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What are the Physical and Emotional Aspects of Crying?

What is the science behind Crying?

1 Answer

Crying makes people produce tears that are excreted from our eyes. These tears are formed through different ways as much as people cry for different reasons. It could be because of physical pain that people would cry or because of strong emotions that cause tears to form in the eyes. For some, it can be a way of communicating as with the case of infants.
There are three types of tears that are being produced based on what causes them to produce. The first one is for the purpose of lubricating the eyes and gives moisture. It is called the Basal tears. The second one is called Reflex tears and are produced through reflex such as if irritants enter the eyes. The last is Emotional tears which are then produced if the person is experiencing strong emotions such as grief, sadness, happiness, and laughter.

Normally, a person cries if he or she is physically hurt. It is often the reaction of pain especially among children. According to psychologists, crying due to strong emotions such as anger or grief would help the person release the feelings and would give the person a calmer mood. This is because prolactin, a hormone most abundant in nursing mothers, is also one of the major components of tears. This is probably why mothers have a calmer aura and tend to be emotional at times. Crying helps restore mood and in a way, releases the burden of emotional pain.

Women are more likely to cry than men. Society has branded crying as a way of showing very weak character that should never be portrayed by men. Crying is often associated with feminity while anger and rage is more of a masculine side. Men were allowed to cry on occasions such as burial. That is why men have poor emotional stability as what psychologists have said because they cannot return to a calmer mood. Women are versatile creatures and are allowed by the society to show emotions that is why they have stronger emotional recovery compared to men. Men often divert sadness or grief into anger and rage, making them unstable and sometimes unpredictable.

Emotional or physical pains are the common causes of crying, but the body has no way of distinguishing whether it is emotional or physical aspects that caused tears to flow. Such as that tears are produced the same way no matter what causes them to shed. The only difference is that what triggers tears to flow. Crying should be accepted and never be an embarrassment especially to the male species since it is one way of managing emotions.

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