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When is the release date for the iPhone 5s?

What date is the Apple iPhone 5s to be released?

1 Answer

iPhone 5s appears to be set for a September 6, 2013 Release Date

The iPhone 5S may be just over a month away. Cult of Mac relayed a report from the German blog iFun that says the next iPhone will be "coming to market" on Sept. 6. iFun cites a very credible source "to be taken seriously," according to a HuffPost translation.

If true, the release would come a bit earlier in the year than previous versions of the iPhone to hit the market. The iPhone 5 was unveiled on Sept. 12 of last year and went on sale in the U.S. nine days later. The iPhone 4S was announced on Oct. 4, 2011, and went on sale in the U.S. 10 days later.

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