How to Treat Mosquito Bites and Stop Itchiness

Ways you can treat itchy mosquito bites.

The itchiness from those mosquito bites can certainly be treated. Below are some methods that you can use for this matter.


The Things That You Need To Do First

1.) Extend your patience. Know that you will continue to experience itchiness until the bites are all gone.

2.) Treat your bites as soon as you see them.

3.) Choose from one of the itch-treatments mentioned below that best suits your situation.


Manual Treatments

1.) Put your saliva on the bites and just let it stay in there for a couple of minutes.

2.) Wash your bites with ammonia or rubbing alcohol. After that, put any adhesive tape on them.

3.) Create a “spider bite” on your mosquito bites with the use of a rubber band.

4.) Using a pen (ballpoint), draw around your bites.

5.) Draw an "X" on your bite with the use of your fingernail.

6.) "Sunbursts" can also be placed around the bite with the use of your nail.


Camping Food Method

1.) Put honey to your bites.

2.) Mix some meat tenderizer in water and put the mixture on your bites.

3.) Create oatmeal and put some of them on your bites. Wash the oatmeal off once it gets dry.

4.) Put the flexible membrane of an egg on your bite.

5.) As you can see, camping foods cannot only provide nourishment to your body but can also ease the itchiness of your mosquito bites.


Vegetables and Fruits Method

1.) Apply an onion’s sap on your bites.

2.) Rub the inner part of a banana peel on your bites.

3.) Look for a common plantain and rub its leaf on your bites or get the juice from the leaf and apply it on them.

4.) Apply some lime or lemon juice on your bites. You can also rub pieces of these fruits on them.

5.) Note: Not all vegetables and fruits can ease the itchiness from your bites.


Commercial Products Method

1.) If you have already scratched your bite, then apply clear nail polish on it to serve as its protection.

2.) Put Vicks Vaporub® on your bites.

3.) After Bites, Aspevenin and Stingose are other commercial products that you can use for your bites.

4.) Just use products that are recommended by your doctor.


Herbal Medicines

1.) Put crushed basil leaves on your bites.

2.) Put some witch hazel on them.

3.) Get a broken leaf from an aloe vera plant. Put this leaf or some aloe vera gel on your bites.


Essential Oils

1.) Apply some tea tree or melaleuca oil on your bites.

2.) Pour some lavender oil to them.


Mud Method

1.) It may sound silly but mud can actually stop your mosquito bites from itching.

2.) After putting some mud on your bites, make sure that you place a bandage on top of it to secure its position.

3.) Let the mud get dry on your skin. Don’t get the bandage until the mud settles on your bites.

4.) Wash it with water afterwards.


Soap Method

1.) In this method, you would just need to use water and soap. The soap can either be wet or dry.

2.) Gently rub the soap on your bites.


The Things in Your Bathroom Cabinet

1.) Yes, you’ve read that right. Your bathroom cabinet can contain things that can relieve the itchiness from your mosquito bites.

2.) Make a paste out of water and crushed Tums tablets. Apply the paste on your bites.

3.) Put some deodorant on your bites.

4.) Dab some mouthwash on them.

5.) You are also free to use your toothpaste for this method.

6.) Wet an aspirin and carefully rub it on your bites.


Water Method

1.) Any kind of water temperature can be used for this method.

2.) Get some ice cubes or an ice pack from your refrigerator and put them on your bites.

3.) Soak your cloth in hot water and place the cloth on your bites.

4.) Have a swim in the sea.

5.) Take a hot bath. Put some ground oatmeal or cider vinegar to your bath for added relief.

6.) If you can’t find any clean water at home, then you can cool a glass of tea and apply it on your bites.


Calamine Lotion

1.) If your bites itch and burn at the same time, then you are recommended to use calamine lotion.

2.) You can add a few distilled witch hazel to the lotion for added relief.


Apple Cider Vinegar Method

1.) Put some vinegar to the bites.

2.) Create a vinegar paste that you can apply to your bites.


Baking Soda Method

1.) Alkaline solutions can certainly relieve the itchiness from your mosquito bites.

2.) Put some baking soda to warm water and apply the solution to your bites.

3.) Household cleaner can also be applied to the solution.



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