How to Disable AutoPlay When a CD or DVD is Played on Windows XP

Stop a CD or DVD from playing automatically when it’s inserted into a drive.
by Updated January 29, 2009

Some Windows XP computers are setup to automatically start playing a CD or DVD after it has been inserted it into a CD/DVD drive. I happen to prefer to have the computer prompt me to choose an action or just not do anything when a CD is inserted into it a drive. To change the particular action that your CD drive takes, follow these steps. 

  1. Double-click on My Computer from your Windows XP desktop, and then right-click on your CD drive.
  2. Click on Properties, and then click on the AutoPlay tab.
  3. It’s within the AutoPlay tab where you can give your CD drive fine grained control over what actions to take when a CD is first inserted into the CD drive.
  4. Use the Drop Down List box to select Music CD or Blank CD.
  5. Now in the Actions section you can choose between Select an action to perform or Prompt me each time to choose an action.
  6. If you don’t want any action to occur when a CD is first played, choose Select an action to perform: and scroll down and click on Take no action.
  7. Click on OK.

The same sequence of steps can be used for changing the AutoPlay action on a DVD drive as well.



1 Comment

anonymous by Another way on 12/30/2007
Using Regedit to turn off Autorun/Autoplay

- Run the Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE).
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Cdrom.

Double-click the Autorun value, and type 0 for its value. (If it's not there, create it by selecting Edit -> New -> DWORD Value, and typing "Autorun" for its name.)

- You may have to log out and then log back in for this change to take effect.

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