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What are better running shoes Merrell Barefoot Sonic Glove vs. Vibram Five Fingers?

Which barefoot running shoes are the best to get between the Merrell Sonic Glove and the Vibram 5 Finger BIKILA LS?

1 Answer

The Merrell Barefoot Sonic Glove are hands down the Most Comfortable Shoes I've Ever Worn! I'm Not even joking!

If you're thinking about getting a Vibram 5 Finger Shoe vs. a Merrell Barefoot Sonic Glove.... don't even think about it. I have a pair of the Vibram Five Finger KSO's and found that they are not all that great or very comfortable. I also had ordered the Vibram BIKILA LS shoe, but luckily it didn't fit right and returned it for the Merrell Sonic Glove. Best decision I ever made, as the Sonic Glove shoes fit as they should. I typically wear a size 10, and the Merrell's fit like a size 10, although they are wider than normal in the toe area. The Vibram Five Fingers can't even compete with the Sonic Glove in comfort and style.  The Vibrams are also a pain to get on and off.  They are also very difficult to get the right size fit, especially if ordering online without first trying them on in a store. 

Not only do you get the same type of barefoot feeling with the Merrell Sonic Glove shoes, but they also are way more comfortable, look way better, and are much easier to get on and off. In my mind, the choice isn't even close, the Merrell Sonic Glove shoe wins every category hands down when compared to the Vibram FiveFingers.

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