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What are the Differences Between Margarine and Butter?

Margarine and Butter: Are They The Same?

1 Answer

Based on the statements of most health professionals, margarine and butter are definitely two different things. They may often have the same color but there are a lot of factors which make them unique. Thus, we have enumerated below their distinctive features for you to get to know these foods better.

Characteristics of Margarine

• It was originally made from beef fat but vegetable oils are now currently used by most margarine manufacturers as the main ingredient of this food. The vegetable oils undergo a procedure called hydrogenated solidification to come up with the margarine sold in the markets.
• has trans fatty and polyunsaturated acids which can clog your arteries
• contains minimum to zero cholesterol
• used by most average families
• It’s very affordable. Thus, you can buy more than one when you do your groceries.
• doesn’t easily melt
• considered as an alternative to butter

Characteristics of Butter

• It is made from the milk of a cow or any other animal. The fatty component of the milk gets separated from the cream because of a butter churn’s agitation. This results to the actual butter itself.
• Salt may be added to this food. However, it’s not mandatory.
• has natural cholesterol which is actually beneficial to the human body
• used by most expert cooks because of its high quality taste
• costs more than margarine so you may consider using it for special recipes only
• melts and spoils easily when not placed inside a refrigerator because of its dairy content
• manufactured before margarine so it’s safe to say that it’s the food “ancestor”

Margarine and butter also differ when it comes to texture and taste and those factors would all depend on the company who made it. The prices of these foods are also dictated by their respective manufacturers.

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