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Why doesn't itunes backup text messages?

It doesn't seem as though iTunes will backup your SMS text messages, so you can't do a restore and get them back on your iphone. Is this correct? Why aren't SMS text messages easily backed up and restored?

4 Answers

iTunes actually will backup your SMS Text messages when backing up your iPhone. When you do a restore on your iPhone and choose to restore from backup, you will have your text messages restored from the point of your last backup.

SMS are not synced with an application on your computer or included with the iTunes sync process in any way except for being included with your iPhone's backup which is updated by iTunes as the first step during the iTunes sync process. The data included with the iPhone's backup is not stored in your iTunes library. This link provides the data on your iPhone that is included with your iPhone's backup.

iTunes can back up your settings, Messages, Camera Roll, documents, saved games, and other data. Backups do not contain content synced to the device, such as movies, music, podcasts, and apps.

If you want to backup text messages from iPhone to computer and then restore them back to your iPhone later, a program called Backuptrans iPhone SMS Backup & Restore can help. Try it.

Best luck!

Gererally speaking, want to recover iphone deleted sms / text message, two ways to follow:
1. recover from itunes backup (unfortunately, you didnt' backup);
2. directly recover from iphone

There is a guide for you , just follow it step by step.

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