How to Siphon Gasoline from a Vehicle


Living without electricity can certainly drive you into madness. Moreover, even the nearest gasoline station won’t be able to give you the high level of power that you need to run your household temporarily. Thus, why don’t you use the gasoline in your own car or even in your neighbor’s vehicle in times like this?

However, before we tackle the 3 major steps on how to siphon gas, let’s get to know the reason as to why the process works.

Actually while the whole procedure is going on, a stable liquid “chain” exists between your source container and the receiving one. This is made possible by the difference in the height level of the two containers and mere air pressure.

Now that you already know what happens when you siphon gas, its time for you to familiarize yourself with the different materials needed for the procedure such as:

  • functioning lungs
  • a watering or gas can
  • hose (the clear type if possible)

Here are also the three important things that you would have to remember:

  1. Do this procedure alone as much as possible.
  2. Let common sense guide you along the process.
  3. Practice safety measures all the time.

Let’s go now to the actual steps of the procedure

1.) This step would certainly take much of your time for you will have to fit the tip of your hose into your gas tank. If your vehicle has a flap, then you would have no choice but to open it. The stiffness of your chosen hose can also make this step more difficult for you but take note that you can always use a removable nozzle, a turkey baster without its bulb, a funnel, chopstick or a screwdriver to get the hose into that tiny hole.

However, remember to practice safety measures if you opt to use a screwdriver for this tool can certainly create damage to your precious car if not handled with care.

Just perform step no.1 slowly to ensure that “perfect fit”.

2.) This step is basically a matter of life and death for you should be able to carefully let the gas flow into the hose. This is the principle behind the preference of clear hose in the procedure. This type of tool can prevent you from accidentally consuming gas. However, if this incident happens to you, simply wash your mouth with clean water and never swallow the liquid.

Straight and short hose types are also recommended.

3.) Have the receiving container submerged below your gas tank and let the tip of the hose face downward to the direction of the container.

When your container’s already full, let the tip of the hose face upward and place it in a position higher than the tank. By doing so, air would get into the hose and push back any excess gas into the tank again. Get the hose afterwards. Hold the flap if necessary, place the gas cap back, leave the area clean and viola! Mission accomplished.



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