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When is official release date for Windows 8?

When is it expected for Microsoft to release it's next version of their operating system Windows 8?

3 Answers

It seems likely that Windows 8 will be released in 2012.

The reason the 2012 date is most likely the release date, is because there was an accidental posting on Microsoft's Dutch website saying Windows 8 was two years away from hitting the market. To further add to this conclusion, there was also a few slides at the recent Microsoft Professional Developers Conference suggesting the next release of the Windows Server OS was due to arrive in 2012, which typically arrives just after a desktop OS edition is released.

More than likely the release date of Windows 8 will be in October 2012.

Although, currently Microsoft isn't naming an official release date for its Windows 8 operating system, it's expected that the date will be sometime in October.

Microsoft began accepting preorders for Windows 8 operating system on Friday Oct 12, 2012, with the price for an upgrade to the full version of the software set at $70. Windows 8 will officially be released on October 26, 2012. See at

Users can also download the new OS to their computers for $40 on Oct. 26. However, this deal will expire at the end of January.

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