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What occurs during Kidney Stone Stent Insertion?

What exactly is a Kidney Stone Stent?

1 Answer

Kidney stones are one of the common problems that relate to kidneys and the urinary tract. Luckily, new trends in science and health have helped patients recover and be treated faster. A kidney stone stent is one of these samples. It is a tube that is inserted between the bladder and one of the kidneys to facilitate in removing the kidney stone.

A kidney stone stent is not applicable for all patients who have kidney stones. The urologists will determine if the patient can pass the stone without the need for other invasive procedures such as surgery. Other reason for inserting a stone stent is to facilitate the proper floe of urine after a surgical removal of a kidney stone. The physician should be able to assess properly if there is a need for kidney stone stent insertion. Before the start of the procedure, a local anesthesia is given or sometimes, a general anesthesia is needed to help the patient be comfortable throughout the process. A cystoscope is used by the physician to properly assess if the stent is correctly inserted. To keep the stent in place, a J-shape hook is used to attach the stent to the kidney and the ureter to keep it from drifting into the other parts of organ. Usually, the stent is left in place in less than 6 weeks.

While the stent is inserted, it can drain urine along with kidney stones, making it easier for patients to pass out the stones. Unfortunately, some patients have mixed reactions when it comes to the procedure. Having a kidney stone stent can be very uncomfortable and sometimes very painful. A tugging sensation is often felt and it becomes more uncomfortable especially during exercises. Sleeping patterns may be disrupted and certain daily activities may become uneasy to do so. It is very important for doctors to explain all of these disadvantages to warn the patients as well as make easy adjustments while the stent is still in place.

After stent removal, patients may still feel soreness and discomfort a few days after. It is very important to have a regular check up with the physician until the ureters are completely healed.

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