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When is the official release date of iPhone 5?

When is expected that Apple will release iPhone 5 for sale?

23 Answers

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Apple iPhone 5 is pegged for September 12, 2012 unveil date, with a Release date of Sept. 21, 2012.

Apple is gearing up to unveil the iPhone 5 at an event on 12 September, 11 months after the launch of its previous flagship smartphone, according to reports.
Asker's Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

If the iPhone 5 release follows previous years then it should be released at the end of June 2011 or beginning of July 2011. Verizon has also come out and said that their unlimited data plan pricing will be changing this summer, which is a signal that they will be getting ready for an influx of new customers buying the new iPhone 5.

However, with that said there's been some rumors going around that iPhone 5 will be delayed until September due to supply issues and to coincide with the release of iPad 3. This seems unlikely, if the past iPhone releases are any predictor of the future.

Below is the previous release dates for the Apple iPhone:

- The first original Apple iPhone was released on June 29, 2007;
- iPhone 3G was released on July 11, 2008;
- iPhone 3GS was released in the U.S., Canada and six European countries on June 19, 2009.
- iPhone 4 was released on June 24, 2010
"Like clockwork, Reuters has added to the tally of fifth-generation iPhone rumors. Citing three anonymous sources "with direct knowledge of the company's supply chain," Reuters claims Apple's fifth-generation iPhone will have a faster processor, and begin shipping in September.

That means mass production of the phone would have to start no later than August, with an announcement likely to come at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference in June." - via PCMag,2817,2383856, –  Answers  Apr 20th, 2011 at 6:42 PM

October I believe.

I think it's in either somewhere in june or july

Now that the WWDC 2011 keynote is over, it's become pretty clear that the the fifth-generation iPhone and the new mobile iOS 5.0 will be released this Fall (September). At this time, there is every reason to believe that the iPhone 5 and iOS 5 release dates will coincide and happen in September.

The iPhone 5th generation is going to be realeased in late September 2011 when the ios 5 is released. It will have all of the features ios 5 will have. If you have common sense, you would realize if ios 5 is coming out, the iPhone 5 will!!!

It should be out by no later than september

If it's before Dec. 3, I'll be fine! I can't wait. My upgrade is Dec. 3 and I planning to wait for the iPhone 5! :)

september 2011

hopefully soon good by pos blackberry

An AT&T executive let slip that Apple's iPhone 5 may launch in early October.

Though many an analyst has predicted September as the probable launch period for the iPhone 5, it looks increasingly likely that the new handset will makes its debut in October.

Today, we can thank an AT&T executive for tipping Apple's hand yet again. According to a source cited by, AT&T's management has warned employees about a busy period coming up. An AT&T vice president confirmed to employees that Apple will kick off iPhone 5 sales in early October.

Early October
I Can See Into The Future hehe :P

For AT&T pre-Orders will be available on September 31st
And will be Officially out on October 7

According to Mashable, "Our best guess for the iPhone 5 launch date is still Friday October 7."

It also appears the next gen iPhone 5 will also be available on the Sprint network, along with Verizon and AT&T.

so is iphone 4s release .... iphone 5 think is around end of 2012

iPhone 5 Coming In June, Says Foxconn Employee... So it looks more and more likely that the iPhone 5 will be released right around June 15, 2012.

Apple is already gearing up to make iPhone 5 - and the device could be on sale as early as June.
The leak came from an interview with a recruiter from Apple's Chinese supplier Foxconn.

The interview, aired on Tokyo, offered a specific release date for the gadget - June - as part of a piece on Foxconn's recruitment drive to make the new smartphone.
The company says it is recruiting 18,000 people to assemble the new phone.
Foxconn is recruiting 18,000 people to build new iPhone - and device is 'due in June'

By June 5 maybe or October of 2012

Shares of Taiwanese suppliers to Apple moved higher Wednesday, morning (June 27, 2012) after the local media reported that the U.S. consumer electronics giant will unveil its iPhone 5 in August, a couple of months ahead schedule.

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