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What are the Differences between Icing and Frosting?

Yummy Differences: Icing and Frosting

1 Answer

Icing and frosting are often used interchangeably and many people think that they are the same. Fortunately, we can actually use them either way but to be knowledgeable about it, frosting and icing differ from each other. Not only in the sense where it is commonly used, but also in the structure and characteristics, these two terms differ from each other.

In US, most people used the term frosting while referring to both and in European countries, icing is the common term. But actually, each of these terms has its own characteristics. Frosting is the fluffy and thick cream that is often used to add a layer on a cake or as a topping on a cupcake. Frostings are soft and often look delicious especially among kids. They are the favorite part of a cake. They can be put on top of the other because they do not run or slip.

An icing, which is a common term in Europe, is actually the thin and glossy mixture that is used to cover thinly on cakes and pastries. Unlike frosting, icings slip and run from each other, that is why they are just added thinly on cakes. When they dried up, they form a hard and thin layer on the cake.

Because of their differences, the way they are being applied on a cake differs. Frostings are more versatile because of their consistency. It can be applied through the use of a spatula, knife, or through piping. Piping is a process wherein the frosting is placed in a bag that has a small opening on the other end where frosting can pass through. It is a very good tool for decorating cakes. Icings however, cannot be applied through piping. Because of its fluid consistency, icings can only be applied through the use of piping. Spatulas and knives are not recommended because the mixture will just fall over the cake.

The differences of icing and cake are more on their characteristics. While their uses as a topping to cakes have gained them the popularity of being the same. Fortunately, we can use these two terms interchangeably as their differences are not much big.

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