
Are you backing up your SQL Server 2008 databases daily? You should be, especially if you don't want to lose any of your precious data that you're storing. It's incredibly easy to setup a maintenance plan in SQL Server 2008 to automatically back up one or...  more »

The Windows Task Manager can be used to start programs, to end running applications, to start or to end processes, as well as to view a dynamic display of your computer's performance. To be able to start the Windows Task Manager, you can use any one of...  more »

When developing websites or applications in Visual Studio.NET, you sometimes need to have Visual Studio run as an administrator. For instance, if you are developing a Web Application Project that uses IIS7 as the local development server for testing,...  more »

In the following step by step, I will take you through the process of deleting existing hard drive partitions, formating and installing Windows XP on a hard drive using the Windows XP installation CD. Note: If you have any data/applications or drivers on...  more »

There's a good chance that if you're database driven application is running into the following sql error message that says "String or binary data would be truncated", that the error is being caused by an issue in a SQL statement or in the SQL code of a...  more »

You're not out of luck if the CD-rom drive on your desktop computer or laptop does not open when you push the button on the drive to eject the CD. You can manually open your computer's DVD or CD-rom drive using a paper clip when the computer is turned...  more »

Here's one quick fix for the ASP.NET error System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. when you are using a DataList with an asp:Button control and are trying to get the CommandArgument using the DataList_RowCommand. Keep in mind...  more »

SQL Server Reporting Services can be a pain in the arse to set up correctly for the first time. Even after you've got things running correctly, you can sometimes run into issues, which is exactly what happened to me recently. I had setup my local...  more »

If you've recently moved a Visual web site project (wsp) or web application project(wap) to deploy on Internet Information Services 7 (IIS7) you may have discovered that your Tiny_MCE text editor no longer is showing up and getting the pop-up...  more »

Recently, I decided to begin converting my Visual Web Site Projects (WSP) to Web Application Projects (WAP) to take advantage of some of the new Web Deployment features in Visual 2010 (see Vishal Joshi's blog for a run through of WSP...  more »

The default settings in Visual Studio 2010 Professional do not automatically show the Solution file by default in the Solution Explorer sidebar. This can be a bit of a problem if you are trying to add another project to your existing solution. To get the...  more »

I recently upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium on my Dell Inspiron laptop. After using the laptop for a few days, I noticed that the screen display brightness was much dimmer than what it had been when Windows Vista was installed on the laptop. To solve my...  more »

After installing Windows 7 (or Windows Vista) you may want to check to see if the software was actually activated. Follow these steps to determine whether your copy of Windows has been activated successfully: Go to 'Control Panel'. Click on 'System and...  more »

Today, Microsoft released new FREE Anti-virus and malware protection software called Security Essentials. Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) is a real-time anti-virus scanner that anyone can download for free and use for personal use. You can use...  more »

So yesterday I downloaded the new version of iTunes 9, and updated my iPhone with OS version 3.1. Everything seemed to be working great until I went to play my podcast playlists on my iPhone. The podcast playlists were not syncing to my iPhone for some...  more »

Just recently, I decided to setup an old computer with a brand new hard-drive to test out Windows 7 Beta, and while setting this up I decided I wanted to connect the computer to my HP Windows Home Server. The only problem was that I could not find the...  more »

I recently installed SQL Server 2008 database on my local computer and forgot to enable the common language runtime (CLR). Because I had forgotten to turn it on, some portions of my sites were not fuctioning properly due SQL Server not being able to...  more »

Early today, I received an email from my Grandma who will turn 90 years old in just a few months asking me the following question: "How do I delete two or three files at one time?" In order to answer this somewhat complicated process and make it...  more »

Here's how you can determine if your computer is running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows: Click on the Start button -> then click Control Panel, -> then click System and Maintenance, -> and then click System. In the System section, you'll...  more »

I just installed the URL Rewrite Module for IIS 7.0 and started playing around with how to setup rules to create search engine friendly URLs. The first rule I decided to setup was to redirect a site to the WWW sub-domain version when it was not typed in...  more »

Windows Vista comes with a little known tool called the "Snipping Tool" that allows you to take screenshots of your computer screen. The Snipping Tool has the ability to take 4 different types of screenshots. You can choose from Free-form Snip,...  more »

I recently upgraded from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 on my Windows Vista computer. After successfully installing SQL Server 2008, I could not find the Reporting Services instance installed. I have a feeling this was due to the...  more »

When using SQL Server 2008, you may receive a Save (Not Permitted Dialog) box pop-up when trying to save changes to an existing table. The dailog box reads: "Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the following tables to be...  more »

To display line numbers in a Visual 2008 code window do the following: Open Visual On the Menu bar, Select 'Tools' -> 'Options' In the Options pop-up window, Select 'Text Editor' -> 'All Languages' > 'General'. Note: If you...  more »

If you do any sort of ASP.NET programming there usually comes a time when you need to get a websites Base URL. The following shows two examples, the first example shows how to get the Base Site Url using C#, which can be used for getting both the...  more »

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