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Do you get more wet while Walking or Running in the Rain?

Will Walking or Running in the rain get you wettier or drier? Or will you get the same wet?

1 Answer

Mythbusters’ producers, columnist Cecil Adams and several scientists have all done their research to supply the answer to this question. However, if you would conduct a survey among average people asking them the same question above, then you would most likely have walking as your answer. Nevertheless, a rainstorm impels anybody to just run for it.

Physics even got involved in this whole situation. If you would use its principles, you would be able to conclude that a runner would end up more soaked than a walker. That is because his or her motion would make that person received water ahead and from above. Plus, he or she is in a position of more raindrops. A walker on the other hand would only have his or her head mostly wet which makes that person drier.

If you would consider the rainfall’s volume, then your conclusion would be that a runner is expected to be drier than a walker. That is because his or her speed would make him or her less exposed to the rain. Raindrops can never be stopped. Thus, the longer you stay in an open area, the wetter you become.

Logistics can also determine whether a person would opt to walk or run under the rain. For example, if you see a waiting shed nearby, then you would most likely decide to run for that spot for you to be dry as much as possible. If not, then there’s a great possibility that you would choose to walk for you are already wet and it might be dangerous or tiresome for you to run. People act upon their instincts when it’s raining and not on their likes or dislikes.

We have the tendency to seek for warmth during a cold and rainy day. Thus, we search for a place which has that feature whether we have run or walk towards it.

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