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What Makes Computer Science Different From IT?

What is the difference between Computer Science vs. Information Technology?

1 Answer

What is Information Technology?

• It is a term that is applied to the use of computer programs in providing solutions to business processes. The size of the business doesn’t matter for an information technologist. He or she caters to the needs of all his or her clients.
• The effects of these solutions are also being studied in this course. The effects can either be good or bad for the business.
• It is where technology is being applied in businesses. This field can actually make a business become more efficient when it comes to its operation.
• It is basically the integration of computer science into the huge world of business.
• This term truly has a wide range of applications for it involves any need for an automated process in the fields of banking, telecoms, music, scientific research and business.
• It is considered as a higher course compared to Computer Science when it comes to computing terms.
• Low level workings of computers are skills that are not expected from an Information Technologist.

What is Computer Science?

• It is a term that is applied to theories and their processes which are all used in forming functional applications and programs.
• Enrolling in a Computer Science course would make you learn all about operating systems, complexity theory, algorithms, data structures and the basics of computer programming.
• Information technology theories can fall under Computer Science if you are studying in a college that applies engineering theories. In fact, if you are developing a computer program at the application and system level, then you are doing what is called as ‘computer engineering’.
• A computer scientist is expected to have high level programming skills and low level computer engineering knowledge in order for him or her to make a computer work.

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