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What is Adrenaline?

Meaning of Adrenaline and its Effects and Medical Uses?

1 Answer

The term adrenaline is very popular and known by almost everybody. It is often related to the fight or flight response to stress. The effects of this hormone bring a lot of changes in our body and how we respond to stress, most especially physical threats. These changes happen at a very short time and prompt us to make actions and judge information quickly.

The adrenal glands, which are situated just above the kidneys, secrete different hormones and one of these is the adrenaline. Together with norepinephrine and dopamine, adrenaline is secreted once threat is detected by the human body. The effect is very rapid, once adrenaline is released, it causes the blood vessels to constrict, increase blood pressure, dilates the pupils, brings more oxygen into the body, and redirects blood flow to the major muscle organs in the body. All of these affects are very necessary for whatever physical exertion or performance a person in threat may perform. These effects are commonly known as the “adrenaline rush.” The hypothalamus is responsible in sending signals to the adrenal glands to release these hormones so that the human body can react quickly. These effects would cause the person to be more vigilant and alert, his or her sense will be very good and the person may be able to perform task that are extraordinary and cannot be performed without the adrenaline rush. This is because sugar is also being pumped into the system to provide energy to the muscles performing the tasks.

Adrenaline has been very useful in the field of medicine. It is often used to revive patients who are on anaphylactic shocks as well as prevent cardiac arrest. Since it increases blood flow, it is often used to treat low cardiac output because it increases the blood flow in the system. Allergies can also be treated with the use of adrenaline.

Adrenaline has been very helpful to our body’s responses. Without it, how we perceive and act towards an oncoming threat may be too different.

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