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What makes Second Degree Murder different from First Degree Murder?

Differences between Second Degree Murder vs. First Degree Murder?

1 Answer

What is Second Degree Murder?

• It is a kind of murder that is unplanned.
• The accused didn’t have the intention to kill the victim.
• If a murder is not considered as the first degree type, then it is immediately called as a second degree murder.
• This type of murder has a lighter legal punishment than a murder case which falls on the first degree.
• If you are an American citizen and you have committed this kind of murder, you can be imprisoned up to 80 years. A parole may or may not be given to you. That would all depend on the laws of the state where you’re in.

What is First Degree Murder?

• It is a murder that has the intention of killing a particular person.
• It involves thorough preparations and detailed plans to execute the action perfectly.
• This kind of murder is synonymous to extreme torture.
• It is a type of murder that can pertain to a very dreadful kind of killing.
• It guarantees extreme physical punishment to the victim.
• It is a more violent form of murder since is often occurs in an aggravating scenario.
• This kind of murder can result from armed robbery, an attack using a dangerous weapon and even rape.
• It is a more heinous murder compared to second degree murder.
• Bombing an establishment, ambush, and poisoning somebody can be forms of first degree murder.
• Other examples of first degree murder are the following: murder of government personnel such as politicians, judged or police officers, murder to avoid arrest and imprisonment and murder to become rich.
• This type of murder has a heavier legal punishment than a murder case which is on the second degree.
• A few state laws require the accused when proven guilty to be imprisoned for life without the privilege of a parole or to be sentenced to death.

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