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How do the 6 friends photos at the top of Facebook Timeline get choosen?

Why do certain friends seem to show up as one of the the six photos in the small friends list photo box at the top of Facebook Timeline? Are these the 6 friends people who have visited your profile recently or have been online recently? What is the reason for only seeing certain friends pictures in this friends box?

487 Answers

@anonymous: It could be a combination of people you stalk and people that look at your page.

Most of the people on my daily top 8 (only the first 6 switch on a daily basis) are people I've interacted with in the past, but hardly do anymore(like I don't view their pages or comment/like on a regular basis). My crush(almost dated also) is on the 7th box(or 3rd box bottom left <-- fb recently changed timeline box layout) and hasn't budged since I activiated timeline for over a month now. I viewed her page daily and interacted a few times, but I've cut back a whole lot--like I said before, and starting from today i won't look at her page or anything for a month and see if she budges(I'm trying to move on too actually). And the person on my 4th box bottom right is another friend that I message a lot (but don't view profile). Maybe she views me often ? I dunno.

i guess one would only stop being be obsessed with this when s/he found out nobody is checking them out any more. By stalking, you think you know somebody like an old pal, but actually you barely know a thing about the person in real life, esp. about your crush. The new fb is evil at creating the whole guesswork atmosphere.

I agree with the 2 stalkers on the bottom right of your 8 friends. My ex is on the very right and it's kind of a given that he views my profile a lot, he started showing up there right after we started talking. Interesting, at least something good came from timeline. (:

I feel that the small box of six is highly dependent on who views your page most in a more recent time period.

The main box of 8 friends, I think is a combination of functions--Interaction obviously has strong weight for a few of the faces. However, one that nobody mentioned, is the Mouse over option. Since, with the addition of the Ticker, you'll find that there's less of a need to actually visit anyone's page anymore, as it's all in the Ticker. I think that FB tracks who's activity you're mousing over from the Ticker--To see who commented on it, liked it, etc. Also from the news feed, there are ways to show interest in a person w/o actually 'liking', 'commenting', or visiting a person's page--I.E, you can mouse over their name to get a bigger picture/summary of them. I strongly believe that FB is tracking these motions heavily and placing weight on them in their algorithms-perhaps stronger weight than public interaction-for these two lists.

So in summary:

Small box of 6 at top: I feel from my observations that the strongest factor at play for that list, is who views your profile most, recently. It seems to randomly pull 6 from a group of the top 24 most recent people who view your profile--Most often, Most recently (As this list recycles more often). At week end or month end, it will reset and randomly and generate a new 24, from which it will randomly pull 6 @ every refresh--I don't think anyone can say they have one person that shows up 100% of the time in that small list, over all of your refreshes in a day...

Larger top 8 (now shows names on pics): This list doesn't switch people very often. The positions seem to be arbitrary with the exception of the lower rightmost picture(Which, from my current guess, has to do with who's paged you've viewed the most over time, with the highest number of views they have on your page simultaneously(mutual stalking). My guess based on my observations, is that each person in this list is there for a different reason, with one thing in common, you've been in pictures with them(if you have 8 separate people that you've been pictured w/ or tagged at a location w/ (As I would assume this is the most concrete way of discerning, progmatically, whether or not you know someone IRL.))
SO--Tagged with, AND have had the most interaction with...probably recently and over time (Each getting a spot.) And the criteria they use to gauge this, is probably everything measurable--Both yours and their:
Profile views (I believe this gets most weight)
Private messages
Mouse overs
Picture views

I'm convinced that those who's profiles YOU view most, are a very small part of the function, BY ITSELF--It may very well be a large part of the function if it's combined w/ interaction from those who's pages you're looking at. I say this because I chose one person on my friends list who I really never interact with beside maybe one 'Like" three years ago, and I visited his page, typed his name in search, looked at his pictures, probably 120 times in two days....His profile has never shown in either list.

One more thing, if you've hidden someone's stories completely from your news feed, I am pretty sure no matter how much you two interact, they will be excluded from your top 6 and top 8 lists--Even if they're your biggest stalkers.

Facebook probably tweaks these algorithms often so nobody can prove anything. People would ultimately stop using Facebook to it's full potential if people knew for certain that your crushes know, from which list and where you appear, all sorts of information about how you've been interacting w/ their page. Because lets face it, you could theoretically set up a fake network of about 25-50 profiles, have them all interact with each other in different ways and keep track of ALL of the specific interactions down to the page views. Then you compare those numbers to the faces that show in the top 6 and top 8, and I'm sure you can pin it down to exactly what the algorithm is.
I've hidden my ex's stories and one of my guy friends' stories from my new feed, but they just keep showing up in the top 6, and my ex is at the second bottom right all the time, ever since i got timeline. so i guess even if you hid all the stories from your stalker, they will still show up in the top 6 and top 8 list. –  amy  May 3rd, 2012 at 2:39 AM

for the top 8 people, the photo tag theory isn't the case of mine, but i agree with you mutual stalking is a big factor of it, if not the biggest. True that every one has different reasons for their low rightmost two ones.

"I'm convinced that those who's profiles YOU view most, are a very small part of the function, BY ITSELF--It may very well be a large part of the function if it's combined w/ interaction from those who's pages you're looking at. I say this because I chose one person on my friends list who I really never interact with beside maybe one 'Like" three years ago, and I visited his page, typed his name in search, looked at his pictures, probably 120 times in two days....His profile has never shown in either list. "

I don't know.. There's at least 3 girls that I've viewed A LOT in the past 3 weeks, that have started showing up often on my top 6. I have barely interacted with them by other means (maybe an occasional like or a comment, but once a week or less). They might be viewing my profile too.. I dunno.

"One more thing, if you've hidden someone's stories completely from your news feed, I am pretty sure no matter how much you two interact, they will be excluded from your top 6 and top 8 lists--Even if they're your biggest stalkers."

Nope, not for me. The girl I almost had something with, I hid her from my news feed completely since I've had timeline (and before that), still shows up at the 7th slot and hasn't budged.

In addition, there's a few other people who's stories I've hid on the news feed(because they spam) for weeks now, yet they still show up on my top 6.

Okay, this has really been bothering me since I got switched over to the new Timeline - before I had never really paid attention to the top friends.

For all of today, my top 8 friends have been the same, but the top four and left two switch positions. The two bottom right positions are always the same everytime I return to my timeline. However, a few days before, I noticed one of my close high school friends in my top friends box, and she's not there today. I also think that the two in my bottom right may have switched positions.

The two in the bottom right are the most obvious to me as why they're there. The farthest right is my ex-boyfriend who I'm still good friends with. He's not a big facebooker himself, but we're tagged in a lot of photos together and used to be in a facebook relationship. Also, we go to the same university. I don't visit his page that often. The other friend in the bottom right is the guy I've had a fling with. We are not tagged in any photos together, but in the past we've liked eachother's posts, and we have RSVP'd to several of the same events. We're in the same major at the same university and are in at least one facebook group together. Also, I'll admit that I visit his page frequently and have looked entirely through his albums. I have no idea if he looks at my page often.

The others kind of make sense. My sister - we are listed as sisters on Facebook and are tagged in photos together. We've also had back-and-forth conversation. My sorority big - again, tagged in photos together, members of the same group, same school.

And the weird ones. My best friend in high school who I had a fight with... we actually briefly un-friended eachother, but then re-frended eachother about a month ago. I don't visit her page often or communicate with her on facebook. My other high school friend who goes to the same university as me - but I don't communicate with her much on facebook, though we are tagged in photos together. A random girl from my major - we RSVP the same events, are in the same group, but it doesn't make sense because I would think other people with the same similarities would take priority. And the total odd-ball... my little sister's best friend who I have very little, if any, facebook communication with.

So I'm just going to back up the algorithm idea - a few of my top friends could've gotten there because I visit their page often or interact with them often, but I don't think it's necessarily the person whose page you visit the most.

I'm visiting my friend's pages, and I have yet to see my picture pop up in their top friends. Has anyone else seen themself as a top friend?
I was curious, so I logged in to my ex-boyfriend's facebook account to check and see if the same top friends showed up on my timeline when he viewed my page.

Super weird - the two people who I knew why they were there (him and fling boy, both in the bottom right corner, never moving) were gone - replaced by a random girl and random guy, both whom I have zero FB communication with.

When I was navigating other people's timelines on my account, I noticed that those two spots would fill up with the same mixture of people for me. I would click on someone within the friends box and then continue changing timelines by clicking friends boxes. There were four people who would consistently pop up down there - and I wasn't fb friends with any of them, though I knew them and we had a lot of mutual friends.

On my bf's account, I went to his timeline, and the people that show up logged in on his account are different than when logged into mine. The only similarity is my sister showing up there. But, on his account, I am visible in the bottom right corner, and the other person in the bottom right is one of his close friends who he's tagged in a lot of photos with.

This is a fun project late at night. I've noticed one strong trend - siblings almost always show up in top friends. I'm not sure if this is because they are tagged in a lot of photos together, are listed as siblings on fb, or have the same last name. –  vmickey  Apr 30th, 2012 at 5:38 AM

For me, my crush appears on the bottom right of top 8 (the 8th slot). He was on the 7th and now graduated to no.8. Before him, it was a girl who interacted with me on facebook via email. I have NEVER visited her site but I know she came to mine a lot and never left any comment. Creepy!

Now a guy is occupying the 7th slot. He is married and keep checking my site (don't ask me how I know) and I NEVER went to his.

--- here, I can confirm that the 7th and 8th slots are mostly your stalkers, you don't have to view their pages at all for them to be there.

Top 6 has gotto do with who view your page RECENTLY. It's easier to pin this down if you have fewer friends. I opened a bogus account and did some experiments. The bogus account kept showing up on my top 6 and again, I NEVER visited my bogus account either.

"Super weird - the two people who I knew why they were there (him and fling boy, both in the bottom right corner, never moving) were gone - replaced by a random girl and random guy, both whom I have zero FB communication with."

There's nothing weird about this, as this has already been discussed in this page.

Your FB friends don't see the same top 6 and top 8 friends in your timeline, as you do. What they will see is the most mutual friends , if you two have any. As proof, if you go to view as option, and type in a friend's name, this shows how your friend will see your page.. How they see your top 6 and 8 is based on mutual friends+randoms. And when you go to their FB profile(or they go to yours), while the top 6 will be filled with people you are both friends with(unless you have none), top 8 may be filled with their friends that you aren't friends with--that have the most mutual friendship with all your other fb friends(same case if they're viewing your profile).

I also noticed something interesting about friend's top 8. If there is someone you haven't added, but seen their profile a couple of times, they are more likely to be in the bottom right corners on your friend's profile(if they are friends with your friends of course)
"I also noticed something interesting about friend's top 8. If there is someone you haven't added, but seen their profile a couple of times, they are more likely to be in the bottom right corners on your friend's profile(if they are friends with your friends of course) "

This totally makes sense because the same two girls show up in the bottom two slots of all of our mutual friends pages. I have looked at both of their profiles before, and we have a lot of mutual friends and rsvp the same events, but I've never FB-added them. –  vmickey  Apr 30th, 2012 at 8:08 PM

I am fascinated by the FB friends algorithm, so I tried Brendan's experiment.

My number one was my sister, number two the guy I admittedly fb stalk, number three my ex-bf, four my sister's bf, and five my ex ex-bf. All people I have some sort of relation with.

My sister never showed up in one of the two "favorites" spots in the top 8. She has been in one of the six moving spots. However, I noticed that as soon as I moved my number 2 friend to the acquaintances list, my number three friend slid to the left and number four was bumped up beside him. I then deleted friend number three and four slid over, five moved in the bottom far right spot. So I think the two bottom friends spots are reserved for your top friends, according to FB.

Now, I'm going to echo that I think the friends are mutual between interactions. Of my top 25 friends, there were several people whose pages I rarely, if ever, visit. However, those people could have made it into my top 25 because we were in similar groups and what-not. Ironically, my roommate isn't even in my top 50 friends. We are in the same group and probably have as much contact as some of the others in my top, but we don't really converse on FB, and I don't frequent her page very often. I have no idea how often she visits mine.

I learned that even when you move your top 25 rotating friends to acquaintances, if they were in the top 6/8 rotation, they didn't move. I don't know how the top six is determined. For me it was my number 1, 19th, 27th, 28th, 31st, and one who was beyond 50. I was curious if number one always rotates, or if she was rotating because she was my sister. I went in and deleted her as my sister, but she didn't move from my top friends, so maybe that doesn't have much to do with it. I'm just curious because a lot of my friends' pages show their siblings in their top 6 rotations (of course, this is different from what they see on their own page).

I think the top friends might be determined by people who you are more interested in, not people who stalk you. I'm trying to think of ways to prove this - all of which include hacking people's accounts or creepily asking them, lol.

But I am rather certain that when you go to your friend's pages, the bottom two on the right spots (who on your page would be your two top friends unless one is in one of the 6 rotating spots) are the people that FB really wants you to friend because you have a lot of mutual friends. I tried friending a girl who consistently showed up in that spot, and after I did, she doesn't show up there anymore.

I became friends w/ my buddy's ex last week and she has been in my bottom right of my top 8 since then. I haven't talked to her at all and looked at her profile only a couple of times. She and my friend also appear in my top 6.

The people you see are completely different from what others see... i was getting nervous that i appeared stalky to everyone but no one was stalking me because i didnt show up on anyones (dumb now thinking about it) why on earth would i be able to click on myself?
but anyway, i got my friend to check my page and see if they were the same, completely sdifferent and completely random, some people i never see, speak to etc.
facebook is messing with us!
To anon,

Facebook isn't messing with us. Only YOU know who is stalking you. Others don't know.
It's just a privacy thing. Think about how embarrassing it is if you know you are stalking someone you fancy and that you see your face appearing on that person's page, knowing that HE/SHE knows it too.

This has been discussed before above. –  Urban  May 1st, 2012 at 7:59 AM

I've been trying to figure out if there actually is a way to determine who looks at your page and I've concluded that there really isn't. At one point, my FB crush was on my chat list, my mutual friends list (three person box) always came up in my six box friends list and was a permanent fixture on the lower right hand side of my eight friend box. In other words, I checked her profile all the time and I really don't think she had an interest in me. Now she rarely shows up on my six friend list but is still in the lower right hand corner. When I tweaked the friends to acquaintances idea and moved them back to close friends, the people I rearranged suddenly moved to my chat list. So it's safe to say there is no way to determine who looks at your profile. I have literally tried every conceivable way and have given up.
Yes, there IS a way. As I have said, the top 6 are indeed people who view you recently.

Also, try not to do too much tweaking here and there, sometimes keeping things simple you actually get answers! For instance, like what i did, set up bogus account. ADD YOURSELF and keep checking yourself, at the same time do not visit your bogus account. The bogus will soon appear on your top 6 !!!!!!

Try that!!! and don't do too much tweaking here and there.

Also, I asked the ppl who are on top 6 whether if they check out my site, yes they admit they did!!! BINGO. –  Urban  May 1st, 2012 at 10:54 AM
And also, don't check anyone's profile for awhile, make it a habit.

This helps! –  Urban  May 1st, 2012 at 10:57 AM
In other words, don't complicate things.

Lower right, top 6 and whatnot can mean anything, but when you keep things really simple, refrain from checking anyone, but let them come to you. If you need some kinda validation or proof to substantiate the findings, your dummy account acts as "a friend" who visits you. –  Urban  May 1st, 2012 at 11:02 AM

I just got an answer from Amy... (my question is from few days ago).
New information, my best friend is now at the bottom right corner and the girl i almost dated is still in the top 8 all the time and in the top 6 as well (a lot).
I haven't visited her profile in weeks (she's dating someone and i lost my interst).
would love to hear your ideas (i mean if she has a bf, why be on my page all the time?)

Great page here! I've had some suspicions as of late on my FB page. In my "Top 8" Friends, my 7 spot (bottom row, 3rd spot from left) never changes. Every other spot does. I find that very odd. Any thoughts?
Could be people who view your profile the most(stalk you), or you, or a combination. I do notice though that #7 and #8 gets the most views in the small top 6 box, as others have noticed as well.

#7 hasn't changed for me either, since I got timeline. But again like I said so many times before.. It was someone I was close to dating and viewed her profile on a regular basis, though now I'm not anymore, because we have a falling out--and to see if she'll stay in there if I don't interact with her for a month or more. –  nameless  May 2nd, 2012 at 8:32 AM
Hi Vegas,

For me, I can confirm that my top 7 and 8 are people who stalk me. There's this married guy I feel so uncomfortable that he's constantly there and I've never viewed his site. URGH. However, my crush is there on the 8th at least I feel good about it. –  Urban  May 2nd, 2012 at 9:49 AM

Yes, for me number 7 and 8 always the same people. Sometimes 7 and 8 switch positions, but mostly my number 7 is my current crush (who's page I look at a lot but we NEVER interact on FB) and number 8 is my ex who's profile I never look at. I believe it has to do with mutual profile views - that would be most logic.

Has anyone done any 'experiments' worth discussing? I mean, we all hope it has to do with people viewing our profiles (must of us have our crushes in the 7 or 8). I'm gonna stop viewing my crush's profile and see what happens.

Yes, the bottom 7 & 8 are your top viewer. you can even get a list of your top viewers by moving them one at time into the acquaintance list. say, moving your 7, 8 will get pushed to 7, add 8 will be replaced by the next top viewer and so on. i know it's a viewer's list because i see my bogus account appear after i moved 5 people into the acquaintance list. I've been viewing my own account through the bogus account, but i've never viewed my bogus account.

not sure about the time span the viewer's list is built on, i've only had my bogus account for 1 month and it's been in top 6 (honestly don't view my own very often though). So use your bogus account as a reference, you can even get how often/much your top fans view you.

then fb throws the tops viewers and public interactions into the top 6, which is generated outta 24 or 25 people, with some randomness.

fb is trying the best to make the platform as sticky as it can. Timeline is a milestone for its eroding privacy policy around the legal loopholes.

p.s. the list is viewers only and only, and it's very stable. It does change but very minimum, unless the algorithm is inconsistent or written piece wise (highly doubt that)

My 7 and 8 have never changed either, but I don't think it has to do with page views. My #7 is my husband. He rarely ever uses facebook, and certainly doesn't frequently view my page since I know he's not familiar with the things I post. Obviously it's not weird that he's in my top 8 since we're married, but it does go against the stalker/page view theory you guys have going.

(#8 is someone I've listed as a close friend and I don't view her profile more than any of the others but it's possible she may view mine a lot.)
That makes sense actually... Family members and close friends designated in facebook will likely show up as your #7 and #8. Then if you don't have those listed, your "stalkers", or friends who've mutually stalked each others profile will likely show at #7 and #8 positions the most. –  Answers  May 2nd, 2012 at 4:37 PM

This is my answer and I can confirm #7 is who's page I look at a lot (not your stalkers) and no #8 are people who stalk me (your stalkers)...u can trust me!!!
not for me. The married guy who stalked me is on no. 7 and I've never viewed his page. –  Urban  May 3rd, 2012 at 12:20 AM

Hey guys!

Thanks so much for your positive feedback! Great stuff! I will say that my #8 spot (bottom row, far right spot) switches from two different girls. One is in that spot more than the other. I'd say it's a 80% - 20% split. I know for a fact that the 80% is creepin' because she's a creeper in my life, period. And I never look at her page. The 20% is creepin' back into my life as of late so it seems that she is creepin' on my page to get info as well.

As far as the #7 spot, we had a mutual attraction, but we both moved on. I don't ever look at her page anymore and haven't for a good month. What's so odd is that this #7 spot never moves. Quite intriguing and strange. My intuition never lies to me. What do guys think?

So here's what I've discovered...
Spots #7 & 8 are just your top two friends... If you rank your friends 1-50 by Brendan's method, you'll see that this is true. If you put the people in spots # 7 & 8 in your 'acquaintances,' then the friends that are ranked 3 and 4 will pop up. If you add those two to your 'acquaintance' list, then the friends that are ranked 5 and 6 will pop up, etc etc.
Note: if any of the friends ranked are already in spots # 1-6, then they'll be skipped over. So say you put your top two ranked friends in 'acquaintances.' If the friend ranked 3rd is already in any of the spots # 1-6 in your eight box, then they'll be skipped over and the friends that are ranked 4 and 5 will show up in spots # 7 & 8 instead.
Also, by using Brendan's method of ranking your friends 1-50, I'm thinking that the ranking is based on both your views of their page, and their views of your page (not necessarily mutual).

I seldom interact with a friend on fb (last time was several months ago). We have communicated a lot by emails only. This person is always in the box of 8 which I obviously do not mind usually no. 7 or 8. But sometimes moves around a bit. I only check their profile once every 3 to 4 weeks.

What I don't understand is why the girl that I almost dated who has a bf now (it's all up there, search KJ) is like 90% of the time on my 8th spot or 7th (sometimes she's on one of the others). Last time I was on her page was weeks ago AND she is the only person on my acquaintance list. She can't see me online on chat and I get only important news from her (so almost none). She can't see most of my pics now anyway and Yes we interacted a lot but that's like few months ago... I just don't understand what she's doing on the 7/8 spot (and always on my top 8... Always! Even when she's not 7/8, she's there).
Maybe she's not happy with her bf? This is the first time I see that a person from the acquaintance list is in the top friends all the time...
Does it help anyone? Would love to hear your thoughts

No, I don't think it's completely random at all.

Almost all of the 25 to 30 people that cycle through my top 6, I have had some kind of interaction with them in the past month or 2. The rest vast majority of FB friends, I have never commented/liked or haven't done so on a regular basis for several months to years. I think with the top 6 it can go either way or its mutual.
Quick update:

After not looking at my crush's facebook for about 2 weeks, I finally caved in. But I caved in because, she was no longer on my #7 (for a second I thought she deleted me). #8 which usually changes between 2 people I know, has also changed. As of now, #7 and #8 changes positions like the other 6 after refreshing! –  nameless  May 9th, 2012 at 12:59 AM

I've been reading the posts here. I have one person who is showing up all the time in my 6 friends under Timeline box but never in the 8 Friends box. H/she has been put on my Restricted List and have also excluded them from being able to view my wall under custom settings. Yet this person is still showing up on that 6 friends list, either in top 3 or bottom 3. Also shows up on Find Friends about 50 percent of the time in that select mutual friends option. I never go to view their page. I am confused, from a techie pov, because I don't think this person should be showing up at all given the restrictions I have put on, but there is person is every day. Thoughts?
if you put someone under 'restricted' they'll still show up in your 6 box and/or in the last two of the 8 box if they were there before. you have to put them under 'acquaintances' to hide them. –  tiff  May 6th, 2012 at 3:26 PM

I have a person who continuously shows up in my top 6 friends, mutual friends and has even appeared in my top 8 although it is mainly in my top 6, I'm also aware that this person mainly logs into their Facebook account from their iphone, my question is, could the top 8 friends be people who mainly log into their account from pcs/laptops? I have noticed that when this person does use their laptop/pc they show up in my top 8.

I find this thread fascinating! Here is my story....I refriended my ex-boy crush about 9 months ago. Our relationship was long-distance, mainly FB based, and we had a bad break-up; we never spoke after the break-up. I got over it and sent a friend request about 9 months ago. He accepted within 24hrs, but we still have not spoken or emailed or any contact since the refriending. I have never commented or liked a post or photo FB contact in 9 months. However, I do check his profile and photos about every day... I guess I still like him... But NO FB contact between each other at either end. He frequently is in the top 6 which I think correlates to when he is on-line. Also, he is ALWAYS at position #7 for like never moves! #8 is my mom...and she for sure is my biggest stalker! Is my ex stalking me? By reading the above posts, I would say yes...BTW, the rest of my 6 and 8 friend windows are people I frequently interact that makes sense.

Also my ex plays games with FB...hides random posts and pictures from me (or me as a group I.e his ex-GFs) I don't find out what he is up to in the hopes of sleeping with me again. So this dude is all FB savvy. I find it all very entertaining. I am going to not visit my ex's page for a few weeks and see if he stays at #7. If he does, he is totally stalking me!

Ps I know he hides them because he posts them for awhile and removes them (especially if some chick commented or liked it).

to Tiff - thanks for info.. I've changed it as suggested. I was really wondering is why is it someone who I never visit ref their profile, and can't see my posts because I have excluded that in settings, would still show up in the 6? I just can't see that they are visiting my page (ref the who is viewing you question that people ask) because there is nothing for them to see and hasn't been for months. They never show up in the 8, just the 6. Yes, I have put them in Acquaintances, but if I put them back on Restricted, they would show up in the 6 again? why? I've thought for awhile now that that it must be because they happen to be online, not necessarily going to my profile. ? or because we have mutual friends?

I've been tracking my friends ranked 1-50 every few days... a bunch of new people popped up in the 26-50 rankings today... not sure if it's because I liked their statuses/pictures in the past few days or if it's because they viewed my page...
them liking my statuses/pictures in the last few days is also a possibility. –  tiff  May 7th, 2012 at 12:47 AM

They are the people who view your profile the most

is it possible it could be who you have viewed the most since joining facebook. could your views over your "timeline" come into play. someone you looked at quite frequently 2 years ago. but, then never again-would that play into the algorithm?

or is it strictly who views your profile the most?

and if so. when? over the "timeline" time period or just recently?
Yes, I think it would still factor in who you've viewed over the course of time since joining facebook. But more recent views would factor in much higher, than profile viewing 2 years ago.

No, it's not based strictly on who views your profile the most, but that would certainly be big factor on whose friends show up in the 6 or 8 friends boxes. –  Answers  May 8th, 2012 at 2:34 AM

It seems like sometimes the small 6 box corresponds to the profiles you interact with recently either by clicking or mousing over their name/profile/pictures.

Are the people in 6 or in 8 friends boxes are the ones who I view their profile the most? There is one person that she is always in no:7 in 8 friends box and never moves. She also appears in the small 6 box. I accept that I look at her page quite often, but could it be also possible that she checks mine.

they r the onez with crushes on u

all of a sudden my 8 are shuffling when before #7 and #8 were stuck in the same position for months. anyone else notice this or is it just me? did something change?
i noticed that just now, it suddenly all become random.. –  amy  May 9th, 2012 at 2:13 AM
Amy, I have noticed some changes for few days, facebook read this page I swear. Now the top 8 becomes kinda random. –  Urban  May 9th, 2012 at 3:56 AM
my top 8 has been changing every hour or two tonight... –  tiff  May 9th, 2012 at 4:09 AM
Yeah, the same . I recently posted this a few hours ago, but couldn't make a new post, so I replied to myself. –  nameless  May 9th, 2012 at 5:33 AM
Yep, mine changed too. So much for our stalker theories now... –  metalChocobo  May 9th, 2012 at 8:35 AM
But my top 6 is still the same. Main stalker still shows on top 8 though. –  Urban  May 9th, 2012 at 4:36 PM
We still have the top 6 though.. Which hasn't seemed to change? –  nameless  May 10th, 2012 at 7:22 AM

Facebook changed the algorithms again. Slots 7 and 8 aren't the top stalkers anymore. Now it is random with every refresh.
I think most people enjoyed seeing someone in that same spot all the time. –  abc  May 10th, 2012 at 3:48 AM

well, one can still get a sense of who are the top 10 stalkers (sort of) by looking at the Mutual friend under the Find friend option--3 freinds are displayed each time out of 10 in total
ture, i refreshed few times, same group people came out. –  amy  May 10th, 2012 at 2:18 AM
i think that might be people you look at most... i am fb friends with a professional athlete and look at his page a good amount but i HIGHLY doubt he's ever looked at mine, but he shows up under find friends constantly. –  tiff  May 10th, 2012 at 2:53 AM
in that Mutual friend under the Find friend option appear to me pretty much the same people that also appear in the top 6 and people i have listed as family also come out more often. –  metalChocobo  May 10th, 2012 at 9:30 AM
Think we all should be friends on facebook. –  Urban  May 10th, 2012 at 4:39 PM

Actually, its not random. Now the top 8 shows who recently visit our page. How I am sure about this.. I met one of my old neighbour's husband ( she is in my facebook friends list but I never visit their page) and I happened to tell him that his wife is in my fb friends list. After I went home, I noticed in a couple of hours , my neighbour picture was on the top 8. It was there for 1/2 a day and yesterday it vanished and again some new pictures came in and I am pretty sure they have visited my page recently.
Could have been a coincidence. You should tell more than one friend(up to 6) to look at your profile, and see what happens. That's really the only way to tell.

Otherwise, I'm getting people on my top 8, that I'm pretty sure don't view my profile on a regular basis.. –  nameless  May 11th, 2012 at 2:41 AM

I think that who shows up in your 6 maybe because they are on chat - not viewing your profile. I haven't been on chat for about a year, but today I checked, this individual was on it, and you can hide yourself from someone on chat - I did that and this person disappeared off my 6. I don't know if this person will reappear on my 6, I put them back on Restricted because the Acquaintance thing didn't work for me. I know they can't be looking at my profile so I'm just trying to figure out why they appear at all and just been trying different things. Just a thought, it could be when they are on chat that people show up on your 6 or 8. I'm having "how things work" curiousities about all this. I haven't tried it with other friends so can't speak to experience in that.
Yeah, the 6 box will definitely show friends that are Online more often. It's not necessarily that they are on chat.. But that they are just ONLINE and logged into facebook. –  Answers  May 10th, 2012 at 11:39 PM
i don't think it's people who are online/on chat more often. one of the people in my 5 box who shows up rarely ever goes on fb –  tiff  May 11th, 2012 at 4:20 AM
i dont think its friends who are online or on chat, coz i hid myself to this guy, but he still shows up a lot in my 6 box. –  amy  May 11th, 2012 at 2:01 PM
I don't mean that they will actually show up in Chat as being online. I just meant that facebook recognizes that a person is logged into Facebook and will more likely show their picture if they are active. You can see the correlation, when you notice someone like something, or comment, or post something and then see their picture in the 6 friends box. It's just one part of the algorithm.

Facebook tracks all your logins or Active Sessions: To see this go to: Account Settings > Security > Active Sessions. –  Answers  May 11th, 2012 at 5:25 PM
It has been days that facebook changed their algorithms. Now the 8 is random but 6 remains the same. Meaning we can still count on top 6 to see our visitors. I also put the person i don't like on acquaintance she disappeared on my top 8 otherwise she's a permanent fixture. –  Urban  May 14th, 2012 at 6:07 AM
my top 8 isn't TOTALLY random... it's still mostly people who show up towards the top of my friends page (where you see all your friends -- does anyone have an idea how that's determined btw?).
Also I put someone on my top 8 into acquaintances just like you did urban, but they're still there. ugh.

PS have you guys seen this? –  tiff  May 14th, 2012 at 6:58 PM
Tiff, I knowwww, she appeared on my top 8 again, hated it. Nearly unfriend her. –  Urban  May 15th, 2012 at 5:21 AM

It's definitely not random for both the 6 and the 8. I've noticed that the people appearing in the 6 person box gets updated quite regularly. I've recently added a friend after attending a party and within 24hrs he was in the 6 box! Mind you, we were in a lot of tagged photos and a little bit of public interaction, so that could be a major factor, but having said that, all the other friends i was tagged in the party photos with didn't show up in the 6 at all. I've also viewed his page only once after friending him so my guess, is that whenever you get a new face in the 6, it may mean that they have checked your profile A LOT recently.

As for the 8, think I need a bit more time to figure it out as its algorithm had just changed.

My other is a query similar to Nope's comment above. 2 months ago, I put my ex onto the restricted list in my attempt to get over him and move on (he placed me on his restricted list as well). We've broken up for longer at almost 6 months now. It was a very bad break up and we haven't spoken at all since, no FB interactions, nothing. It's been 2 months now with him on my restricted list, and he is still showing in my 6 and sometimes 8. I rarely ever look at his profile, maybe twice in the last month as there's nothing to see. Also my mutual friends list in 'find friends' had just been updated and his name is still on it and appears quite often every time I refresh. The only other people that haven't changed in the mutual friends list are 2 of my closest friends who I communicate with a lot, everybody else has been updated with new people. I've also noticed that in my search bar, his name always appears first whenever I type in his initial, and his best friends ( who i deleted from my friends list ) are starting to show up in my search box as well.

So my guess is that he's still looking at my profile regularly because he just can't get enough of my cover photo and profile picture, or FB just love to remind people of who their EX's are.

After months of my ex being at the 7th spot, he has moved off the top 8....similar to what others say above. He is still in the top 6 with some frequency and find friends. So this probably means he is not stalking me after all. It would make it harder for me to get over him if I knew he still stalked me and "wondered" about us still. I think he probably checks out my profile every so often out of curiosity...he is just like that.
Everyone is experiencing the randomization of #7 and #8 slots though, so he still could be viewing your page regardless.

I would try not to worry about it too much. –  nameless  May 12th, 2012 at 4:36 PM

Now my crush is on mutual friends finder and once in a while and on my 6 person box. I really don't care anymore at this point.
How often do you talk to him/her? –  nameless  May 12th, 2012 at 4:41 PM

I am looking at the same 8 pics on my timeline for the past 3 days. Four of these people I have not spoken to, sent anything to, posted anything or interacted with in any way, except we play the same games. It's creepy. I hate it.

How do I either choose which pics I am forced to look at - or better yet -- remove the panel altogether?

Put them under acquaintance. –  nameless  May 15th, 2012 at 5:00 PM

@ Nameless... I've only talked to my crush a couple time since we became friends almost three years ago.. but I admit I look at her page from time to time. For now she's on my mutual friends and six box but not on the eight. I don't know what's going on with that But what's really bothering is that my ex-girlfriend from HIGH SCHOOL is far and away the number one person on the Keesh hack... and she is the first name to come up on all my searches that involve her name in any way. She is also the first face I see when I stroll through the find friends section of FB. I never search for her or anything. It's enough to back away from the computer for a little while...

Hi, is there anybody that can ascertain that those appearing in the top 6 friends tab are those who recently viewed your profile alot? I'd wish to think that way because my crush started appearing like a month ago and I'm secretly overwhelmed! I hardly talked to him on fb (probably once only) and he's never online on facebook chat (cos I never see him!) which I probably think he set his settings to "offline" despite being on fb.

On one hand, is it also possible that he appeared on my top 6 because I've been visiting his profile everyday, without fail? (I know it sounds creepy :P). On the other, I've other friends who appeared too, disregarding those whom I listed as siblings/cousins... as in those whom we listed on fb the r/s we have, definitely will appear somewhere in the top 6 randomizations right? Other than that, those who constantly appeared are actually my ex bf's current gf, one of my ex, one of my "old" eyecandy... and I have completely ZERO interaction with them on fb. Is it possible that they are visiting my profile?

In addition, one of my close colleague actually appeared quite often on the top 6 friends even though we have zero interaction on fb, I asked him personally to answer me honestly whether he had been visiting my fb page, and he admitted -- "yeah, sometimes."

So is the hypothesis correct? I still have my doubts thus I'm also asking my friend to visit my fb profile everyday and see whether he appears on my top 6 friends tab or not, however I'm not sure whether he will be doing this faithfully or not, every single day..

Any opinions?
Its hard to say. As many others stated, the frequency that someone shows up on your top 6 could possibly mean that they're logged on FB at the time. The only thing that I feel like I can confirm in the top 6 photos.. Almost all of them I've interacted with in someway or another (page views, comments, messages, clicked on their status updates/pictures via newsfeed) several times in the past. Friends that I've recently added and interacted with soon after several times, have shown up in my top 6 friends within a week and haven't left the cycle since. –  nameless  May 17th, 2012 at 6:35 AM
There's some people that cycle through my top 6, that I haven't' interacted on a regular basis for a long time, though. Not sure if they regularly view my profile or what... –  nameless  May 17th, 2012 at 6:37 AM
i've found that the frequency that someone shows up on your top 6 doesn't really have anything to do with when they're logged in, at least in my case. for example, sometimes it'll pop up on my news feed that someone on my top 6 has 'liked' a picture (usually a non-mutual friend's that has a public setting) so i know they're on fb at that very moment, and i'll refresh my top 6 over and over again but they NEVER show up. it's very strange. –  tiff  May 17th, 2012 at 7:21 AM
You're right....

I wonder what it could be then. Random algorithm or something more. I think if we were to focus on one particular person showing up on our top 6, we should refresh a few dozen times maybe.

I usually refresh 10 times before going to news feed page and trying again. Sometimes my ex crush shows up more than usual, sometimes not. I would have to see how often she appears compared to others, to see if there's a difference or not on how much she appears vs others, to see if it means something.. Hmm. –  nameless  May 17th, 2012 at 8:05 AM

I just got my timeline a few days ago, and I think that:

1. The friends which appear in your "6 box" from your perspective are always part of your top 25.

2. The 8 friends which appear on your timeline from your perspective are people you're most interested in.

3. The friends which appear in your "6 box" from others' perspective are mutual friends between the other and you.

4. The 8 friends which appear on your timeline from others' perspective are the absolute 8 people who have most recently oftenly viewed your page (however it takes time to see the effect cuz you gotta wait till it resets), but since a person cannot themselves appear when they're looking at your page, if one of those 8 people is viewing your page, instead of seeing themselves they see a mutual friend between you and them as replacement. (and interestingly the replacement is the SAME everytime, for that person who is viewing!)
2. Nope. I'm always getting people on my top 8 that I hardly, if ever, interact with.

3. Yep. And that hasn't changed since timeline was introduced. –  nameless  May 17th, 2012 at 6:30 AM
2. same as nameless, i have people on my top 8 that i haven't interacted with in years.

4. interesting theory... how did you find this out? –  tiff  May 17th, 2012 at 7:22 AM
2. Nope. The 8 are mostly people who don't know me at all - both in real life and facebook. –  Urban  May 17th, 2012 at 7:29 AM

The 8 friends which appear on the timeline from others' perspective are my two sisters, my two cousins, my three friends, and my aunt EXCEPT if the viewer is one of those eight people. I checked and from my aunt's perspective she is replaced by her sister, my other aunt who I'm friends with. From my one sister's perspective she is replaced by a guy friend of hers who is a mutual friend of both of us. From my cousin's perspective she is replaced by the "other aunt". From my friend's perspective he's replaced by a girl we both know and are friends with. The replacement is always the same so far its stable for each person but I don't know for how long it will last. Is this, the replacement idea, known already?

As for how i think these 8 are those who view my page, its just a really strong feeling. I'm pretty sure I could ask these people and they'd say they were on my page a lot. These 8 i think are like the top of the 25-35 that appear in the "6 box"-from-self-perspective, visiting my page the most of them all... but hey I could be wrong because all of you are saying I'm wrong about Point 2 in my last post but actually for me those people who are in the 8 friends from-self-perspective are actually the ones I am interested in...
everything just changed for me. now im completely lost and i know it .

my 8 from self-perspective and 8 from other-perspective have practically Reversed in the last hour. so i give up –  Duhemm  May 18th, 2012 at 1:10 AM
yeah i've been noticing that the top 8 changes every day around 9pm EST... it's still only a rotation of maybe 15-20 people for me though.

does anyone know the significance of the order of your entire friends list since it's not alphabetical anymore? i noticed that the order of mine changed yesterday (my ex keeps getting further and further down..) –  tiff  May 18th, 2012 at 1:32 AM
Ok Latest update on my side. The top 8 now seems to have something to do with stalkers. I logged on to my dummy account (on another computer) and kept checking my main account for 3-4 days, today the dummy account shows on my top 8 and it stays, it doesn't show on top 6 this time. –  Urban  May 18th, 2012 at 4:32 AM
But fb still throws in some random ppl on top 8. However they come and go quickly. Seems that the one who check your stuff stays longer. –  Urban  May 18th, 2012 at 4:41 AM
not sure if this is right. Can someone confirm this? –  Urban  May 18th, 2012 at 4:42 AM
Am i the only one who has a two different sets of Top 8, one for if I'm viewing my own profile as myself and another if I'm viewing my own profile as a friend/stranger?

Which are you referring to when you say Top 8 –  Duhemm  May 18th, 2012 at 4:46 AM
Also I think fb track your IP and if you have multiple dummy accounts, they all show when you log on to one dummy account to visit your main site. This is what I've observed -

1) My friend's old account that she never logged on anymore came up on top 8 together with her main account, so two of her on my top 8.
2) My other dummy account that I've forgotten the password shows on top 8 together with the bogus account I set up for experimental purposes...and I've been using one of them to view my main site. –  Urban  May 18th, 2012 at 4:57 AM
The top 8 here on timeline is the one with bigger pictures and they are 8 of them on your site next to your fb updates, post and stuff.

Top 6 is the one directly underneath the big cover picture, they are the tiny ones next to your profile picture. –  Urban  May 18th, 2012 at 5:00 AM
Even if I view my own profile as a friend, the top 8 stays the same unless he is on the 8, then he can't see his picture on the top 8, it will be replaced by someone else. –  Urban  May 18th, 2012 at 5:04 AM
I know that. But when I look at my Top 8 while on my own account, There is a different set of people than if I view my Top 8 from the dummyaccount/View-as-friend. Do you notice this? –  Duhemm  May 18th, 2012 at 5:07 AM
Oh really? Its not like that with me. –  Duhemm  May 18th, 2012 at 5:09 AM
Right now Four people are the same on both lists. The other 4 are always the same different ones on each list. And yeah the replacements occur if Im viewing as a friend as that friend would be on the friends'-perspective list. –  Duhemm  May 18th, 2012 at 5:12 AM
i know that doesnt make sense logically/grammatically Im just getting irritated hope you know what i mean –  Duhemm  May 18th, 2012 at 5:14 AM
Charles, Rhiana, Jesse, and Mariah are on the Top 8 no matter what

Amanda, Kelley, Chris, and Angela are on the Top 8 only when I view my profile as ME

Stephanie, Ashley, Autumn, and Ryan are on the Top 8 only when I view my profile a friend. (unless one of those four views it, in which case they get a replacement which is a mutual friend between us)

That's what im seeing at the moment. just recording observations –  Duhemm  May 18th, 2012 at 5:19 AM
I just "liked" a picture of mine From a dummy account. tommorow ill see if the dummy appears on my page and if so, where.

I could also create another dummy and visit his page constantly, stalker-like, and see where that one appears on my page ... –  Duhemm  May 18th, 2012 at 5:44 AM
I think someone way up above said to change someone to an aquantance to get them off your Top 8 but i changed Stephanie to aquantance and there's been no immediate effect. She's still there. I tried restricted too. And she's still there. Does it take time? –  Duhemm  May 18th, 2012 at 5:51 AM
The last thing i have done today is set a stranger as "close friend". again, no immediate effect, but i guess ill wait until tommarow to make observations –  Duhemm  May 18th, 2012 at 5:55 AM
the top 8 algorithm was recently changed and putting people under 'acquaintance' doesn't remove them from top 8 anymore. it will still take them off top 6 though. –  tiff  May 18th, 2012 at 6:00 AM
Yeah, I noticed my top 8 cycles between just 16 fb friends as well. –  nameless  May 18th, 2012 at 6:12 AM
Correction. *22 particular friends cycle through my top 8. –  nameless  May 18th, 2012 at 6:35 AM
ok just checked -- my top 8 is exactly the same from my point of view and from my friends' points of view, unless they're on the top 8, in which case they get replaced by a mutual friend, so same as urban. –  tiff  May 18th, 2012 at 8:48 AM
Ok this is what I see today - the top 8 is the same from my friend's point of view but they see a different set of 6. Wonder what that means. –  Urban  May 19th, 2012 at 3:49 PM
nameless -- i have been keeping track of who is on my top 8 daily for the past for days and so far there are 28 different people... i really wonder what the 8 box means.

i've been tracking the 6 box for much longer and it seems to be people whose updates i hover over/click on/like the most, NOT people who view me the most. i tried a few days where i didn't hover/click/like anyone's updates and my ranking for my 6 box didn't change.. –  tiff  May 21st, 2012 at 3:41 AM
also, i deleted all family relationships on fb but my relatives are still on my top 6... maybe it just hasn't updated it because i know two of them are NEVER on fb... –  tiff  May 21st, 2012 at 3:42 AM
I think that makes a lot of sense.. There are people in my top 8, that I've views/hovered their status updates in the past. Some I haven't done in a while or a regular basis though. –  nameless  May 21st, 2012 at 4:03 AM
Same here. I really wonder what the 8 box means. Fb now keeps showing people that I've never interacted with nor have I ever visited their sites. Yet when I used the dummy account to see my main page, dummy account showed on top 8. Seems like top 8 is a mixture of everything - probably one or two for recent visitors, at least one account fb thinks you should at least say hi to, one person you click on the most, they probably also allocate one for the person you talk to the most...and so on. –  Urban  May 22nd, 2012 at 8:52 AM


in my account, when i see my profile as someone else, they see the same top 8 as me unless i see my profile as one of them. In that case they're replaced by some random friend, most likely a mutual friend.

And in top 6 they see first all the mutual friends. If we only have 2 mutual friends, they see them and 4 more other random friends of mine ;)
Hi Metal,
You are right. Also, I wonder why 2 sets of friends, the top 6 and 8. There must be a reason to it fb will never disclose. Anyone knows someone who works for facebook? –  Urban  May 20th, 2012 at 3:38 AM

why two sets? may simply becoz you can hide one?? FB is after all a social network for you to find ur friends in the real world, it would provide you ways to discover the connection between friends...

I have a quick question ... To me , It seems more like the 6 friends in the box right below the cover pictures are people who have looked at your profile ... but it is only people who have looked at your profile recently or PEOPLE who look at your profile the most among your friends ? I am asking this because I have 400 hundred friends and I am asumming that just the ones shown in the box are not the only ones who have ever clicked on my profile .. So this boils down to : Are the 6 friends in the box those who look at my profile A LOT or the MOST among my 400 friends ??

And what about the top 15 friends when you see all your FRIENDS on the right ? When I click on SEE ALL , the top 15 friends are always the same , even after refreshing the page , they only change positions but they seem to be the same .. Are these like the people who CONSTANTLY look at my profile as well ? How are they different from the top 6 friends in the box ? Because some of the top 6 friends dont show up among the top 15 friends ?
Not sure... But one thing I have noticed (as a few people pointed out earlier).

When I put somenoe who reguarly shows up in my top 6 (under cover photos) on acquaintance list(on important updates will be on news feed), they no longer show in the top 6 after. However, acquaintance friends can still show up in top 8 list. –  nameless  May 21st, 2012 at 12:54 AM

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