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What is Oxycontin and Oxycodone?

What is the differences between Oxycontin and Oxycodone?

1 Answer

The field of medicine has a lot of drugs to remember and some of these drugs have similar names with other drugs. Some drugs also differ with other drugs in terms only on the onset of action and duration of the therapeutic effect. An example is Oxycontin and Oxycodone.

What is Oxycontin?
Oxycontin is a painkiller and it is a time released drug wherein its therapeutic action lasts up to 12 hours. Patients taking this drug only need to take twice daily. Oxycontin is similar to Oxycodone that is why some physicians would call this drug as “Oxycodone extended release,” however, Oxycontin has more Oxycodone than Oxycodone itself. That is why the therapeutic effect is extended aided by a slow release. Because of its high dosage, Oxycontin is often perceived as dangerous for over dosage, that is why careful management of the medications should be properly done.

What is Oxycodone?
Oxycodone is very alike with Oxycontin, it is an opioid painkiller which is often found in many other medications for pain relief. Because it has a smaller dosage than Oxycontin, Oxycodone is fast release yet its effect would take only about 4 to 6 hours.Oxycodone is often prepared with other medications to compliment its therapeutic effect. The problem that this medication faces is that its effect often wears out too fast for patients to get another dose.

These two medications are pain killers and the problem lies when the patients become addicted or dependent on the medication. There have been reports of patients opening the capsule and sniffing the medications inside. That is why healthcare teams should properly make assessments throughout the duration of the treatment as well as make sure patients do understand the implications and the purpose of them taking the said drug. Because of its danger to addiction, these medications cannot be bought without prescription.

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