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How is an Emigrant Different from an Immigrant?

What's the difference between an Emigrant and an Immigrant?

2 Answers

Immigrant and emigrant are two words that are being interchanged most of the time. Thus, to lessen your confusion with regards to this matter, below are concrete definitions of what an immigrant and an emigrant are.

What is an Immigrant?

• He or she is an individual who transfers to another country and lives in that place. Thus, that person is an immigrant of that country or region.
• A new member of another culture or government.
• Whenever you apply the word immigrated in a sentence, you should apply the preposition “to”. Example: Marnie has immigrated to London. This prevents you from using incorrectly using the word.

What is an Emigrant?

• He or she is a person who is also leaving one’s country. However, that individual is considered as an emigrant of his or her country.
• The word emigrant is synonymous to traveling while the term emigration pertains to real life relocation.
• To be called as an emigrant in France during the French Revolution was actually not a good thing. It is because the person was still considered as an emigrant in one’s country even after returning to France. Unfortunately, French emigrants were treated as traitors during that time.
• Whenever you use the term emigrated in a sentence, you should apply the preposition “from”. Example: Celine has emigrated from United States.
• Apply the word emigrated only when you want to emphasize the fact that a person is leaving one’s place of birth or home town.


A Chinese lady transfers from China to Paris. Therefore, she would be considered as an emigrant by China while her new residence will consider her as an immigrant.

As you can see, it’s easy to distinguish an immigrant from an emigrant. You just have to know what the terms really mean.

the point of view is the difference

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