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What is 4g technology in mobile phones?

What does 4g technology do?

1 Answer

Blast from the past
Gone are the days when people used to carry bulky yet having less functionality mobile phones. Mobile telephony had impressively evolved in a more highly technological and beneficial way. It started with 1G in 1970s, the use of analog transmission. In 1990s, analog transitioned to digital with the 2G Technology. Text messaging was so popular back then. 3G was developed in early 2000s; it uses parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. This technology gives internet connection to mobile phones. Eventually, the newest advancement was introduced in 2009 giving more life to mobile phones. 4G advances with more reliable and faster connection.

4G stands for Fourth Generation mobile technology – a standard for mobile phone communication utilizing broadband internet access. 4G Technology promises huge enhancements from its predecessor when it comes to speed and functionality; it runs four to ten times faster than 3G allowing faster data rate and transfer speeds. However, 4G phones require more power than 3G phones; thus, 4G has shorter battery life. Also, since 3G has been around for several years already, it has larger network coverage compared to 4G.

In a nutshell
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) sets the standards for mobile technologies. 4G specifications are detailed in the International Telecommunications –Advanced (IMT-A) standards issued by the ITU. It is described to be Internet Protocol (IP)-based and interoperable with other wireless standards. Connection speed should be at 100 Megabits per second (Mbps) when a mobile device is being used in a moving state and 1Gigabit per second (Gbps) when used in a fixed state. 4G capable devices should have digital voice and interactive media support over a secured connection, like doing web browsing and video streaming. Among other requirements specified in IMT-A are its spectral efficiency and radio interface.

Aside from mobile phones, 4G wireless service should also apply to modems, laptops, tablets and portable gaming devices. These devices can simultaneously connect to an access point or mobile hotspots. Despite the promising performance of the mobile phones and wireless devices released by leading electronic companies nowadays, none had actually achieved the real 4G standard. Most of the companies though labeled their products “4G”. However, it was allowed to make room for true 4G development. Long Term Evolution (LTE) and WiMax are among the new technologies that are up for the 4G realization.

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