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Why am I being charged $14.03 from Amazon on my Bank account?

I'm seeing an unknown charge on my bank statement of $14.03 for the last 2 months. The strange change is happening on the same day of the month. Any idea what this unauthorized Amazon Charge is coming from? Is it amazon or is a fraudulent charge?

14 Answers


So I had this same thing happen to me. I was being charged $14.03 every month to my bank account from what appeared to be amazon. Keep in mind, I have never used my bank account / debit card for charges on Amazon.  The unauthorized charge kinda of appears like an Amazon Prime membership monthly charge  $12.99 + tax (depending on state / local taxes), which could add up to $14.03.

I called Amazon and talked to a representative. I gave them what appeared to be a transaction #, but she couldn't locate that # (It appears it wasn't a valid #). She then had me add my Debit card associated with my bank account to Amazon, to be able to better locate the $14.03 transactions, and see if some other Amazon account was using my debit card. Well she couldn't find anyone in the amazon system using my Debit card. She told me to contact my Bank and dispute the transactions, and I could go ahead and delete the Debit card from my Amazon account.

So long story short, its a fraudulent charge, contact your Bank or Credit Card company as soon as possible and dispute the charge.  I called the fraud department at my bank and they confirmed it was a charge to my Debit Card, and did appear to be from Amazon.  They cancelled my Debit Card and issued me a new Card.

NOTE: If you have an Amazon Prime Credit card, make sure you have Chase or your credit card company to remove your credit card from every Amazon Wallet, otherwise your new credit card will update automatically in every Amazon account it's being fraudulently used.


Why am I being charged $14.13 on my bank account?

If you didn't order anything for $14.13 at amazon, then contact your fraud departmand at Bank / Credit Card company and cancel the card, as the card is likely compromised. –  Answers  Jun 29th, 2021 at 5:45 PM


Why am I getting 39.99 out of my bank account and I haven’t got an account with then


What is this $14.03 for? Please reimburse my money.


I am being charged $14.22 a month for something and don’t know what it is. Please stop or cancel these charges.


Why am I being charged $14.07 on my visa card every month


Same situation as Tom describes. Amazon could not locate the transaction. My bank is suggesting a fraud claim and cancelling the card that the 'amazon prime membership' was billed to.


I got the same issue i was being charged few times for amazon music when i dont used amazon music or any thing amazon….changed my card twice already because of this issue and now its back again …walmart mastercard cant seem to help with this…


You’re being double charged for Amazon Prime. I’ve been getting hit for $14.06 for 19 months


I was being charged 14.32 for five months on a credit card that I rarely use. I only found it just now because I got an alert on my credit report that practically all of my sensitive info has been found on the dark web. So I locked my cards and yea that’s how I found out. It says Amazon prime but I confirmed with Amazon that it’s not my prime account. Reported fraud.


Happened to me twice this month. Amazon charged $14.13 about 6 hours after withdrawing cash from an ATM. Apparently Amazon owns the ATM and charges $14.13 even if you withdraw $20.


I don't know why arenyall charging me every month for what


i found that when i signed up for amazon Australia you get signed up for amazon US too so you need to go to amazon US and ask for a refund and cancel that account


I’ve been having the same issues with random charges but Amazon is never helpful ! Sporadic random charges if 5.99, 8.99, and 10.99 I’ve gotten a new card 3 times and somehow I’m still getting these charges - I have NEVER had an Amazon account and i have had everyone I know remove my cards from their Amazon accounts just in case . Still happening ! So frustrating

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