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What are some Good Interview Questions to Ask a Prospective Employer?

What should I ask a prospective employer while in an interview for the job?

1 Answer

There are several good interview questions the interviewer may ask the job seeker. The job seeker must be prepared to answer interview questions such as those that are about the history of the company and future goals. It is also a good idea for the job seeker to ask particular questions about the job position he is applying for. He can also ask the interviewer if it is necessary for him to provide a list of references and when he can start working for the company if he gets hired.

It will help greatly if the job seeker is truly interested in the company to which he is applying. If the job seeker is very much interested in the company then he will be encouraged to do some research and learn more about the company before the interview takes place. During the interview, he can then ask questions related to the information he has gathered about the company. Some other things the job hunter may ask the interviewer are about the company’s present goals and employment philosophies. He may also ask for the interviewer’s own opinion on the strong and weak points of the company.

It is also very important for the job seeker to learn about the expected growth of the company and the possibility of staying connected with the company for a longer period of time. The company’s turnover is one important aspect the job seeker must know and the opportunities and career advancements he is bound to have in case he gets the job. He may also ask the interviewer’s opinion about what he likes most about the company and if there is anything at all he would change in the company if given the chance.

It is a good idea for the job seeker to make a list of possible questions the interviewer may ask during the interview. He may list questions which will answer questions such as how long the position has been opened and how many have held the position. He may also get ideas from the interviewer the qualities and skills the position requires of the job seeker. It will be helpful if the job seeker has a complete picture of the work environment in the company and if he will be working with a team or work independently. This way, he will be prepared on what to expect and what to be expected from him. To do just that, the job seeker may request the interviewer to give him an idea of what it is a normal work week looks like.

Most of the ideal questions asked during the interview concern the job seeker. He may ask the interviewer if he would need a list of references from him and exactly when he can start reporting for work in case he bags the position.

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