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What's the best dating e-newsletter for guys?

What is the best email newsletter on dating that helps teach guys how to get women and be a real man? I'm looking for really solid dating tips and insight into the art of relationships, which helps a guy find that perfect girl.

1 Answer


The best free dating tips e-newsletter is the Double your Dating newsletter from David DeAngelo.

In his Dating Tips Newsletter, you learn specific techniques that you can use to meet and attract the women of your dreams. Specifically he teaches you things like:

• How to attract BEAUTIFUL women and stand out from the competition
• An easy, effective way to tell if she's ready to be kissed so you won't get rejected
• Secrets to naturally approaching women, starting conversations and getting dates
• How to get over your fear of rejection - no matter how unsuccessful you've been in the past
• Flirting tips using eye contact and body language
• The secrets of Cocky Comedy - and exactly what to say and do to spark her interest

The tips you learn in this newsletter will absolutely make you better at attractting women, a more confident person, and help you get over your fears and attain the perfect girlfriend.

Sign up now to the Double Your Dating newsletter, it's FREE!

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