How to Romantically Kiss a Girl

Tips you can use to be a great kisser.

Do you want to give that girl a great kiss? Do you want to avoid receiving a slap on your face after you do so? If your answer to these questions is a definite “yes”, then you have just found the right article to get you started.

Get Your Date into the Mood

1.) Kiss her in private by all means. Never kiss her with a lot of people around. She would definitely not appreciate that gesture even if you smooch her in a five star restaurant. This will ruin the moment as well and will give her the impression that you’re just playing with her. If you can’t find any way to separate her from her friends, then bluntly ask if she can go out on a date with you. If she says “yes”, then grab this opportunity to get her alone and let her know of your true feelings.

2.) Find a romantic place where you can kiss her intimately. It can be inside a tent if you’re out camping, under the porch as you walk her home, under a waiting shed if it’s raining, under a tree if it’s a sunny day, under a full moon or in front of a sunset for an extremely romantic mood. Always remember that great kisses is all about perfect timing.

3.) Get her into an interesting conversation. Discuss about your common interests and hobbies. This would certainly make her feel closer to you and less resistant to a possible making out session. Know her present thoughts and just say how you really feel about her.

4.) If you’re going to compliment your date, do it in a romantic way. Say things that she will never forget. You may even whisper it to her ears if you’re already comfortable with each other. Be sincere with your words though. A girl can usually detect whenever a guy is simply showing off.

The Actual Kiss

1.) Don’t kiss her right away. You can give her a hug or let her lean on your shoulder first for you to know whether she’s really interested in you or not. You can also try holding her hand. If she doesn’t pull away, then go in for a kiss but make sure that you follow a slow pace at the beginning.

2.) Be certain that your date’s really into you before you kiss her. Check her breathing, body language and other facial gestures such as extreme blushing of the cheeks whenever you’re together. If she keeps trying to get your attention, then that’s a definite sign that she’s interested for a make out session.

3.) Kiss her cheek lightly or the back of her hand first. These gestures would serve as a prelude to the moment that you’ve always been dreaming of. If you’re confident enough, then you can kiss her ear or the side of her mouth to let her know that you really intend to kiss her intimately.

4.) Look into your partner’s eyes. This would certainly make her realize that you’re about to kiss her. If she takes her eyes off you, then you know better than to proceed with what you’re planning to do. If her eyes stay glued on you, then don’t hesitate to make that kiss happen.

5.) Put your face close to her and stop. If she stays immobile after you do so, then that only means that she wants you to go on with that kiss. If she starts to nervously chatter, them give her the time that she needs and kiss her intimately that next chance that you get.

6.) For starters, give you date soft and light kisses. This technique is recommended for first date kisses. Kiss your date’s upper lip first then proceed with her lower lip if she’s receptive with the whole situation. This would certainly give her a good impression about you and would let her see you as a true gentleman.

7.) Use your hands to heighten the effects of the kiss. Put them on her waist, shoulders, hair or on both sides of her face. You can also encourage your date to put her hands on your shoulder to let her know that it’s okay for her to mover closer to you. This step would also prevent you from getting rejected for kissing her.

8.) You can optionally try to give your date a French kiss. This is only applicable if you’ve been seeing each other for a long time already. As you kiss her, skillfully use your tongue to make her realize that you want to perform a French kiss and you would want her to open her mouth to you.

9.) Pause in between kisses. Take her hand or place your cheek against her. You can also rest your forehead against hers if you want to. Make her feel loved by smiling at her and maintaining eye contact. Always remember that women are huge fans of sweet gestures so be a romantic partner as much as possible.

10.) Don’t just kiss your date and immediately leave. If you want to be viewed as a gentleman, then never do this action. Instead, perform gestures that will make her realize that you intend to have several make out sessions with her in the future. Gently caress her check or kiss the back of her hand. Both actions are considered as extremely romantic gestures.



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