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How do Vegans and Vegetarians Differ?

What are the Differences Between Vegans and Vegetarians?

1 Answer

The terms vegan and vegetarian are often used interchangeably, but they refer to two very different types of diets and lifestyle. A vegan is someone that does not consume any animal or dairy products and avoids all types of animal bi-products in general. This can include clothing made of wool or wearing leather. Typically speaking a vegan lifestyle is one that is pro animals and free of using them for personal gain.

Like vegans, vegetarians also do not eat meat, but are more flexible with meat products. Foods such as eggs and cheese are considered okay to eat for some vegetarians but not acceptable for others. There is less of a consistency amongst vegetarians as it comes down to person belief. Many vegetarians don’t eat meat exclusively for health reasons, while others don’t eat meat for moral reasons. More specifically there are lacto-vegetarians who feel dairy products are acceptable while eggs are not, and ovo-vegetarians who believe the opposite. The preference really depends on the individual.

The vegan lifestyle is more consistent than vegetarians as vegans share a commonality. They believe that animals are not meant to be used by humans, but rather we should respect animals and live amongst them. More often than not, vegans are part of animal rights associations to share their views as activists. Typically speaking, vegans want to protect animals from human exploitation and commercialization. These beliefs are strengthened as animals are more often than not treated very poorly in commercial farms to ensure a financial edge within the industry.

From a humanitarian standpoint, vegans and vegetarians alike believe that if all the land in the world currently being used for cattle was used for crops instead, the issue of global hunger and famine would cease to exist. This is because cattle ingest significantly more protein from grass than is produced by the cattle itself.

In a collaborative study conducted by the British Medical Association, the World Health Organization, the China Study and other renowned research organizations, conclusive evidence was found regarding the benefits of a vegetarian and vegan diet. The research shows that not only were such diets good for health, it is actually favorable to a meat based diet. This study that began in the 1980’s and persisted until the late 1990’s showed decisively that by reducing or removing meat completely from diets the likelihood of some cancers were decreased dramatically. Based on this evidence as well as similar research, some medical insurance companies now provide discounted plans for those who identify as vegetarian or vegan.

Becoming a vegan or vegetarian is easier than one may think. Although it may not happen overnight, with time you will become accustomed to healthier food and eventually crave it. As your lists of recipes grow, so will your taste buds for healthier choices.

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