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What's the differences between an American Bulldog vs. a Pit Bull?

What Makes an American Bulldog Different From a Pit Bull?

2 Answers

Here is a list of what makes an American Bulldog Different From a Pit Bull:

What is a Pit Bull?

• This dog is actually a cross breed of a Terrier and a Bulldog.
• Its head has a tip (rounded) towards the muzzle. Its head also has an almost block shape.
• It moves fast and it is considered as a sleek dog. That is because of its maximum weight of only 60 pounds. So, if you want an active dog running around in your backyard, then you can consider getting yourself a cute Pit Bull.
• It may have bulging muscles on its body but it is not a heavy animal at all. You can easily carry it around when you do your groceries.
• It has the maximum height of only 21”. So if you want an average sized dog, then get yourself a Pit Bull.
• A Pit bull can only last for up to 12 years. Thus, it is not recommended for pet lovers who get too attached with their animals.

What is an American Bulldog?

• It is a dog that used to have the name American Pit Bull dog during the early 1970’s.
• Now, it only has the name American Bulldog to lessen the confusion between the two animals.
• It is the descendant of Old English bulldogs.
• The shape of its head is similar to a box.
• It has a broad head and chest.
• It has more pronounced muscles compared to a Pit Bull.
• It is bigger than a Pit Bull which requires it to have a bigger cage.
• It has the maximum height of 27”.
• It is heavier than a Pit Bull as well.
• It has the maximum weight of 140 pounds.
• This dog can live longer than a Pit Bull.
• It can last up to 16 years.

pitbull is a furious dog and used for dog fight
bull dog is not so angry and it is not dangerous

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