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What is the definition of Slander and it's Legal Rights?

Slander and Legal Rights?

1 Answer

Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity. No one has the right to accuse false witness to other. To protect the rights of the citizens in keeping their dignity free from false accusations, everyone can file a lawsuit against one person accused of slander.

Slander is defined as a spoken defamation of character to one person that caused emotional as well as economic damages. Slander harms the dignity and reputation of a person or entity through spoken language or other forms of communication. A published slander, such as in the form of a written document, recorded film, or online posting is called as “libel.”

Before anyone can file a lawsuit against the person accused, the complaint should be able to prove the slanderous act performed such as someone outside from the party being able to hear statement. Slander and libel corresponds to different “damages” it entails. These are general damages and special damages. When we talk about general damages, it entails emotional damage on the part of the complainant while special damages includes economic damages such as ruining of business or fired from job.

There are cases wherein a slanderous statement need not be proven and are automatically charged with general damages. These cases would include: immoral sexual claims, claims that the complainant is unfit for his or her job or does not do the job correctly, alleged criminal acts, and alleged contagious disease.

When it comes to libel, this case weighs greater damage thus greater expense since libel is published and can gather more audience. This can be in the form of printed ads, newspaper, and with the popularity of the internet, online libel which is called “cyberlibel.” This has become increasingly common especially among public figures and celebrities. The civil law attached to slander and libel has allowed people to defend themselves against these false accusations and has put a hold to false statements.

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