How to Calculate Conversion Rate (CR)

by Updated June 29, 2011

So are you wondering how to figure out your conversion rate?  First let's define what conversion rate is. Conversion Rate (CR) is essentially the percentage of visitors who take a desired action.  In internet marketing the "desired action" might be to make a purchase (or to subscribe to a newsletter, fill out a form, or become a member), which would be considered the conversion.  So now that you understand the definition of Conversion Rate, here's how to calculate Conversion Rate.

The following is the basic formula for calculating Conversion Rate as a percent:

Conversion Rate = Total Conversions / Total Views * 100

Here's an example of how to determine a website sales Convesion Rate as a percent:

Conversion Rate = Number of Sales / Number of Visitors * 100

For example, lets say an e-Commerce website has 1000 unique visitors to their site, and has 20 of the people buy a product (20 sales), their website sales conversion rate would be 2%.  So essentially, this means that 2 out of every 100 visitors to the site makes a purchase.





anonymous by Cristina on 6/29/2011
In your example, the result is wrong. 2
0 sales, 1000 visitors is not a 5% conversion rate. It's 2%

20/1000= 0.02
0.02 x 100= 2
Doug by Doug on 6/29/2011
Thanks Cristina... I've updated and corrected the example.
anonymous by hanna on 5/2/2014
How they counting one person entering the store with conversion.. is it 1:1 or 1:2???
anonymous by David on 5/26/2015

If you know the sales dollars and the and the average ticket, how do you determine total traffic?

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