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What's the difference between a Hot Dish and a Casserole?

What Makes a Hot Dish Different From a Casserole?

1 Answer

What is a Hot Dish?

• It is a modified casserole.
• It is loved by people who are living in Minnesota and in North and South Dakota.
• It is comprised of a crust, soup, proteins and starch which can all be found in a casserole as well.
• It applies corn or mushroom cream as its binder.
• It uses a lot of red meat like ground beef.
• Tater tots, strings, hash browns and potato chips are the materials which are used for the potato base of a hot dish. This recipe doesn’t have a rice base.
• This food is cooked without any cover.
• Tater-Tot Hot Dish and Minnesota goulash are two of the most popular hot dishes around the world.

What is a Casserole?

• This food became well known during the 18th century where it had the original ingredients of sweetbreads, chicken and pressed rice. Now, this recipe consists mainly of a crust, some soup, proteins and starch.
• It has carbohydrates which comes from its noodles or grains component.
• Fish and chicken are the meats which are preferred to be used in this dish because of their lighter quality.
• It can usually be seen in a casserole pan which explains the origin of its name.
• It has no cover when being cooked.
• It is dish that is baked.
• Mac and Cheese, Shepherd’s Pie and Sausage and Apple Breakfast Casserole are just some of the types of casseroles that you would surely love.

The Similarities between a Hot Dish and a Casserole

• They go well with cold beer.
• They can either be a side or a main dish.
• They are often served in funerals, potlucks, thanksgiving dinners and family reunions.
• Aside from being family meals, they can be comfort foods too.
• Americans treat these dishes as staple foods.

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