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What is the differences between Sherbet and Ice Cream?

What Makes Sherbet Different From Ice Cream?

1 Answer

All about Sherbet

• It is a type of ice cream which is like sorbet even if it has low milk content of only 2%.
• It generally has a little cream, vegetable gum to serve as its stabilizer, butterfat, flavorings, fruit puree and fruit juice which makes it an ice cream that is based on fruits.
• All of the ingredients of a sherbet are placed in a mixture which have a homogenous form for the whole product to have a uniform texture at the end of the day.
• Sherbet in the United States has butterfat or milk fat and cream.
• High quality sherbets are heated at extremely high temperature at a short amount of time.
• It has one type only.

All about Ice Cream

• It is a dairy product which is half frozen and it’s famous all over the world.
• It is based on milk, butterfat or cream. In fact, it has almost 50% cream or milk content.
• Its main ingredients include flavoring, sugar, cream and milk.
• New ice cream flavors now include several colorings, fruits and even crocodile eggs.
• It is usually served as dessert.
• It is given the title “The Great American Dessert’.
• It has reduced fat, light, economy, regular and premium ice cream as its sub types. These types are categorized based on their butterfat content.
• Reduced fat ice cream has 25% less fat content.
• Light ice cream has 50% less butterfat content.
• Regular ice cream is commonly used for milkshakes. It has standard flavorings and it has 10-11% butterfat.
• Economy ice cream has 10% butterfat.
• Premium ice cream is known for its gourmet flavors. It contains more calories and it is a denser type of ice cream because of its 11-15% butterfat content.

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