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What are the best Gas Dryers?

What are the top 5 Gas Dryers picked by consumer reports?

2 Answers

The top 10 rated and reviewed Gas dryers from Consumer Reports are the following.

Top 10 Gas Dryers
1. LG DLE2702V
2. LG DLGX3886W
3. LG DLGX5002W
4. LG DLGX2502W
5. Samsung DV520AGP
6. Samsung DV419AGW
7. Kenmore 7800
8. Whirlpool WGD9450WW
9. Kenmore Elite 7927
10. Kenmore 99032

DO NOT BUY ANYTHING LG - We have an LG dryer which is sparking and catching fire, and LG does not stand behind their products (Neither does Home Depot !!) They send it to LG Product Liabilty 800-984-7469 and it takes 10 days or more for them to even call Customers back !!

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