it lists 20 of my friends, after the close friends code. Most are in my ordered friend chat list. –  nameless  Sep 20th, 2012 at 10:24 AM
Mutual interfaction count, I'm pretty sure of this.

In my friends list crush, she has 1000+ friends, I was in her list at 700+ friends. 2 months ago, I like one her publication, I stalked her a bit for 6 months, & stopped 3 months ago (checking maybe 4-5 times a month her profile... And after she've seen my like, she talked to me, I stayed in her top 15 friends for 2-3 days and then gone back in the 600+ (it was 2 months ago) and I've checked 3 weeks ago, still in her 600+ friends, I checked back yesterday for the 1st time since 3 weeks, and I was in her top 50 friends (there's an empty friends box space separating from the rest of the friends and other pack of friends, i don't know why, but I keep staying above the 50), I refreshed the page 4-5 times, I was in her top 15, then come back one day later, was back in top 50, today too. Yet when I stalked her, I never moved up from my 600+ position.
She has 1000+ friends, It's pretty much impossible that I'm so high if she "really" interacted with my profile once since I'm sure there's far more a lot of people she interact with, & stalker her from since I stopped...
Same from the friends list, it isn't the same orders as the keesh list, she's still 1, she's 1 too on my keesh list, but the interisting things is, I like a lot of stuff from other people, they get higher in my keesh list, they even get higher when my keesh list update, but 1 day after the update, her number update so she can still be first, yet without me doing no interaction, no mouse over, nothing at all... –  Jane  Sep 21st, 2012 at 1:03 AM
Correction : "stalker her from since I stopped..." = Stalker her more since I stopped
"they get higher in my keesh list, they even get higher when my keesh list update," = they get higher than her when my keesh list update –  Jane  Sep 21st, 2012 at 1:06 AM
Oh yeah, I forgot, she appear a LOT in my 8 box friends, and she's the person who appear the most than other friends in the 6 box. And I've done nothing from 3 weeks, before I checked 3 days ago... That's why I checked actually, she was appearing a lot more than usual... –  Jane  Sep 21st, 2012 at 1:08 AM
K, just noticed now that "close friends" and the "whitelist" right after it, is the same friends and same order as the orderedfriendlist. –  nameless  Sep 21st, 2012 at 4:22 AM
WHERE IS THIS? can´t find... which source page of what in the profile? –  jose  Sep 22nd, 2012 at 9:20 PM
ok, i found... unfortanely think is nothing really special here. –  jose  Sep 22nd, 2012 at 9:46 PM

I thought I'd make an account to chime in on this.

I've been reading everything people have been saying and can honestly say I've developed an un-healthy obsession with this all! An ex girlfriend of mine hardly ever uses Facebook, in fact the last time I posted on her profile was around six months ago but I viewed her profile now and again. After we broke up, I was looking at her profile more (I shouldn't have, but there we are) -- viewing it nearly 2 / 3 times a day, but we never spoke or messaged. Very last interaction was tagging a photo of her and I around 3 months ago.

Keesh list : she'll be in around the 7th or 8th position (out of around 400 friends)
Mutual friends : 8/10, she'll be in the top 3. In some cases, she's the top 1.
6 box : 1/4 refreshes will put her photo in the top 6 box on my timeline
8 box : since monitoring this, I've NEVER seen her picture in the top 8 box.

Am I wrong in thinking that profile views alone shouldn't weigh THIS much? I'm not expecting to hear "This girl is stalking you!" but it hardly makes sense she's out-weighing friends that I speak to nearly everyday / few times a week.

I have stopped having any interactions with his profile for last 15 days and I already started noticing my crush NEVER showed up in my mutual friends list even after several refreshes . He used to be there all the time before. and now in my mutual friends list, I am seeing mostly my family members, and couple of friends I interact often and another friend who is interested in my life(stalker?) . But I dont visit her profile often. So i think mutual friend finder is showing both.

Questionare.. profile visits 2 - 3 times a day also weighs more I guess. Because, I remember I used to do that and all these put my crush everywhere I see. Whats ur position on her friends list and hers on ur list.

i find its people i interact with and people that i stalk on fb that show up in the friend box.....end off.
i find its ppl
* mutual public interaction (+++++)
* mutual stalking interaction (++++)
* you stalk the ppl(+++)
*ppl who stalks u(++)
and also ppl who stalks you dont come to top 6 box or mutual 3, till u dnt click on them. You when click it activates –  belogical  Sep 20th, 2012 at 7:00 PM
Plz sm1 help me with this
*if i stalk sm1, i guess and have enough reason that she stalks me too, i have private message interaction with her but not that much, my close frnd is empty, my friend list is hided, her hided too.......she is in top 45 frnds wihin my 200 frnds..she is everywhere i c except 8 frnd she stalks me too??? –  belogical  Sep 20th, 2012 at 7:17 PM
well, i dont know if anyone notice that, but the people who showing in my 6 box are exactly the people who have the highest ranks on my keesh list!!

and i dont know why, but there are people who i never interact, even visit their profiles. So, the only explanation i can do is that these people are my stalkers...

or they are people who visited my profile recent, cause i think keesh list considers that factor too! –  jose  Sep 21st, 2012 at 1:51 AM
I am replying here, because I don't know how to post a new answer. I have a dummy account with which I started stalking my real account about a month ago. I never visited the dummy account from my real. The dummy stalked me hardcore for a few weeks, but never appeared in any lists and was at the bottom of my "all friends" list.

Now, a couple of days ago the dummy started appearing a lot on my 6-friends list and he's towards the top of my all-friends list all of a sudden. So apparently it does show the stalkers, but there is a time lag.

After observation and experiments to an unhealthy degree, I've come to the following conclusions:

People I mutually interact with a lot
People I stalk
People who stalk me

People I mutually interact with a lot
People I interacted with recently (mutually or one-sided)
People who stalk me
Some randoms

I have observations about the all friends and mutual friends lists too, but I have already described them in previous comments. Just a quick observation, in the all-friends list I recently liked the profile pic of a guy who I hadn't interacted with for months and was at the bottom of the list. The same day he went at the very top of the list and stayed there for a couple of days. –  randomname  Sep 21st, 2012 at 11:28 AM
Damn! The dummy account who stalked me just appeared on my 8-friends list. I'll keep u updated if he stays there. –  randomname  Sep 21st, 2012 at 11:31 AM

Woah, this is ****ing weird... My old crush is no longer #1 on my keesh list! For days her value number was -5.81. Now all of a sudden, she dropped to #11 on my keesh list to a value of -0.98!! Some other people on my keesh list have switched around too, but hers is a very dramatic drop.

I Also checked the source code. In ordered friend list, she's still #1, but in white list, she's #6.

2 days ago some girl on my white list who was #19, is now #1, but on the keesh list, she's only .50. I don't know her fb ID so I didn't check the ordered friend list.. I'll check maybe later. I don't like her and hardly ever interact with her.

I wonder what happened... I mean for months since I found out about the keesh list, My crush was as high as -7.8, but was steadily dropping. Just last week she was -6.45(but sometimes it showed in the -5 area).

Perhaps FB's algorithm of keesh values is only for a certain time period(couple of months), until it resets--but before it resets it gathers data or the last week or so and includes it after the reset?

In terms of stalking.. I'm not visiting her page that often, and hardly click on her pics.. Not nearly as often as I did last spring. But days I do look at her page, I check 2-3 times that day. Just about 2 days ago, I liked a status of hers and even PM'd her. So I'm guessing it reset and took the most recent interactions..

It does make me wonder though, if keesh list really does include mutual interaction. I dunno.
scratch that.. She was #7 on ordered friendlist, not #1. –  nameless  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 4:01 AM

my crush is consistent in 8th slot on 8 box and also frequently in six box but he is in the middle of my friends list, also he is frequently appearing in mutual friends and number 1 in my keesh list.. is there any chance that he is viewing my timeline too?.. i'm viewing his profile for 3 to 8 times a day.. any conclusion about this? thank you..
This has happened to me several times in the past 4 months or so that I've noticed. Most recently last weekend, in which in one of my top 8 sets, my crush was on the 8th slot as well for a few days(she was also #1 on keesh). Don't know what it means really. It could mean they have, or maybe it's just you if you looked/interacted with their profile a lot. –  nameless  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 12:10 AM

How do people get into the 3 mutual friends and what makes them stay there if there's no interaction for a few weeks?

nameless,.. surprisingly, my crush also went down to 16th place in my keesh list. He was always in the 2nd place for last 6 months with a value of 6.9 something. I didn't visit his profile for last 17 days till yesterday. now his number is .65
1) He is not in my mutual friends list anymore ( thats another surprise).
2) He is not the first person when I search with his first letter in the search box. ( he always used to be the first)
3) He is still in my top 5 and I am still in his last row ;P
4) keesh list now he is in 16th place
5) he is in my 8 box every 2 days.
6) I dont know what happend, my 6 box is not at all refreshing when I try to refresh many times. there are other 6 other friends and they are static and never change

I am just tired of all these. Its so pathetic. I am just going to let him go and let him come back if he wants. I put him under acquaintance and uncheck his news feed.
1- How can I do an answer here??
2- ANYONE KNOWS A FORM TO SEE A HIDDEN 8 BOX FRIENDS PROFILE?? –  jose  Sep 22nd, 2012 at 8:14 PM
Hahaaa so THIS IS REALLY BAD! Instead of using facebook to chek out people and probably stalk dream ones, which at the end of the day to a certain extend is totally normal, we now use it to refresh our own timeline, billing for fb at each click so that new adds can stair at us. And getting all the more concerned about ourselves___ haha fb is really good to get grap out of us. –  marie  Sep 22nd, 2012 at 10:59 PM
By the way, I have the same here, my old crush I've stopped going on profile for two months, has suddely moved down in my mutual friends, first letter of name, and tchat list, drastically also, and totally disapeared of 6 box. 6 box I've noticed is now showing me people I've recently visited profiles. And others.
I'm very surprised to see it's the same for others here. Hey, how about seing those people FOR REAL and not let fb have that much influence?? HAha –  marie  Sep 22nd, 2012 at 11:09 PM
It's likely then that FB's date of keesh values is being reset for everyone then. Must be every 6 months or something.

Mutual friends list takes like the top 10 to 12 people from keesh list, from what I've noticed so yeah.. If he's #17, then he won't show. –  nameless  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 12:13 AM
The thing is this crush is the only one to have changed in my chat list - which is the keesh, code source list - no one else has changed at all ! Only thing which hasn't changed is place in both friends list : 1/4 (I check his from a dummy account, should I worry about HP adress influence maybe? haa), and till late today still in 8 box. –  marie  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 1:36 AM
I don't know.

But you're right about one thing.. It's better to not obsess about if they're stalking you or not, based on the values via keesh list or placement on your chat or friendslist.

I really need to move on myself, because I know for a fact that it's not gonna work out between me and my crush. 100 miles away, but even then, we're just not that close anymore and aren't talking anymore.

If you like the guy and you talk with him regulary, I would definitely try not to worry too much about if he's stalking you on fb + stalking him, and just try to catch up with him in person(like you said).

I hope this is the last time I post here on this site... –  nameless  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 4:09 AM
yeah, but if u could know if the person u like is stalking u, u know the interest level that this person have on u.... FUCK, haha. U know if u can spend energy on... –  jose  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 5:21 AM
i almost pretty sure that if u rank in the bottom on friends list means that the person have low interest level on u... i tried that a lot of people that i interact and suspect they stalke me and i always on the top. So , fuck her, i will move on and get some one better than she... –  jose  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 5:49 AM

I realized something when you use the "View as" Tool. You can see how your profile looks like to certain people.

After keying quite a number of my friends names..and then clicking on the "Photos" tab, I have discovered that.. basically there are two kinds of views. Fyi, if anyone wna try this, you MUST have your tagged pictures privatized, meaning your friends should only see your photo albums that you have enabled for their viewing.

1) the albums view (this is generally what you and many others will see when u click on ur "photo" tab)
2) individual photos akin to "tagged pictures" but it is not as this shows all the individual pictures you have uploaded onto fb. At the same view, click on the "Albums" on the top right hand, and interestingly, it differs from those appeared to friends that is on point 1).

To me, this is rather interesting and it makes me wonder why fb did this...

my hypothesis - if you view as your friend and it shows point 2)... those are the friends who are stalking you and definitely browsed through your fb profile. Any thoughts? Do try!
Hey this is really odd!!! I've tried and it's weird allright,
I have
- one of my bestfriend, I'd be surprised she'd go through my pictures, and I used to through hers a lot, quite long ago.
None of my other close friends, one of which I stalked myself with from her account, say more than ago, intensly for a week - we were together then.
-The crush, but he's gone so way down my keesh list,
- 4 who could easily be stalking me
- One I'd be hugely surprised
- And a cousin I've been on her profile only yesterday and today, but quite a lot.

Otherwise it doesn't work with my dummy account I sometimes stalk myself with, but I hardly open it
Neither for a friend who's been stalking me for a week. Visiting once a day. But not before that.

So it's weird, and nothing to do with all other lists.
How about you, who are these people for you ? –  marie  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 4:32 PM
woah! I just noticed. Why the hell is this happening? I don't think it reveals the stalkers though. I checked with quite a few friends, and it only shows view number 2 to my best friend and dummy account. I checked with a couple of people who have admitted to stalk me and with a guy I'm sure is stalking me and it showed view number 1 for them. Still, why is this happening.? I like view number 2 better. –  randomname  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 4:38 PM
Okay so the friend who's been stalking me has just tried, and I'm in number 2, which confusing as he's not for me, and for a long while his pictures we hidden to me, but I used to visit his page quite often.
He hed hidden his pictures to all but 2 people, one of which is in number 2.

Either I'm in number 2 because I used to visit his page.
Or because he's been stalking me for a week, which would work whith the cousin I've been visiting her page recently.

As usual this is confusing.
I stalked my crush intensly for 2 weeks almost two month ago, been on his profile only once till then, and across some newsfeed on the timeclicker. –  marie  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 4:45 PM
Randomname, did you visit your dummy account at all, or was it just your dummy account visiting you ? –  marie  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 4:48 PM
@ Marie I don't think it reveals the ones YOU stalk either. It showed view number 1 for all the people I stalk! Also, my 2nd dummy account-which I use to stalk my real one A LOT, but I never visit it-gets view number 1. The view may be random and have nothing to do with stalking. I'll try with a few more and come back if I find any interesting results. –  randomname  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 4:49 PM
Ok, I checked with a lot of friends. To me it seems kinda random. I can't find a pattern. To most friends it shows view no.1 and to some view no.2, but the ones who get view number 2 seem quite random. So nothing here (at least for me) Maybe there's a pattern for other people. Still why would facebook make this distinction? I don't get it. –  randomname  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 4:58 PM
Sorry for posting 3 times, but I have another observation about this one. The dummy account who gets the 2nd view when he views me, gets the 2nd view when he views ANYONE'S profile (even strangers' profiles). The dummy account who gets the 1st view when he sees me, gets the 1st view when visiting ANYONE'S profile. I also get the 1st view when visiting anyone's profile. So view number 2 must be a new feature, and we'll all get it eventually I guess. Like the timeline. It 1st started with a few people and then everyone got it. –  randomname  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 5:18 PM
Ok good for that, it makes more sense. I guess mine are also random. Good you noticed. –  marie  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 5:56 PM
has anyone know if u put a person in "dont show on feeds" that could be useful to regreed the keshee value and put ther person down on the friends list? –  jose  Sep 23rd, 2012 at 7:15 PM

My person in question is blocked on feeds but is still #10 on the keesh list, in my top 6 regularly (anywhere between 2/10 and 5-7/10 appearances at different times of day, top 1 or top 2 when I search the first letter of the names, and still appearing in the mutual friends thing regardless of position on the keesh list. I don't think it makes a difference.
Ageed, I don't think it makes much of a difference if you've unsubscribed from someones feed. –  Answers  Sep 24th, 2012 at 12:31 AM
ty people... i have now the theory that if a person is located on the bottom of friends list it doesnt mean that they have little points on the keesh list. I have an anoying cause which is top in my keesh list, cause regular conversation on chat. But he is still in my bottom, with the others that almost have 0 points on keesh. The explanation i can do is cause the difference of the keesh list.... im located in his middle list, but probaly my valour is much more than he. Even i visit his profile constantly, the wont level up, cause that huge difference. Thats why i think i cant level up on the girl i stalk, cause her value is much more than me. I think she visits my profile 1,2,3 times for week (nothing compared to my visits), cause my picture shows up in her 8 box, and she can be curious about that too.. I will try to decrease her value, and see what happens. I trying to visiting different bottom profiles too, but they arent level up too. I will update if i discover more.... –  jose  Sep 24th, 2012 at 12:56 AM
Something weird with the recent "reset" in the algorithm. My celebrity crush, with whom in the past week I've had more mutual interaction than ever before, has moved from #1 to #6 in my "ordered friends" chat list. I moved from his top 6 rows and being in his 8 friends box, to being at about row 30. Also, he hasn't shown up in my 8 friends box all week, but a bunch of people I had more interactions with about a month or more ago are all showing up there. It's as though there's been a malfunction of some kind! –  portlandia  Sep 24th, 2012 at 2:29 AM

So I've noticed that one of my friends sporadically disappears from the 14 friend boxes that appear on the right side of the networks we're in. When she reappears, the ordering of friends/pages/etc in the search bar is shuffled up, but returns to how it was before when she disappears from the network boxes again. Anyone else notice this? Not sure if she's the only one who disappears, but she's the only one I've noticed lately.

I am glad I am not the only one who noticed the reset in the Keesh list, the algorithm must have changed. My stalker was always #1 but now he is way down on the list, but for the past week or so before the update I have had him on the Restricted List. He is back on my regular friends list now. It will be interesting to see how the Keesh ranking changes over time. I don't look at his page any more than I look at my other friends pages.

Can we revisit the OrderedFriendsList in the HTML code--is anyone else noticing that it changes for about an hour, then goes back to how it was? Like my Stalker is generally always #1, followed by a friend who admits she creeps my page like crazy as #2. Well, over the past few days I have noticed that the order will change dramatically so that my #2 friend is #1 and my Stalker will drop down to the bottom 3 friends, and a few of my 3-5 will switch up as well (I only have 19 friends). Then within a couple of hours, maybe less, he is back as #1 and my creeper friend is #2 again. Has anyone else observed how frequently the OrderedFriendsList is changing? Sometimes the middle row of friends changes fairly often but not as dramatically. BTW, my Stalker and I have never liked anything on each others pages or had any mutual interaction other than stalking. He is always a suggested Poke unless I put him on the Restricted or Acquaintance list, and has not been in my top 6 box on the web version in months, not even if I add him to Close Friends. He is nearly always in my 6 box on mobile. The HTML coding fascinates me.

Also, I do also think the suggested friends list is the stalker reveal, or at least it was if the algorithm has changed. During the time my stalker was on my Restricted list (and he could see nothing, I share nothing to the public) my morning would start out with other friends' friends as my People You May Know suggestions...but during the course of the day the stalkers friends would make their way up to the top of the list. This has happened every darn day for more than a week. A couple of times all my suggested friends have been his friends. I have not been stalking his page either.
Agree about the suggested friends list. I have noticed that sometimes it shows people who I have no friends in common with, but then all of a sudden one of my friends becomes friends with that person. So it seems to show the friends requests that people on my friends list are getting! I find it very odd it would show me that. It's also frustrating because it oftentimes shows suggestions at the top of the list that I have multiple friends in common with. So if it is the stalker reveal, it's hard to tell which of the mutual friends was the one who viewed me! Maybe this is fb's way of keeping some privacy? –  Athalia  Sep 25th, 2012 at 2:32 PM

I am completely facinated by this thread and have been holding back posting but I just had to :)
This may have been answered, but what possible explanations are there for a person to be popping up in both the 6 and the 8 friends list? I have "stalked" this person's profile quite often in the past month or 2, and have exchanged a couple private messages a few months back. But other than that and 1 or 2 likes from my end that's all the FB interaction we've had. He also shows up on my chat bar, and is on my 20 "close friends" list that FB has compiled for me on the html code (I did not add him as a close friend). I am not clear on the mutual friends concept, but FB does suggest me people that are his friends. He has over 2,000 FB friends so I never really show up on his top friends. So I guess my question is, is the reason he's showing up everywhere is because I check his profile or is he showing up everywhere because its mutual?
Oh and just a little background, we met each other a few months back and I knew he was interested in me. I'm not sure if he still is, which is why I am curious about him popping up everywhere on my FB :)

Some people have the same friend on the last box of the 8 friends box. The others rotate but that one stays there. It is the one that looks at your profile a lot. Pretty annoying and embarassing when it is you who keep showing up on your crushs fb. I watched his fb from a dummy account who I am not friends with on fb and neither is he. Thanks a lot fb. You think you can get away with this, but I noticed it. I dont understand how fb makes things so unbelivable obvious. Now i have to deactivate my fb because of this, it is the only way I will stop showing up there.
I'm not sure that the 8 friend shows the stalkers, and personnaly I've nether had any one stuck at the same place when I refresh, I've read a lot about that in the first tchats but I thought this was no longer on.
Anyway, I've stalked a guy intensly for almost two weeks almost three months ago, - then only went once on his page - since then he would often show up in the 6 box, 8 box, mutual friends, close friends, tagged photos etc. Then it seems fb has just refreshed our keesh list and he's no longer anywhere. PLus he's mooved to 20th on orderdfriendslist to 48.
The thing is till the last day before this changed he was often on my 8 boxes, now I don't believe I'll see him in there anymore. So I believe he often showed up a bit everywhere only due to my own intense stalking begining of summer.
I wanted to trust the general friends list, we're both in the second lot of this list, say 1/4, but I've noticed some guy I know would stalk me is also in there thow I've been only once on his profile.
So probably I'm also in his 1/4 quarter because of my own stalking.

This is all about my situation, but on my part it makes things more clear about interpretating any apparition of our crush in all the places we're trying to analyse.. Mostly comes from our own stalking, even if this was long ago. –  marie  Sep 25th, 2012 at 7:00 PM
fb pro, I do not have anyone stuck on my last box of the 8 list. But even if it is like that for you and your friend, there's no way for them to know why you're stuck there. Hell, we're having this 6 page discussion and we still don't know how this thing works.

PS: Guys has anyone noticed that the friend algorithm and keesh list recently changed? No significant changes here, but there sure are quite a lot. Any interesting observations or additions/eliminations from the lists for you? Also any changes in the 3 mutual friends on the Friends Finder? I had some quite interesting replacements on the friends finder. (a couple of friends I interacted a lot with got replaced by a couple of suspected stalkers. –  randomname  Sep 25th, 2012 at 10:53 PM
No I am showing up again again, the other ones rotate but my face is stuck there. And i know this doesn't happen to everyone, I already mentioned that SOME people have this on their fb. Just wish fb could remove the algothrim cause it is sooo embarrasing. –  fbpro  Sep 29th, 2012 at 3:10 PM

My ex/crush/guy I stalked was always #3 or 4 on keesh and recently he dropped to #13... Well actually we are dating again... so I dunno and we started talking again through Facebook about 5 weeks ago... so... I dunno he is also and always has been near the bottom of my friends list, does not appear in my 8 box (except one random time a few months ago he literally appeared in it for like 30 seconds, I think that's what led me to this thread lol) but often appears in my 6 box. He is and has been one of my 10 on the friend finder. I know he wasn't on Facebook a lot over the summer and if he was he was using mobile. So I don't know WTF lol. Also since he dropped in the keesh list he does not appear in my chat list anymore. I guess it doesn't matter for me since he's back in my life. But it's confusing and annoying as hell lol. It could be possible he was stalking me the whole time we were not talking... but I will never know.
If you can do it without being awkward, finding out will probably solve the whole mystery –  Matt901  Sep 26th, 2012 at 4:16 PM
Yeah, could you ask him please? –  Stranger  Sep 26th, 2012 at 5:32 PM
Haha, I will ask him in time. Right now it's still new and I don't want it to be awkward or freak him out. I've been waiting a long time for his return lol. I will definitely let this thread know when I do ask him though! –  Clueless  Sep 26th, 2012 at 9:25 PM

The HTML coding has definitely changed, and probably the algorithms as well...Now there is no longer a "CloseFriends" in the coding nor a "whitelist" of friends. And there is a bunch of new coding before the Ordered Friends List that was not there earlier this week. Now my Ordered Chat list is alternating between two very distinct orders, with another couple of random switches throughout the day. This has to explain why everyone's Keesh list suddenly got crazy. My #1 person who had been #1 since June dropped to #22, lower than people whose profiles I know I do not look at more than I look at his. So something changed.

FB is on to our discussion here- things seem to change closely after someone points these things out here in our thread. They don't want us to be able to know for sure who our stalkers are so they keep switching things up.
Ya like our crushes/ hoped stalkers dropping on the keesh list dramatically, well that seems pretty obvious. –  Clueless  Sep 26th, 2012 at 9:23 PM
I'm sure FB is monitoring this discussion. It's been pointed out throughout the whole discussion by many users here. (Also, the fact that they're changing many of the things we've observed may mean that we were right in some of our assumptions lol!) –  randomname  Sep 26th, 2012 at 10:04 PM

Clueless, How much did u stalk him and what is your position in his friends list now and at the time u were stalking him. I am just wondering how you were at the bottom of his list after all your stalking. And please ask him and that would resolve the entire mystery :))
I would say I visited his page at least once a day approximately if not more even though he is/was never online or posted anything, he rarely uses Facebook. Although there were days I didn't look and did go for a couple weeks at a time sometimes and not look at his profile through out my stalking time lol. Basically his last post was in April and that is when we stopped talking, until recently when he finally replied to my Facebook message (and we private messaged each other a bit until he finally started texting me instead (yay he still had my number in his phone!), he has posted a couple status'. He just recently got timeline so I'm not sure of the old status of my position in his friends list, but right now I am his 20th friend out of 61. He has always been near the bottom if not the last person on my list. –  Clueless  Sep 26th, 2012 at 9:19 PM
Oh ya and I'm not about to ask him about looking at my profile at this point, it's still shiny and new and I don't want to freak him out lol. In time, in time, you guys will be the first to know Haha. –  Clueless  Sep 26th, 2012 at 9:21 PM
but this works in a past reference, for example , the 6 box will show the persons who visited u profile in the past ( i think 1, 2 months ago, when u was high on they keesh list) –  jose  Sep 28th, 2012 at 7:50 PM

Oh yeah I want to add that my "crush" is the ONLY person that dropped or changed order in my keesh list. Everyone else is in the same order.
hey me too!! and im surprised to see a few people above have the same situation where their crush is the only person that drops! fb/keesh clearly has a clever algorithm to figure out who our crush is –  crushcrusher  Sep 27th, 2012 at 2:07 AM

good info clueless..

Regarding my keesh list, almost everyone's place is replaced. My crush( who was at 2nd) went all the way down to 16th. Another friend who was at no1 moved to 5. Now 2nd place is occupied by a stalker. ( 100% sure about it). and even other places are also occupied by the persons that has a high possibility of visiting me often. Because I dont visit these profiles. Mutual friend list doesnt show my crush anymore. 2nd position stalker is always in the mutual friend list. so u can get the stalker from mutual friend list i think.
I've been wondering for a while whether my crush read any of my status updates or shares, because I think if you are stalking someone with a 1000+ friends the biggest question is, does this person even know I'm alive? There are so many updates coming through the News Feed all the time. Does he even see mine? I did some research on how high a person's shares are ranked in your News Feed, and this depends on how popular your post is with all of your friends, as well as how interested in your posts a particular someone is in general.

I'm talking about this because I did a test to see if my celebrity crush was even aware of my status updates...I posted something about that band he's in. Well, he responding by liking my post just 15 minutes after I posted it! Another time he liked a post I made, but it was hours after I'd posted it, which was more telling because he'd had to dig through hours in the news feed just to find my post (or else he has me in a special friends list...which would be even cooler!!)

I know I'm obsessing about this guy, but I just want to figure out whether he might be at all interested in me before I try messaging him. He lives in another city and he's somewhat famous. I've never met him in person, but I'd like to. –  portlandia  Sep 26th, 2012 at 11:13 PM
I'm replying to my own post again. I just logged into FB through my dummy account and I am in my crush's 8 friend box!!! He's in mine too!! –  portlandia  Sep 26th, 2012 at 11:17 PM
the exact thing happened to me... –  jose  Sep 26th, 2012 at 11:29 PM
I'm friends with my crush again since september 20th. He's not in my 6 box, my chat bar, anymore. A few days ago he was. He's still number 2 on my keesh list. When I look at his profile with my dummy account, i'm in his 8 friends box. I'm a little bit lost . –  Stranger  Sep 27th, 2012 at 6:38 AM
Does anyone know how facebook generates the "Poke Suggestions"? When you go to "Pokes" on your homepage there are 4-5 "Poke Suggestions" at the right side of the page. How is this determined for you? It doesn't seem random. –  randomname  Sep 28th, 2012 at 12:44 PM
@randomname - very interesting, I hadn't looked at the poke suggestions before. For me, it shows people I have had some interaction with before (view/like/comment), but none of the people who are in the top 10 of my keesh list for example. And it includes a couple of people who I have a feeling look at my page frequently. Very interesting! –  Athalia  Sep 28th, 2012 at 2:11 PM
guys, i find a easy way to view the stalkers... just use the dummy acount (without added any friends!!) and view the profiles.... reflesh, and if u are in the 6 box (cause the 6 box takes the top friends on keesh list in consideration) and dont interact with that person for long time, be sure that they are u stalkers!! But if only for person that u dont interact and that persons that are in using of open profile!! –  jose  Sep 28th, 2012 at 7:40 PM
i mean, correcting, they could be u stalkers ( they unless visited u profile if they didn interact). –  jose  Sep 28th, 2012 at 7:53 PM
nah, forget all the things i said, cause when u open others profile, u will see who was visited they, u only see the possible stalkers in u profile –  jose  Sep 28th, 2012 at 7:55 PM
another experiment I did. I visited a guy profile that is on my friend list but he have the old profile (before the timeline) cause he dont use facebook anymore. He was located inferior middle of my list, guess what? He up to next to the tops when i visited... the conclusion? profile visits really take place on the algorithm. I think that could occurs when u visit the person, but the person dont visit u . When u visit a person that visits u, I not sure that this person levels up (cause the mutual interaction), only if u visit that person. I dont know... I think as many of mutual friends u have, more fast they levels up cause the points counts more. I will try another experiments –  jose  Sep 28th, 2012 at 8:11 PM
@jose I did the thing you said above with the dummy account but it seems to me that the way WE view other people's 6-friends list is not the same way THEY view this list. The people who appeared in the 6-list of all the people I tried with seemed totally random. I can't check with my own profile, cause I have my friends list visible to "only me".

If anyone can check with their own, let us know if the way WE view our lists is the same way others view our lists. –  randomname  Sep 28th, 2012 at 9:11 PM
no, they arent. The resume is in 4 ocasions:
1-when u visit some friends profile u view always the most people in mutual that u interact most.
2- In u profile u will see the highest persons in u keesh list
3-To view that someone sees u profile (public), u must have use the option "view as" and dont put any name.
4-U will never know that how a friend sees u profile, cause it would show the people that they interact most –  jose  Sep 28th, 2012 at 11:47 PM
*wouldnt show... cause shows u people that u interact most, not their people . –  jose  Sep 28th, 2012 at 11:48 PM

Haha noticed I funny tonight. There seem to be some "random" people on my chatlist when i put it on offlinemode. One of them beeing my dummy account that I NEVER visit, hmm pretty obvious the offline chat mode is the people you stalk/ interact with and the people that stalk you.=)
but in offlinemode u dont see anything? How u did that?
U put u chat on desktop? –  jose  Sep 29th, 2012 at 1:44 AM
You will see people in your Chat while offline if you widen your browser window (screen). If you have the Favorites sidebar open in Internet Explorer, then make sure you close it. If the screen is wide enough, the news Ticker and Chat will expand out to the right hand side of the screen. You will see your Chat list while in offline mode, and can expand it up or down. –  Answers  Sep 29th, 2012 at 5:23 AM

There's two people I'm considered with. My crush (person a) and someone who might possibly stalk me (person b).

Person A - I visit their profile a lot. I messaged them only a few times, but months ago. I never like or comment their posts.

Person B - Never messaged, never like their comments, etc. Rarely visit their profile since they rarely update their profile, they do visit facebook every so often (I see their activity on ticker).

Person A is always on my top 6. And once for one day was in my top 8, as one of those immovable non-changing friends in the bottom right corner. But only once. For a long time was high up in my top 20 friends chat box. But since a past few days alternates from being #1 on that list to not being on that list at all. Is always on the mutual friend find list.

Person B - Only sometimes in my top 6. Like on some afternoons on an occasional day of the week. And then gone. Now has started appearing on the end of my top 20 friends box chat list, which is weird since I've never messaged them on chat.

This seems to suggest that Person B tends to stalk? But I care more about Person A.

I read on Quora the theory that the 6 friends box will show who visits your profile (or whose profiles you visit) and that if you don't visit anyone's profile for a few days, only the people who visit your profile will show in the 6 box. I don't know if that's true, as it seems that the 6 box shows you who is/or has recently been online and/or people on your "close friends" list (If you don't have anyone in Close Friends, it looks at your top ordered friends). With the ticker, you can tell whether that's true. If one of your top friends is online, they will show in the 6 box over and over and refresh.

If someone is not one of your top friends and they start appearing over and over in your 6 box, I believe there is a good possibility they visited your profile or looked at your updates. But it's just speculation. –  portlandia  Sep 29th, 2012 at 6:35 PM
in my case, the 6 box shows the people that posses the highest rank on my keesh list.
People, something strange has happened to me... the girl I stalked showed now in 4 place on keesh list ( I had some interaction with her, i liked one of her coments on her profile) . She was placed above the 10 position before, with -0.91 score. Now she is in 5 place with -3.91
I think the list is not unilateral, cause I liked one of my cousins coments and his score doesnt changed (he was in 5 position before and now he is in 6 with almost the same score that was before).
I think she visited my profile, cause i put some new updates too... and i think that a visit with u tops counts extraordinally on u keesh. I will try some new experiments... –  jose  Sep 29th, 2012 at 6:46 PM
and i liked my cousin status before than her... soooo weird people, considering that i visiting her profile much less than before!! –  jose  Sep 29th, 2012 at 6:53 PM

Facebook knows what you're up to, and they are in full control. You will never figure anything out, but they want you to keep trying, since I reckon they get paid every time the ads load
oh shit, fb changes the algorithm all the time... now that boring persons changed the order friends algorithm. I quit, it doesnt matter anymore for me, i stoped to like the girl.
We should not coment here anymore, they spy and when we discover they change the algorithm. –  jose  Oct 8th, 2012 at 3:31 AM

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