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What is the Definition of the Big Bang Theory?

The Basic Definition of the Big Bang Theory

1 Answer

Almost everyone probably knows about the Big Bang theory already. However, for those who are still unfamiliar of this term, this theory simply gives us the origin of the universe that we’re living in. It states that an extremely hot, dense and tiny mass blew out of proportion 15 billion years ago. The pieces from that explosion expanded in a quick manner, cooled and gave us the universe that we currently have.

An astronomer and Catholic priest from Belgium was the first person to develop the popular theory during the 1920s. That astronomer was no other than Georges-Henri Lemaître. Even though a cosmologist from Russia in the name of Alexander Friedman was able come up with a similar theory in 1922, Georges-Henri was the first person to propose that since our universe continues to expand, then there’s a great possibility that it had a size similar to a proton a billion years ago.

What made people finally accept the Big Bang theory? When Edwin Hubble confirmed in 1929 that our galaxies repel each other, he gave the first evidence to the theory. The Big Bang “echo” or cosmic microwave background radiation is also something that scientist can never fail to notice.

Actually, experts are still considering the steady state model of the universe created by Fred Hoyle as another theory that can explain the roots of our galaxies. Hoyle’s model is basically another expanding-universe solution. However, unlike the Big Bang theory, it states that the universe is not in motion due to the continuous creation of new matter.

Nevertheless, the Big Bang theory remains a preferred choice by most scientists compared to Hoyle’s model. Plus, even though experts are still not able to provide definite descriptions to the events of the Big Bang theory, they are definitely doing everything they can to give us the accurate explanation that we need.

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