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When is the release date of iPhone 6?

When will Apple iPhone 6 be released for sale to the general public?

2 Answers


It's expected that the Apple iPhone 6 will be unveiled in an official announcement by a Apple at an Event reportedly set for September 9, 2014

If that report is accurate, then more than likely the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 will be released to the general public a week or so later on or around September 19, 2014.

Below are the previous release dates for the Apple iPhone:

- The first original Apple iPhone was released on June 29, 2007;
- iPhone 3G was released on July 11, 2008;
- iPhone 3GS was released in the U.S., Canada and six European countries on June 19, 2009.
- iPhone 4 was released on June 24, 2010
- iPhone 5 was released on September 21, 2012


Pre-order your iPhone 6 starting September 12.

The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are available September 19 in these countries. And more soon after

(16GB) iPhone 6 starts at $199 with a two-year contract. (64GB) iPhone 6 is $299 and (128GB) iPhone 6 is $399

(16GB) iPhone 6 Plus starts at $299 with a two-year contract. (64GB) iPhone 6 Plus is $399 and (128GB) iPhone 6 Plus is $499

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