How to run ipconfig in Windows 7


Running ipconfig directly in Windows 7 may cause you to experience the ipconfig box to pop-up and run for a split second and the screen to flash, but then go away.  The reason for this is probably because you are running ipconfig directly from the Windows 7 search box or Run box.  To get around this, you'll want to run ipconfig from the Command Prompt.  Here's how:

  1. Open up Command Prompt by typing "cmd" in the Windows 7 search box or go to All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
  2. In the command prompt type, ipconfig and then hit Enter.
  3. The ipconfig process will run and display the ipconfig information within the command prompt window.

That's it!




anonymous by Treodeo on 2/16/2013
Or you know:
1) Win + R
2) Enter "cmd /k ipconfig"
3) Done
probably only works in administrator.
anonymous by iramohr on 1/7/2014
this does not work on window 7
the dos window does not recognize the command ipconfig
anonymous by Capt on 8/1/2014

Wow, if your going to give this info why not the additional
ipconfig /? gives you more info about other stuff you can do with the command
one that isn't listed
ipconfig /flushdns which flushes the DNS cache
sometimes turn off and turn on your wireless via a button on your laptop will also reset things.
try turning off power management as well...
You can also change the channel on your wireless via network properties

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