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Do you lose text messages when you restore an iPhone?

Will you lose all your text messages when you restore an iPhone?

4 Answers

Yes, and no... If you do a factory restore of your iphone, it will completely wipe your iPhone's history away. That's why you want to make sure that you have a working backup of your iPhone data before doing the restore. Before you do a Restore, iTunes will ask you if you would like to make a backup of your iPhone, which I would highly suggest you do.

After the Restore has completed, and you sync your iPhone to iTunes for the first time, you will have the option to setup your iPhone "as a new iPhone" or "Restore from the backup of:" your iphones backup copy. When you restore from the backup, you should retain all your previous settings, text messages, apps, etc.

You connect your phone through iTunes, you synch your contacts, music, text message, photos, apps, etc., and you can restore from backup at anytime.

Recover Deleted SMS from iPhone:

Restore iPhone From iTunes Backup Files:
You should backup your iPhone to iTunes, that's easy to backup,but now you lost your file. Don't worry, you can recover it by iTunes backup recovery.

Read this artilce to recover lost text message from iPhone

and this article is about how to extract iPhone backup. –  Wikitila  Apr 7th, 2013 at 6:26 AM

Be easy! These are good solutions for this issue:

If you have already backed up your iPhone with iTunes, you can get the deleted text messages back by the following steps using iTunes:
Click the File menu and select Devices > Restore from Back up.
Open the iOS device's Summary tab. There are two ways to access this:
Click the device button in the upper right corner.(If viewing the iTunes Store, click the Library button in the upper right corner. The device button will then be visible.)
From any view in iTunes, click the View menu and select Show Sidebar. Select your iOS device in iTunes under Devices.
Click the Restore Backup button.

For iTunes 10.7 or earlier:
Right-click (or Control-click) the device and choose Restore from Backup

If haven't had time to back up your iPhone before the deletion, there are also two methods for you to try:
1. Recover the text messages directly using a third party data recovery software;
2. Recover the text messages under DFU mode.
I have found a detailed tutorial for you guys
2 methods are introduced in this tutorial.

Actually, I also met this problem but I have solve this problem with the help of the iPhone text message recovery. It provides two ways to recover deleted photos from your iPhone. Two solutions to recover text message from iPhone: One is retrieving text message from iPhone directly. The other one is restoring iPhone text message from iTunes backup.
What's more, It can offer you an easy and helpful way to restore the deleted and lost text message. Even though you may not make the iTunes backup, you can restore them if you use iPhone 4/3GS.
There are two ways to recover deleted photos from iPhone

There are two ways to recover deleted photos from iPhone
1. Directly scan and recover text message from iPhone
a) Connect your iPhone to the computer
b) Enter DFU mode and scan iPhone
c) Preview and recover iPhone text message

2. Scan and extract iTunes backup to recover iPhone text message
a) Scan your iTunes backup for iPhone
b) Preview and recover iPhone text message
c) Do backup well from iPhone

a) Connect your iPhone to the computer
b) Enter DFU mode and scan iPhone
c) Preview and recover iPhone photos

2. Scan and extract iTunes backup to recover iPhone text message
a) Scan your iTunes backup for iPhone
b) Preview and recover iPhone text message
c) Do backup well

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