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Can you explain the Da Vinci Sleep Schedule?

What is the meaning of the Da Vinci Sleep Schedule?

1 Answer

The Da Vinci sleep schedule is a sleep schedule modeled after Leonardo Da Vinci. It has been said that Da Vinci himself only slept a few hours a night, and because many considered him to be a genius, people argue that following his pattern of sleep is beneficial to our lives. The Da Vinci sleep schedule suggests that only 5 hours of sleep is needed a day. In the extreme, some think 2 hours of sleep is adequate.

To summarize the Da Vinci sleep schedule, the method calls for 10 minute naps throughout the day, totaling no more than 2 hours. Another method is to double the nap time to 20 minutes per four hours blocks. Some businesses have even adopted this method with their employees. It is their belief that if they allow their staff to nap during business hours, they will be more productive when awake. This practice is called power napping and has proven beneficial in daily life and in the workplace.

The Da Vinci sleep schedule is not an easy method to adapt. At first, people struggle to adjust and report extreme fatigue, lack of concentration and decreased attentiveness. Symptoms can also include low energy, a lack of desire to eat, and headaches. Getting accustomed to this sleep schedule is not an easy task, but with perseverance, the body will adjust within two weeks. After the adjustment period, people will be able to go back to their daily lives with no more symptoms.

There are many advantages to the Da Vinci sleep schedule. Some include improved ability to control one’s body, more spare time, and significantly more detailed dreams. In contrast, due to the unusual schedule, many people working regular business hours cannot follow this method. Moreover, it is not recommended for those with particular medical disorders as it may intensify stress levels.

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