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Need guidance to buy my engine from Junkyard?

I am looking for my engine part with some cheaper price.

i think used parts will be good choice to buy from a junkyard

Please give me tips to find some better option with junkyard to find my engine.

3 Answers

You can buy from a junkyard at a very cheap price but it is not advisable to do so. Always confirm the source which should be reliable and offer good service. Just go through the internet for used engines through various portals like which are in the business for years and have many aces up their sleeve. You will get a warranty as well as discounts on a replacement engine and even on parts.

Yeah, I do agree that buying from junkyards is not sensible, as there are number of frauds out there. It is always recommended to make purchase from reliable online vendors.
Couples of months back, my cousin bought a rebuilt engine for his Ford from autopartsfair, and guess what he got, a 7 year warranty on it. So I would suggest you to check out the same, maybe this could help you.

Purchasing auto parts from junkyards will never give a warranty assurance on your purchase. There is another better option available to buy used auto parts i.e. online auto stores. There are varieties of online sites that specialize in replacement parts that carry all sorts of brands; they offer a variety of options to beat the prices of local stores. There are online sites like that offer best deals in auto parts and specialize in used and remanufactured engines.

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