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How to choose a web hosting service provider?

How should I pick a web hosting service provider for hosting my website?

1 Answer

The following are factors that you should consider before zeroing in on your Web Hosting Provider.


You must know exactly how much bandwidth you can expect from your web host provider. This will give you a fair idea of how much content you can have and the amount of visitor traffic to your website that you will be able to have to keep your site running smoothly. If you are planning to use lots of pictures, documents and videos in your website, your bandwidth must be large enough to take into account these files.

Traffic Volume

With business booming your website will have more visitors and hence more traffic. You might just happen to get a flood of visitors once the website goes live. Your provider must have provisions for times such as these. Depending on the traffic you expect, it is often wise to understand the rate of traffic before hand so that you don't have to shell a huge amount once your traffic volume goes up.

Disk Space

When use of graphics or multimedia in websites you will often need quite a bit of disk space. Be sure to check out your space needs vs what a web hosting provider is offering.

24 x 7 x 365 days a year Support

With global businesses, it's important that your website stays up and running all the time. It can be a loss to business if a potential customer tries to visit your site and finds the server down. Your hosting provider must be reliable and should guarantee maximum uptime and should be there to pick up the phone for you whenever you need it. In some instances, you might have to pay extra for this.


With e-commerce activity booming, it is important that you don't incur losses because of an unsafe transaction or any other fraudulent activity. Your provider should be able to provide security against any kind of hacking or data theft.

Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you are NOT satisfied with your current web host, you may want to have an option to choose another hosting provider. So check whether you will get a 30 day or a 60 day trial period and if a full money back guarantee will be provided should you discontinue the service for any reason.

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